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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > If VPB is off the table, how to get to 3 seasons to plateau dots (with spreadsheet!)
Originally posted by HighRoller74
With the rebuild, why not increase max level to 100 or would this "break" too many things to be worth the effort?

Realistically you'd need to actively rebalance the sim in many ways if changing max level significantly.
Originally posted by blackrock
I'm in favor of a full reset. Let's have everyone start fresh under the new system

me too
Prez SWO
Originally posted by blackrock
I'm in favor of a full reset. Let's have everyone start fresh under the new system. .

Not me.
Edited by madmal on May 22, 2023 12:56:12
Originally posted by RyanCane26

Reaching plateau a season before is not a competitive advantage, though, and that's what is most important? As long as all builds are equal at plateau (and I think the way to accomplish this would probably put S99s at a disadvantage) it's fair game? S99 carryover teams can start in AA (2-3 seasons from Pro), S100 fresh teams start in A (3-4 seasons from Pro).

While Bort did say it was going to be trial season he also said he wanted to make an effort to continue these dots if possible. Now if it's determined that a S99 dot would be more advantaged than a S100 competitively, I get it. At the end of the day it's just a month a half extra, I suppose, but watching dotball has been painful this season (accelerated building 2.0 will help this).

I agree with this as that was stated by Bort from the start and to waste a season watching grass grow is the only reason I started two teams in S99 with the hope that they could move on and be one Season closer to being Pro Level. However, if this Season was nothing, but a waste, I might have to rethink my time here.
Theo Wizzago
Originally posted by Mauler
I agree with this as that was stated by Bort from the start and to waste a season watching grass grow is the only reason I started two teams in S99 with the hope that they could move on and be one Season closer to being Pro Level. However, if this Season was nothing, but a waste, I might have to rethink my time here.

But it's not a waste if you consider that, basically, we're back in Beta again. At least for this season. I'm ok with that... in fact that's exactly how I'm treating it. Taking this season to figure out how what HAS changed, has changed dot building. Mostly it won't be anything amazeballs but, no doubt, I am already seeing differences in dots I built before the crash and dot's I'm building now. I dunno about anyone else but I wanna go into next season knowing what's changed and how to work with that so I'm building the best.
I suppose some will try to keep going and argue for that. And, if it happens, great. But I also suspect those the recycle and start fresh next season will have advantages over those that didn't.
Originally posted by madmal
Not me.

Next season will be beta too. Do you think this accelerated dot thing will finish out perfectly without any bugs? 🐞
Sorry, but can't stand another Season when it's nothing except for Rookie LVL BS again. As far as advantages go who knows if there will be or won't be at this point. Do you? I highly doubt it, however, making S99 a total waste isn't what Bort first discussed by any means and now certain agents are pushing for that because most probably didn't make their dots to be long term because they wanted a lolRookie trophy.
Don't panic!
I get everyone who is frustrated, I think everyone is, starting with the whole data loss thing itself and leading into each person having different visions of what they'd like going forward, as you'd expect - not everyone is going to want the same things.

But this is from the announcement on April 28 that Bort put up...

Originally posted by Bort's announcement
Obviously this will take a bit of time to actually implement, so the plan is to run a mostly for-fun season in the interim so you can play the game, and roll out our new player system for season 100.

Originally posted by Mauler
Sorry, but can't stand another Season when it's nothing except for Rookie LVL BS again.

Next season is going to be the first time in a looong time that we'll be learning a new system of building. Things are going to be different. The accelerated build process is going to mean new build plans - it'll be the most interesting season in years.

One other suggestion to Bort: Give the new dots a slightly higher max level!

I know the idea is to essentially mimic the current build process, just faster. And I am in favor of that. But there will be rounding needed - round up! If the new dots are just a little better than what is possible under the current system, it opens up the meta game in new ways.

Originally posted by slughead42
I get everyone who is frustrated, I think everyone is, starting with the whole data loss thing itself and leading into each person having different visions of what they'd like going forward, as you'd expect - not everyone is going to want the same things.

But this is from the announcement on April 28 that Bort put up...

Originally posted by Bort's announcement

Obviously this will take a bit of time to actually implement, so the plan is to run a mostly for-fun season in the interim so you can play the game, and roll out our new player system for season 100.

Ding ding ding.

If you let s99 dots be older than s100 dots you make a few agents happy, but make most users who patiently decided to sit this season out or mess around with peewee dots unhappy.

It would be disengenuous to allow the s99 teams the decided advantage of hitting plateau first. If it was announced that s99 dots would live on and reach plateau first, many many more would have been made with everyone's fat refunds.

Long-time dotballers threatening to quit or "rethink their time on glb" based on how this is handled get a big facepalm and lol from me, since that's the most hollow threat I've ever read...
Theo Wizzago
I disagree, Wise (with your last bit). We've already had some quit when the game crashed. Maybe they come back... maybe not. But I do not think it's a "hollow threat".
Those that DID build with the idea that this season WAS NOT a 'throw-away' season deserve to be allowed to keep going. BUT... only if there isn't some major change or disparity in the dots being built. Hate to add that caveat but it's necessary. Should changes to the overall process effect the final outcome to where there is great disparity then once those same "keep going" people get to the end they will either have to GREAT of an advantage... or the opposite and find themselves having spent all that time and flex only to have weak dots incapable of equal competition with those that did the reset. That would also cause some upset people at that point.
I suppose there should be some kind of room for both to happen. For those that built to reset at season 100 to still do so... and for those that built to keep going to still do so. Other than the possibility of dot creation disparity, I see no reason to not allow both to happen.

I would add this for Mauler (and those like him) though. Consider if accelerated dot starts are done and Rookie is no longer a thing. Then those that did the 'reset' will have the same level of dots as you next season (season 100) and, perhaps, even be in better situations due to so many doing the 'reset' thing. Would that change your perspective of "no reset"?
Edited by Theo Wizzago on May 23, 2023 08:43:47
Rather get some new things added to the game than have bort worry about keeping dots on a level playing field for the two agents that want that.

Add some new stuff. Reset everyone. Enjoy the ride to the pros.
Theo, Mauler is not going to quit based on future dots starting s99 vs s100. If he does quit it would be due to other reasons.

He's just complaining because he wants plateau dots ASAP (which I get).

Consider s100 start with 3 season build process gets plateau dots the same time as a s99 start with a 4 season build process. So perhaps instead of advocating for the small number of users that misinterpreted borts announcements to mean some secret s99 "first in top leagues" advantage, he should be advocating for a s100 reset and a 3 season build cycle to be fair for all? Gets plateau the same date...
Originally posted by ProfessionalKop
Rather get some new things added to the game than have bort worry about keeping dots on a level playing field for the two agents that want that.

Add some new stuff. Reset everyone. Enjoy the ride to the pros.

Edited by WiSeIVIaN on May 23, 2023 09:30:32

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