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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Discussion for v2.0 dots, how long of a plateau is ideal?
Originally posted by Theo Wizzago
Then why kill it with a long plateau run?

Longer plateau doesn't "kill" anything. It means more teams and more dots existing in plateau. I honestly am extremely confused why you think 6 seasons of plateau is great but 7 seasons is somehow toxic.
Theo Wizzago
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN

Longer plateau doesn't "kill" anything. It means more teams and more dots existing in plateau. I honestly am extremely confused why you think 6 seasons of plateau is great but 7 seasons is somehow toxic.

Not toxic... just 2 things. #1. I don't think we'll be seeing any changes to what's already going. I'm pretty sure Bort has already looked hard into this. He's a numbers kinda guy and I suspect he has very solid reasons for how things are. #2, Consider the "old way" and while there will always be grousers about things not being "their perfect way", it worked pretty dang good for the rest of us. One reason I believe that was was because players didn't 'hang around' in Plateau for too long a time. It felt right. Yes... I would love to have an extra year for some of my top dogs but I never complained about it. Everyone fights under the same rules.
I simply suspect 7 (+1 for 1st season decline) is just one too long. I'm not Bort... I don't know all the whys and wherefores... but it surely is longer than it was before, when balanced against build time, and that "feels" wrong to me.
Mind you, if Bort changes it, I won't complain.
Originally posted by Theo Wizzago
#1. I don't think we'll be seeing any changes to what's already going. I'm pretty sure Bort has already looked hard into this. He's a numbers kinda guy and I suspect he has very solid reasons for how things are.

You are incorrect on #1.

Originally posted by When recently addressed on game changes announcement

Is plateau for sure 5 seasons (200 days)?
No, that's just what I have kept it as for now, as that is what everyone's used to. Increasing it to 6 or 7 or whatever is easy, and I'm open to that suggestion. Obviously it also needs to encourage some churn for players at the top, so new blood can have a chance. Keep that in mind when there's discussion on it.

Theo Wizzago
I saw this as the MOST important part. "Obviously it also needs to encourage some churn for players at the top, so new blood can have a chance. Keep that in mind when there's discussion on it. " Which is why he kept it at 5... for now. You're gonna have to come up with a SERIOUS math argument to get your big extension... IMHO. But, that's just my take.
Originally posted by Theo Wizzago
I saw this as the MOST important part. "Obviously it also needs to encourage some churn for players at the top, so new blood can have a chance. Keep that in mind when there's discussion on it. " Which is why he kept it at 5... for now. You're gonna have to come up with a SERIOUS math argument to get your big extension... IMHO. But, that's just my take.

the only thing this affects is how often WL teams start a farm

it has no impact on turnover in WL
bluest blues
Originally posted by Theo Wizzago
I saw this as the MOST important part. "Obviously it also needs to encourage some churn for players at the top, so new blood can have a chance. Keep that in mind when there's discussion on it. " Which is why he kept it at 5... for now. You're gonna have to come up with a SERIOUS math argument to get your big extension... IMHO. But, that's just my take.

Originally posted by reddogrw
the only thing this affects is how often WL teams start a farm

it has no impact on turnover in WL

Sometimes it is just hard to understand the flow red.
Originally posted by reddogrw
the only thing this affects is how often WL teams start a farm

it has no impact on turnover in WL

TJ Spikes
Chasing "some churn for players at the top, so new blood can have a chance" is a fool's errand IMO.

There's a huge difference between player churn, and agent churn. The new players will be cookie cutter versions of the old players created by the same agents.

So, I've been thinking about WL. It's going to take a while to "fill in". Like the first season, basically every team that age will be WL.

Eventually, there needs to be "holding pens" for lack of a better term, for that first season in plateau, where teams are separated from the teams still growing, like the old Natty Pro. That will chew up one season of plateau at least.

Then WL itself might need to be shrunk. If it went down to 8 teams, (4 each division) teams could play the other 3 in their division 3 times (like a playoff type thing) and play the other division 2 times, in between the 3 rounds of games, to break up the season. That would be a full 17 game slate, and we wouldn't have that awkward empty week on day 31/32. Give the top teams a bye week in the actual playoffs. Then a Division Championship round. Then a League Championship.

I believe that would force more talent down into the Natty Pro league. Also we could have more, but smaller Natty Pro leagues, to give them more scalability, and weed out the CPU teams. Filling out multiple leagues with 12 teams with no CPUs hasn't been possible for a while.

On the player/coordinator side, it takes a long time to "get good". Iron sharpens Iron, so to speak. You can't get better by facing CPU teams 12 games a year in Reg Pro.

We may also want a D-league, type of thing for players who lost their team but still want to keep the players. Personally I'd name it Glossy Eyes Memorial league or something.

Theo Wizzago
Ok. I get what your saying. But then, why does Bort chase it? I mean, keeping it at 5 seasons... which it was for nearly 100 seasons... there HAS to be a reason. I know Bort gets crap from time to time about his 'baby' but I trust him. 100 seasons is a pretty good reason to trust him. Not many games out there like this one. So he's gotta have both a 'personal' reason and a 'mathematical' reason to want to stick with 5... even though he said he's 'open to changing it'. I gotta think such a change won't be drastic... but I could be wrong.
Edited by Theo Wizzago on Jul 25, 2023 10:50:40
Originally posted by Theo Wizzago
Ok. I get what your saying. But then, why does Bort chase it? I mean, keeping it at 5 seasons... which it was for nearly 100 seasons... there HAS to be a reason. I know Bort gets crap from time to time about his 'baby' but I trust him. 100 seasons is a pretty good reason to trust him. Not many games out there like this one. So he's gotta have both a 'personal' reason and a 'mathematical' reason to want to stick with 5... even though he said he's 'open to changing it'. I gotta think such a change won't be drastic... but I could be wrong.

because he cut the dots life short by 3 seasons so plateau should increase to compensate for that

1-2 is a compromise to the 3 that the dot's career was cut short
Originally posted by reddogrw
because he cut the dots life short by 3 seasons so plateau should increase to compensate for that

1-2 is a compromise to the 3 that the dot's career was cut short

Theo Wizzago
Originally posted by reddogrw
because he cut the dots life short by 3 seasons so plateau should increase to compensate for that

1-2 is a compromise to the 3 that the dot's career was cut short

Then why not go ahead and make the change if that was his goal all along?
Originally posted by Theo Wizzago
Then why not go ahead and make the change if that was his goal all along?

He wanted to do what needed to be done for s100, while pushing off the new league structure and plateau length, since they didn't need to be finalized to begin s100...
Pro's for 7 (or even 8) season plateau...

1. It keeps dot cost per season (net of flex refund) in-line with dot costs pre-s100. Otherwise we are paying MORE per month to play a browser game that was very expensive 15 years ago when it came out.
2. It creates more plateau dots and teams so Bort can build out his ladder.
3. It creates more competition at the highest levels of the game.
4. If you have the same # of dots as before, 5/12 seasons of plateau means 44 of each 100 teams was a plateau team previously. If we now had 7/11 seasons of plateau that'd be 64 of each 100 teams is a plateau team. This means your plateau dots/teams increases by 50% even if everyone has the same # of dots as before.
5. Keep GLB alive longer than it would be with less dots/teams.
7 is great, 8 don't like the number. Is odd to have plateau double the number of seasons building your dot.

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