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Forum > Suggestions > Epic Suggestions > Archetype Custom SA's
Combo DL - Extend Arms
Bonus to making a tackle while being blocked, extending your arms allows you to more easily disengage from a run block and make a tackle attempt.

STR DL - Big Body
The slow down the ballcarrier gains from moving through other dots is increased when ball carrier is within so many feet of the DL. The idea is the ball carrier needs to avoid the Dline guy more, or will be slowed down by trying to avoid the Defensive lineman's big pressence,
Maybe something similiar to below, its the same idea i think...
Originally posted by P@nda

(Strength DL)
Clogger: RB cant find the hole when this player is out there. Each level of this SA increases the vision penalty to the ball carrier, even when the player is pancaked.
(Upright or on his back this DOT is clogging the holes)

Spd DE - Jump the Snap
Make this VA into a SA instead without the penalty.
Edited by EagleOtto on Feb 13, 2010 19:57:54
Originally posted by EagleOtto
Combo DL - Extend Arms
Bonus to making a tackle while being blocked, extending your arms allows you to more easily disengage from a run block and make a tackle attempt.

I quite like that one for a Str DL actually, good idea.
QB Deep Passer - IN THE GRASP
When being sacked, the Quarterback avoids the sack by throwing the ball, possible outcomes in decreasing order of likelihood are: Ball Thrown Away with a chance for a grounding penalty, Normal Pass Attempt with an increased chance for an interception. Additional levels increase the activation chance and also the chance of a pass over Thrown Away, and decrease the chances of an interception and grounding penalty. If you liked to add some real to it you could increase the chance of a fumble on any sack if the SA is not activated (ie the QB is not tucking the ball away but still looking to throw), but that might be too wordy to do.

Edited by yello1 on Feb 13, 2010 22:08:48
Edited by yello1 on Feb 13, 2010 22:04:52
QB Pocket Passer - PLAY ACTION
Quarterback fakes a hand off to draw coverage off of receivers, defenders who fail a vision check will hesitate for a moment allowing receivers to become open. Additional Levels increase the vision requirement to pass the check and increase the length of the hesitation. Effect is similar to Pump Fake but would be an additional even more effective SA.

QB Scrambler - LOOK OFF
Quarterback will head fake away from his intended receiver before throwing, drawing defenders off and reducing their reaction time to the throw if they fail a vision check. Additional Levels increase the chance of the SA triggering and the vision required to pass the check.
Quarterback who have scrambled to outside of the tackle throw to a receiver on the far side of the field, throwing off defenders who fail a vision check. Defenders who pass the vision check will have an increased chance of making an interception. Additional levels will increase the odds of the SA triggering, the vision required to pass the check and reduce the chance of an interception increase.
Finesse Kicker - Onside Kicker
Increases Chance of an onside kick being muffed by a defender to allow a fumble recovery opportunity for the kickers team. Additional levels increases the likelihood of the muff.
QB Scrambler - Roll Out Passer
While looking for a receiver, the quarterback receives a boost to speed and agility while moving parallel to the line of scrimmage between the tackles. Additional Levels increase the boost. Similar to Pulling Lineman.

QB Pocket Passer - Touch Passer
The QB excells at putting the ball into the hands of the receiver in the most catchable manner, increasing the chance to catch passes under 10 yards. Additional levels increase the chance of the SA triggering and the catching bonus. Effect similar to lob end of the QBs hard lob throwing slider but without the interception penalty.

Edited by yello1 on Feb 13, 2010 23:02:50
QB Deep Passer - Spot Thrower
The Quarterback excells at throwing to a location and time on the field, giving a significant boost to the chance to catch the ball for the primary receiver only so long as the primary receiver is running the route exactly. Additional levels increase the chance of the SA triggering and the amount of the boost.
Edited by yello1 on Feb 13, 2010 23:02:35
WR Possession - Work Loose
The Receiver excels at losing a defender, receiving a boost to agility that increases the longer the play goes on. Additional levels increase the chance of the SA triggering and the level of boost per second. The idea of this SA Is the maxim that if the QB gets enough time someone will come open. So give a X% boost to agility per level per second of the play.

Edited by yello1 on Feb 13, 2010 23:02:10
Replacement VAs

Since you are looking to remove some VAs, here are some ideas to replace them.

BLINDSIDE - The WR or defender excels at taking out tacklers in the open field, receiving a plus 1% to strength, blocking, speed and agility and a 5% increase to the chance to knock down a defender per level of Blindside when more than 5 yards past the line of scrimmage or when on the returning team on any fumble or interception return, for WRs or any defensive player only.

CHEAP SHOT - The player tends to take cheap shots that draw retaliation and flags. Creates a .2% chance per play of drawing a unsportsmanlike conduct penalty from an opponent per level, but also a .1% chance of drawing an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty per level on the player.

CELEBRATION - The player is prone to flamboyant celebrations when making big plays. Gives a plus 1% boost to the morale of himself and all team mates per level whenever the player scores a touch down, makes an interception, recovers a fumble or sacks the quarterback and a .5% boost per level if the player makes a tackle or makes a first down, however there is also a .1% chance per level of drawing a celebration penalty.

The Receiver is adept at pulling in the timed pass coming in over his head while on the run, substantially boosting his chance to catch and retain the ball and allowing him to retain his speed while catching the ball when he is the primary receiver on a pass of more than 10 yards and is running his route exactly. Additional levels further increase his chance to catch the ball and reduce the chance of a defender to knock the ball out of his hands and boost to speed.
Edited by yello1 on Feb 13, 2010 23:23:33
I think another good way on top of what is already there is to add %'s into the mix as well, like take Dante Culpepper for example

Dante at least earlier on was a pretty good mover, while Jmarc has his cleats screwed to the ground (Byron too), I think it would be cool if guys wenrnt so limited by weight cause obviously some guys are freaks, maybe there could be some kind of additional set of bonuses/penalties with %'s or something....

like if you wanted to make young culpepper you could get a juke/agil/break tackle boost but have a greater chance of fumbling when running past the line

or if you wanted to make TO you could get a YAC\break tackle bonus but get catch penalties and take larger morale hits.

Or any pure pass rush DE, you get a boost to break block on passes but if you get pushed way outside or behind the pocket you take an agil hit...

just a thought, sounds cool to me, definitley open to improvement...
STOP, Hammertime Special teams only player

This dot loves to smash into people, he gets a small boost to energy and morale every time he hits somebody.
Dot would receive the bonus every time he makes a tackle, engages a block, or breaks a block.

Maybe you could take out makes a tackle if it's op'd, but it's energy and morale, how op'd could it be?

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