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Originally posted by Time Trial
Super Vision is not on the QB exclusion list. Does this skill work for QBs to increase vision, or is this only for defense (like if he throws a pick?)

It only works on defense.
Originally posted by Catch22
Hurdle Offense
This player can jump over diving defenders with ease. The Hurdle ability gives this player a bonus to avoiding diving tackles.

This skill tends to work best when the player has high jumping skill.

Additional Levels:
Increases the bonus to avoiding diving tackles.

How high is high jumping ?
Is this only recommended for WRs (usually about 60-70 jumping) or can it be usefull for HBs (usually about 20-30 jumping), too ?
And shouldn't jumping help with avoiding diving tackles by itself ?

my drizzt
Originally posted by HerrWuff
Originally posted by Catch22

Hurdle Offense
This player can jump over diving defenders with ease. The Hurdle ability gives this player a bonus to avoiding diving tackles.

This skill tends to work best when the player has high jumping skill.

Additional Levels:
Increases the bonus to avoiding diving tackles.

How high is high jumping ?
Is this only recommended for WRs (usually about 60-70 jumping) or can it be usefull for HBs (usually about 20-30 jumping), too ?
shouldn't jumping help with avoiding diving tackles by itself ?

it does
Will there be more new SAs or is that all ?
Can't find much exciting stuff there

idea with new bonus idea was good - implemetation not so imo
Edited by HerrWuff on Mar 4, 2010 16:00:03
Originally posted by lardaddy

It's pretty simple, the "Bonus SA" listed in the archetypes is the SA that archetype gets a bonus to, much like the "Penalty SA" is the SA that archetype takes a penalty to.

Each archetype also chooses a single SA to add to their player, which may be one of these new SAs, or anything that isn't excluded from their position.
I can't even imagine wasting any SPs into a new SA for an Elusive Back, other than Scat Back.

But if I have an Elusive Back already created, which I have several, it looks like I will be choosing a bonus SA just to do it, because I can't see myself wasting any SPs for any of these choices. I would rather have the SPs to continuously pump up my main attributes and other worthwhile SAs.

This was supposed to increase build-diversity, but I don't see how. It is just going to be another boring SA that barely does anything, clogging up space on your player page.
Originally posted by Bukowski
I can't even imagine wasting any SPs into a new SA for an Elusive Back, other than Scat Back.

But if I have an Elusive Back already created, which I have several, it looks like I will be choosing a bonus SA just to do it, because I can't see myself wasting any SPs for any of these choices. I would rather have the SPs to continuously pump up my main attributes and other worthwhile SAs.

This was supposed to increase build-diversity, but I don't see how. It is just going to be another boring SA that barely does anything, clogging up space on your player page.

For positions with good SAs already, yes.

However, for your SS, don't you want to give him Shutdown Coverage or Zone Specialist? Your LB couldn't benefit from a new SA? If you make a fullback, wouldn't you like Get Low? Power Through on a power WR?
This change isn't going to help every spot, but it is going to help some a lot.
Originally posted by HerrWuff
Originally posted by Catch22

Hurdle Offense
This player can jump over diving defenders with ease. The Hurdle ability gives this player a bonus to avoiding diving tackles.

This skill tends to work best when the player has high jumping skill.

Additional Levels:
Increases the bonus to avoiding diving tackles.

How high is high jumping ?
Is this only recommended for WRs (usually about 60-70 jumping) or can it be usefull for HBs (usually about 20-30 jumping), too ?

I would guess you want at least capped jumping. I would be tempted to see an elusive build with 60 jumping and this SA. It might be OMG but one problem...elusive backs no longer have jump as a minor.

I think that will discourage anyone from pushing jump high enough to give it a good test so people will complain it sucks because they only have 35 jumping and blame the SA instead of the build.
If nothing else I will be glad to have a extra SA, even on my HB, just so I can put the cheap points in it (2 SPs to take it to 2).
Edited by TrevJo on Mar 5, 2010 12:03:05
Originally posted by Catch22
Jackhammer, Scat Back, and Zone Focus are replacing the respective VA's at those positions - existing players who have these VA's will be able to keep them but they will not stack with the new SA's (meaning don't select it when you choose an archetype). New players created will not be able to select the VA's that are now SA's and eventually the VA's will phase out over time.

Some questions:
-If a veteran player has 1 point in JH, SB, or ZSP when they choose an archetype, will they be able add more points into those VAs later?
-If a veteran player has 0 points in JH, SB, or ZSP when they choose an archetype, will he be able to use the new JH, SB, or ZF SAs work for them?
-If a veteran player has JH, SB, or ZSP, then chooses an archetype, and later resets his VAs in JH, SB, or ZSP, will he be able to add points back into those VAs later?
-If a veteran player has say ZSP and he does ignore your advice and choose the ZF SA, will it be his ZSP that doesn't work, or his ZF?
Edited by TrevJo on Mar 5, 2010 12:25:37
With the additional SA we get to choose for players as the third, will the effects multiply with multiple people having the SA? ex: QB and HB can now have the Line General SA, so if our C, QB, and HB all have say 5, is it the effective lvl of 15? basically is it worth it to stack this from other positions on top of the C?
Originally posted by temujin83
With the additional SA we get to choose for players as the third, will the effects multiply with multiple people having the SA? ex: QB and HB can now have the Line General SA, so if our C, QB, and HB all have say 5, is it the effective lvl of 15? basically is it worth it to stack this from other positions on top of the C?

Line General only works if you are playing C.
Why have it as an option then....SOOOOOO STUPID! I hate that they do that
Originally posted by temujin83
Why have it as an option then....SOOOOOO STUPID! I hate that they do that

It's not an option. Line General is on the list of excluded SAs for all players.
Originally posted by TrevJo
It's not an option. Line General is on the list of excluded SAs for all players.

yeah, i just had that pointed out

dont smoke pot and GLB haha

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