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favorite prism
Originally posted by thenick_ttu
Haters gonna hate

RAGE so mad lolu
Originally posted by sigepmagicmike
RAGE so mad lolu

speaking of RAGE....looks like you will get your shot did you put it.....MightyFailo. Gonna gameplan for that game?
favorite prism
Originally posted by TaintStick
speaking of RAGE....looks like you will get your shot did you put it.....MightyFailo. Gonna gameplan for that game?

Yep we will game plan
-MITH- ~Cult~
Originally posted by thenick_ttu
You have no clue what you are talking about. First of all, we are building for the future. We don't give a crap about winning right now, it's just a nice surprise that we are. I can guarantee you that we've gone just as "extreme" with our builds as any other team. Not one of our guys has put any SP into SAs and I don't see how having AEQ now is a bad thing? Most of our dots will have 4 pieces of AEQ when they hit 72 just like every other WL team. If you need further proof that we aren't playing to win now, just look at our salary and promos... we don't have any. We have minimum salaries for 90% of our roster and the guys that do have a morale bonus only get about +2 morale. We didn't buy any season long promos... we bought the Nachos promo for LSP and the Halos.

I understand that all of you haters out there are gonna hate on us, because that's just what you do but this notion that TLS has built to win in the lolminors and not reach the big stage in ridiculous. I guarantee that you will see us in the WL one day. Until that day comes, you will just have to deal with us beating your sorry ass team every time we play.

I stopped right there.

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