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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Announced Changes > Change to Age Based League Structures Discussion Thread
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
We care,

Wonder what the next cash grab decision will be, allow 5 boosts per season? Coaches were already shot down but you know they'll try to push that again as well.
Diamond Cutter
Maybe something like a 2 season age span.... ie: from day 20 of season 10 - day 20 of season 12....... would allow a little give and take on both ends, but not so much as to make a BIG difference. The main problem has been having some teams that are 3 seasons older.... and also the other(not neccessarily non boosting teams) tanking for a couple of seasons to be 10 levels higher, then deciding to start gameplanning to dominate. Those tanking teams have more of an advantage than the non boosters..... It's not all about boosters versus non boosters as some try to make it sound.
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by Rage Kinard

I think the problem is they want an easy 1 rule system, when there isn't going to be one that works.

IMO - they should have tried to come up with a system that works against non-boosting teams (rosters) but doesn't totally squelch the non boosting player.

They could set the leagues based on age of players then allow teams to have 3 or 5 players who are no more than 25% older than the set age for the league. However, this would require an additional restriction based on level.

For instance, they could do something like say you have a 160 day league. Most of your roster has to be under 160 days old. However, you can have up to 5 players who are between 160-200 days old if they are below level 35.

Once you get up to the 240 league then it becomes you can have up to 5 players between 240-300 days old, but they must be below level 45.

Then you leave room for leagues where non boosting players can grow and stay in leagues where they are competitive, without having the problem of non boosting rosters that were built to pwn the lower leagues.

Originally posted by Catch22
You should come up with a different response then fix the sim. We do. All the time. Hell, it's the main reason we're doing DPC limitations... to fix the sim.

Also, if you win your league you don't move up to Elite if you were in Normal, you move up to Competitive.

Hurry up and come up with a different response brah THEN they will fix the sim

Seriously though....fixing the sim is making it have realistic scores and stats. I don't do coding and GLB doesn't release how the game is coded anyways, so I don't see how you expect any input on how to fix the sim from users. If you guys don't know what realistic football scores and stats look like, just pick up a paper on Sunday or Monday and look at NCAA and NFL boxscores. AI is a joke for "coaching" a loldot team. Give us plays and let us just use a playbook that is picked from the available plays. This is part of the reason casual teams are popular. I quit spending any cash on this site a while back due to the constant changes and stupidity of AI (around season 4 I believe). Since we are now getting ready for season 19 and the same problems exist, it is legitimate to question the way the game is run. When I started playing this game the forums were a lot of fun, while the sim still needed work. Moderation of the forums is like an Islamic dictatorship with all the censorship. The suggestions area is constantly having locked threads. If you want input, why are they locked? Honestly it just kinda feels like the game doesn't have anyone that has football experience/knowledge working in the developing department. Why after 18 seasons are there still scores of 255-0?

The age based thing may be alright, but it really does seem like effective levels would be a better answer or the training points for boosting = to nonboosting
Originally posted by Stonewall Paul
There is a need, but they have it set way too high so that it doesn't make sense. You don't want teams signing level 1's at the higher age caps, which is why they have a minimum level cap in the current system. Hopefully they'll make a lot of adjustments to this plan, but I doubt it.

Who in their right mind would do that? No one
Someone who wants their level 1 punter to have some fun, I don't know.
sunder B
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
Who in their right mind would do that? No one

TBH, that's why we already have min caps. Teams in pro's were loading up with level 1's and level 4's and wrecking the balance of those leagues many seasons back.

I do think 1 season is too tight of a window, too. 2 seasons would be good with strict cap on the top end.
Originally posted by mknoll
Why do the non-boosted keep referring to themselves as 'customers' and bitching about things like "money grabs" when they are playing for free already?

Would you guys prefer to get rid of boosting all together and have GLB go with a flat monthly rate? Say $9.99 or $14.99? Then the non-paying dots could just go away.

I am sure Borts co-location costs would go way down if he didn't need bandwidth & servers to support the freeloaders and we could use the league constriction anyway.

I may be one of the non-boosters that hasn't spent money on this game but I can assure you that there are many that have. CE and team purchases aren't free. Just because boosting garners GLB the most profit does not mean it is the end all to be all of spending on this game. Find out how many of your team's owners are non-boosters. I think you'll be surprised. I'd also be interested in knowing how many of your teams' OC's/DC's/STC/etc are non-boosters but I suppose they offer nothing to the game simply because they don't have big pockets. And to be honest, a monthly rate is probably the best course of action for gaining revenue AND evening out the leagues.
Edited by Bobaganoosh on Oct 29, 2010 22:01:07
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
We care, and that's why we are adding an age cap.

I believe you guys care, I do. I just don't think you really know what you're doing or where you're going anymore.

There's a huge amount of people clamoring for the competitiveness non-boosting provides and instead of trying to figure out a way to capitalize on it all I hear is NGTH.

Also, how much does one have to spend to be a 'customer' and moreso what's the going rate one has to have spent to be entitled to an opinion?

Seems like if you don't spend money you are worthless yet without us, this game would go down the shitter quick time. People seem to forget what non-boosters or people who don't spend money actually provide for this game.
Originally posted by Bobaganoosh
Also, how much does one have to spend to be a 'customer' and moreso what's the going rate one has to have spent to be entitled to an opinion?

Seems like if you don't spend money you are worthless yet without us, this game would go down the shitter quick time. People seem to forget what non-boosters or people who don't spend money actually provide for this game.

You don't have to spend anything to be a customer. Each and every person that logs on here is technically a customer, simply because they're patronizing the site.
Originally posted by TheGreatPuma
You don't have to spend anything to be a customer. Each and every person that logs on here is technically a customer, simply because they're patronizing the site.

Apparently the majority of GLB disagrees. Oh well.
Originally posted by a1tele
Its amazes me how many people keep complaining about the change. Its obvious that something needs to be done. Is this the right solution? I think so but even if you don't I believe that a vast majority at least believes it is a step in the right direction.

The days of teams full of players who don't spend money on this game actually having advantage over players who actually do spend money has to end.

I got a team full of players who boost every season. We lost tonight why? Well its because we went up against a team with a bunch of slow built players who rightfully don't belong in a level 42 cap league. They have an effective level of 54.

We went into this game with a 51 point deficit in average player level and a 5 levels deficit in effective player level.

I wish this change was going into effect next season.

Dude, seriously....... learn to lose with some fucking class. You should also probably get your facts straight....... Maximus took over season 17 in the pre-season with basically half of a roster and in an attempt to keep the team's core group of players together, went out and recruited like a mad man (do I have to point out that all of the meat of the recruiting season was WELL over by then, and had to deal with what he had left). He put together a great group of players, and was lucky enough to go undefeated in the 34 cap and won a gold trophy. Were some of them older players versus built the quick way, sure....... but did we try to grab as many young stellar builds as he could? Absolutely, since this is ultimately a feeder team for the Fury in USA Pro.

This gets better though dude. Quite a few players that were NOT boosters, but loved the organization and wanted to continue actually boosted their players for this season. To me, this is what GLB really should be about as well....... the community aspect and including some people who didn't fit your slow-build plan a1tele. And you know what their reward is for it? A nice shiny trophy.

So man, just get over the fact that your team happened to fall into the age-range of topped out players that didn't boost. It happens to every team though, you aren't special. They are obviously trying to put their best foot forward in a fix (which I applaud btw), but if you put it in perspective with the Vols last season and this..... none f it would have happened, the team would have folded etc, all because available players could not be signed. But of course a1tele, your fun and enjoyment is more important than theirs........

TBH, I'm not saying that you don't have a right to feel how you do, we've ALL been there. What I AM saying is, going around whining about it makes you look classless...... learn to grow a pair and lose like a man.
Edited by We_Rule on Oct 29, 2010 22:46:30
Edited by We_Rule on Oct 29, 2010 22:45:39
Originally posted by sunder B
TBH, that's why we already have min caps. Teams in pro's were loading up with level 1's and level 4's and wrecking the balance of those leagues many seasons back.

I do think 1 season is too tight of a window, too. 2 seasons would be good with strict cap on the top end.

Only because they needed to hold their place and keep their stadium. Now people will want to have fun because it is possible.

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