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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Position Talk > The higher the level the worse the AEQ?
Gil T Dogg
i personally would love if bort got rid of SA's options to low level player's, since they dont work at low levels why make them available? I'm tired of going through the market and clicking on a level 13 player just to see his dot having a bunch of points in SA's unless you keep your dot with a bad build like this those SA's dont become a factor until later on in his carrier
SA's from equipment at the lower levels isn't costing you skill points. If anything it is saving them skill points.

If my level 12 WR had a choice between +2 speed, or +2 speed and +2 first step, well the choice would be a no-brainer.

Offensive lineman can roll SA pieces at level 1, and so can kickers and punters.

Is it true that what you train for can affect what you roll as well?

Ex: Agility for change direction, Vision for superior vision, etc.
SA's "dont work at low levels"?

That's simply untrue. They absolutely work at low levels.

I don't believe training affects what eq you get in the store, I believe Bort has also said that was a myth.

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