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Originally posted by PP
Originally posted by foofighter24

Again, you do a great job of getting info out to the userbase, so this is not directed at you. You do a good job of labeling test games you run and respond to questions.

To give another example, I don't recall sunshineduck posting in the bug/testing area at all recently. He ran a test game on the shotgun flood. Why was that game run? I didn't see any particular threads or posts saying that play was not working properly. What prompted that test to be run? Furthermore, what was leanred from it?

When I coordinate and call plays that seemingly should work, but a different reciever is targeted, I assume it is the player build or player tactic that may cause that. In reality, it could be the play not having the same primary receiver as indicated in the description.

A simple blog entry on why that game was run and what was learned goes a long way. Without it, you have to assume the tester's team has more information than you have. (we can see builds, but not player tactics)

I have no idea

I'll agree to PP's statement, but add that SSD was testing HB's being ignored (despite having already existing tests/discussion on the test server). He'll have to fill you in more, if he so chooses.
Sorry for the confusion. I just got access to the test server and had finished setting up my teams, so I set up a quick test to see if everything was working properly and if I knew how to actually run tests. I arbitrarily picked a topic that seemed relevant at the time that I hadn't seen discussion on (probably just missed it).

Ended up writing a really long post (which I copied and sent to foofighter after he PM'd me) that basically told everyone a lot of stuff they already knew.

Originally posted by sunshineduck
Sorry for the confusion. I just got access to the test server and had finished setting up my teams, so I set up a quick test to see if everything was working properly and if I knew how to actually run tests. I arbitrarily picked a topic that seemed relevant at the time that I hadn't seen discussion on (probably just missed it).

Ended up writing a really long post (which I copied and sent to foofighter after he PM'd me) that basically told everyone a lot of stuff they already knew.

You are a valuable asset.
Originally posted by sunshineduck
Sorry for the confusion. I just got access to the test server and had finished setting up my teams, so I set up a quick test to see if everything was working properly and if I knew how to actually run tests. I arbitrarily picked a topic that seemed relevant at the time that I hadn't seen discussion on (probably just missed it).

Ended up writing a really long post (which I copied and sent to foofighter after he PM'd me) that basically told everyone a lot of stuff they already knew.

Post it?
sure, I didn't really bring up anything new so I figured it wasn't worth posting here, but if you'd like it:

Originally posted by sunshineduck
I ran a handful of tests laaaaate last night after editing my roster, came up with a couple interesting tidbits on some HB passing plays.

I ran this test first:

sunshineduck - testing passing to HB: only HB passes, RPP/energy/morale off, HB catching boosted to 68/swapped slippery for scat back, QB favoring HB/open man/dump-off often, basic DAI (100% pass)

I didn't take a screeny of the package, but it included this play: (SG3WR HB Flat) because I was trying to test the different HB routes to see how often the QB targeted the HB.

Well, from the first 3 plays, I thought my packages were wonky:

I didn't recall putting any screens in my package, so I double checked, and figured out that it was the HB Flats play. Problem is, the HB isn't releasing into the flats. He's just.. stopping. Same thing happened every time this play was run. I haven't looked for this play on the live server, just something I noticed and was wondering if it was a broke'd play.

A little while later, I tested the same game without the "flats" play and removed a couple redundant ones:

sunshineduck - same as previous, tweaked package to remove screen pass and added/removed a couple plays, tweaked basic DAI to 0% blitz

Package looked like this:

I watched a lot of this game too, and I noticed that whenever "Flood Right" out of SG3WR was called, it looked like the QB was completely blowing off the HB in favor of chucking it up the middle to the WR.

EDIT: Flood Right:

Figured this might be worth looking into more, so I ran an entire game running only that play:

Results were mixed, with the QB finding WR's when they were open for easy TD's, but with the HB being ignored a lot of the time even when he was on an island and having the ball forced to him when he was covered. It wasn't a really pretty game. >_>

So yeah, was j/w if those plays are working as intended or.. I don't even


jumpin da snark
Thank you for responding to my PM with that info and posting it here, SSD. Not finding anything sometimes tells us as much as finding something. For instance, now the QBs of teams can quit worrying about me putting a horsehead in their bed for not setting their tactics to dump to the backs often.
Edited by foofighter24 on Jan 3, 2010 20:43:40
Originally posted by sunshineduck

How friggin fast is that SSD speed HB, thats insane.
Originally posted by EagleOtto
How friggin fast is that SSD speed HB, thats insane.

120 Speed

The player summary under each game has the builds of all the players.
IIRC, that HB is one of the lvl 40s that has their skills artificially inflated to look like a lvl 70. So, his raw speed is higher than possible and the vets funk him up. Getting rid of those lvl 40s is something we need to do (and just have Bort allow us to create more real lvl 70s)
Originally posted by PP
IIRC, that HB is one of the lvl 40s that has their skills artificially inflated to look like a lvl 70. So, his raw speed is higher than possible and the vets funk him up. Getting rid of those lvl 40s is something we need to do (and just have Bort allow us to create more real lvl 70s)

agreed...its hard to watch this stuff sometimes...
Originally posted by PP
Well, as I wrote, I sure don't pretend to know that for a fact. It just seems to fit....And, yeah, I know. I sure don't agree with everything the man does, but I have been extremely encourages as of late in his effort and seemingly willingness to try to improve the game. He isn't always going to get it right, but I appreciate that he's genuinely trying

Oh, no, PP's got Stockholm Syndrome! (jk, PP )
Originally posted by PP
IIRC, that HB is one of the lvl 40s that has their skills artificially inflated to look like a lvl 70. So, his raw speed is higher than possible and the vets funk him up. Getting rid of those lvl 40s is something we need to do (and just have Bort allow us to create more real lvl 70s)

So wait, there are players with raw skills at values that are not attainable on the live server and are being screwed to hell by the VAs? Does Bort not see an issue with getting proper readings and results from these tests unless we have "realistic" builds to use in the testing?
Originally posted by Staz
Originally posted by PP

IIRC, that HB is one of the lvl 40s that has their skills artificially inflated to look like a lvl 70. So, his raw speed is higher than possible and the vets funk him up. Getting rid of those lvl 40s is something we need to do (and just have Bort allow us to create more real lvl 70s)

So wait, there are players with raw skills at values that are not attainable on the live server and are being screwed to hell by the VAs? Does Bort not see an issue with getting proper readings and results from these tests unless we have "realistic" builds to use in the testing?

When PP said "higher than possible" it was understood he meant "higher than possible for a level 40".
Originally posted by Staz
So wait, there are players with raw skills at values that are not attainable on the live server and are being screwed to hell by the VAs? Does Bort not see an issue with getting proper readings and results from these tests unless we have "realistic" builds to use in the testing?

Yeah, what w_a wrote. In most cases, it isn't an issue. There are enough real lvl 70s to cover all the starter slots, but not enough to field an entire team. So, I had to jack some skills up on lvl 40s to make them legit backups and fill my teams (and they've since been copied by others). Because it''s mostly a non-issue, it hasn't really been addressed. However, manning the test teams with all true lvl 70s should occur eventually.

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