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Forum > Suggestions > Epic Suggestions > Equipment upgrade notification
Ankle Lock
Originally posted by CGood82

Originally posted by toobad4u_00
Yep this is a great business model. I want you to spend less on my product so I won't give you the tools to make it easier to have more of my product. I am certain I heard that one once in one of my business classes. Oh yeah, it was how to epically fail.

Where did I say that the puppeteers wanted people to spend less money? I never once said that. I am sure that no one who runs this game gives $0.02 about whether people create dots that are fully equipped or not, other than custom.

How exactly would this make people spend more money on this game? Are people really not creating players/buying flex because they cannot remember to equip their players? Doubt it.

Would they really spend more money creating players/buying flex because they got an alert to equip them?

Did people spend more money when the quick training editor came out? I bet you they didn't and that made player building easier.

Is anyone threatening to leave this game because they cannot remember to equip the players they bought? Also doubtful. So no one is going to lose money based on there not being an equipment upgrade notification

I am just saying that people are lazy and whiners and just because that is the case, I don't think this problem needs to be addressed when there are 1,000 other coding/sim issues that caused people like me to stop buying flex after buying 27,000 in the first 6 months of being on here. I will also assume that my MBA, MSA and dozen years of business ownership probably will attest that nowhere did I ever say or suggest anything that would take money away from this game and probably trumps the community college business class you took last summer.

And yes, to the dude who put a lot of words in my mouth, I do only have 3 players now, but that doesn't mean that I didn't have more players in the day when this game was more fun to me and I was in a different place in terms of business and family life. Pretty sure as long as I had cash in my equipment fund, I made sure to do what was necessary to help them be competitive.

Nowhere did I say that alerts were annoying. I have no issue with a flashing square on my screen. But just because something is useful to a 40 player agent doesn't mean it would help many others.

In 21 seasons, people have owned teams and teams of players. They managed. I am simply saying that if you make the commitment to buying a huge list of players, then part of that commitment is remembering to train them, equip them, boost them and spend their SP when you should.

Maybe I am wrong, but don't put words in my mouth
Some of us actually spend money on this game and appreciate the improvements they make to the game. An equipment alert or quick EQ editor would be very useful for agents with many players. Just because something doesn't effect you doesn't mean it's not good. Why try to ruin things for others that are more into this game than yourself?

Not really improving the game, just a crutch for the mentally deficient. If you're too dumb or lazy to upgrade you're equipment, then you should be punished accordingly.
Originally posted by livebytheblitz
Not really improving the game, just a crutch for the mentally deficient. If you're too dumb or lazy to upgrade you're equipment, then you should be punished accordingly.

The bottom line is anything to make managing players easier IS better for the game and an improvement. I am only going to sport half the players I currently have next season because it is too time consuming to manage them. It's not a matter of being lazy or dumb it's the fact I work and can not keep up with everything. Is 75+ less players in a game seriously lacking players really a good thing? Less players equals less competitive teams and less flex in the game.

I am completely dumbfounded how many people are so against a tiny alert icon that they have to come here and call people names and make assumptions about people they know absolutely nothing about.

Edited by _OSIRIS_ on Apr 12, 2011 01:46:48
Originally posted by _OSIRIS_
The bottom line is anything to make managing players easier IS better for the game and an improvement. I am only going to sport half the players I currently have next season because it is too time consuming to manage them. It's not a matter of being lazy or dumb it's the fact I work and can not keep up with everything. Is 75+ less players in a game seriously lacking players really a good thing? Less players equals less competitive teams and less flex in the game.

I am completely dumbfounded how many people are so against a tiny alert icon that they have to come here and call people names and make assumptions about people they know absolutely nothing about.

Agreed......I don't see the harm in it at all!
I'd like to see on the account options page:

Send me an Alert About EQ Upgrades:
Whenever A Player hits the level for an upgrade
If I haven't upgrade a players equipment after ____ days

With a check so that it wouldn't remind you to upgrade EQ that wasn't equiped, or that you didn't have the BTs to upgrade. That way you get a choice on how much you want you alert box spammed
Originally posted by Chysil
I'd like to see on the account options page:

Send me an Alert About EQ Upgrades:
Whenever A Player hits the level for an upgrade
If I haven't upgrade a players equipment after ____ days

With a check so that it wouldn't remind you to upgrade EQ that wasn't equiped, or that you didn't have the BTs to upgrade. That way you get a choice on how much you want you alert box spammed

Awesome addition! I'll add this to the OP.
Originally posted by _OSIRIS_
Some of us actually spend money on this game and appreciate the improvements they make to the game. An equipment alert or quick EQ editor would be very useful for agents with many players. Just because something doesn't effect you doesn't mean it's not good. Why try to ruin things for others that are more into this game than yourself?


I've been lobbying for vet point automation similar to the training for 6 seasons now and there is always a bunch of idiots with 2 Players that make a similar argument against it and kills the thread. This is the same thing in the fact that it makes player maintenance easier. I promise you that there a number of people that play this game that limit the number of players they make because of the time it takes to maintain 175+ players and not because of the monetary expense.

If it weren't for the bigger player builders, all of the people with 2 players would have been off playing something else a long time ago because the game would have long since gone under.
+1 Its a great idea, I always forget to check if my players have equipment upgrades
Originally posted by _OSIRIS_
The bottom line is anything to make managing players easier IS better for the game and an improvement. I am only going to sport half the players I currently have next season because it is too time consuming to manage them. It's not a matter of being lazy or dumb it's the fact I work and can not keep up with everything. Is 75+ less players in a game seriously lacking players really a good thing? Less players equals less competitive teams and less flex in the game.

I am completely dumbfounded how many people are so against a tiny alert icon that they have to come here and call people names and make assumptions about people they know absolutely nothing about.

+1 to this and +1 to the OP

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