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Johannesburg Jackals 7 10 0 7 0 24 Final
Miami Red Hawks 10 0 3 8 0 21  
Play by Play
1st Quarter
Johannesburg Jackals 15:00
15:00 Kickoff by Hawker Kicker, 75 yd, fielded by Jukey Sands, 0 yds (touchback) Replay
15:00 1st & 10 OWN 20 Kellen Barney pass to Solomon "Rebel" Hulston up the right side [deflected by Ball Hawking Hard Hitter] (incomplete) Replay
14:56 2nd & 10 OWN 20 Kellen Barney pass to Anwar "Lynch Mob" Lynch up the left side intercepted by KoB's Emlen Tunnell (0 yd return) [diving tackle: Anwar "Lynch Mob" Lynch] Replay
Miami Red Hawks 14:51
14:51 1st & 10 OPP 26 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Red Ball Hawk over the middle, caught (5.5 yd gain) [tackle: Jason Bourne] Replay
14:11 2nd & 4.5 OPP 20.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Red Ball Hawk up the right side, caught (5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Jason Bourne] Replay
13:36 1st & 10 OPP 15.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Scatter .Hawk over the middle, caught (7.5 yd gain) [Monster Hit diving tackle: Jayson Oweh] Replay
12:55 2nd & 2.5 OPP 8 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Red Ball Hawk, hurried by Frederick W. "The Ogre" Palowaski, over the middle [deflected by John Wick] (incomplete) Replay
12:50 3rd & 2.5 OPP 8 Scatter. Hawk rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [diving tackle: Sack Sabbath] Replay
12:26 4th & 0.5 OPP 6 Scatter. Hawk rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [tackle: Jerrod McLeod] Replay
11:50 1st & G OPP 4 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Ball Hawking Red Hawker up the left side [deflected by Super Girl] (incomplete) Replay
11:46 2nd & G OPP 4 Scatter. Hawk rush to the left (4 yd gain) [TD] Replay
11:42 Extra point attempted by Hawker Kicker, made [XP] Replay
Johannesburg Jackals 11:42
11:42 Kickoff by Hawker Kicker, 82 yds (touchback) Replay
11:42 1st & 10 OWN 20 Kellen Barney pass to Darth Sidious over the middle, caught, knocked loose by Red Hawking MF'r [deflected by Red Hawking MF'r] (incomplete) Replay
11:37 2nd & 10 OWN 20 Kellen Barney pass to Darth Sidious over the middle, caught (19.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Red Hawking MF'r] Replay
10:55 1st & 10 OWN 39.5 Kellen Barney pitch to Solomon "Rebel" Hulston to the left (1 yd loss) [diving tackle: MF'n Red Hawker] Replay
10:13 2nd & 11 OWN 38.5 Dean Slaughter rush to the right (3 yd gain) [tackle: MF'n Red Hawker] Replay
9:29 3rd & 7.5 OWN 41.5 Kellen Barney pass to Darth Sidious up the left side [deflected by Hard Hitting Red Hawker] (incomplete) Replay
9:25 4th & 7.5 OWN 41.5 Punt by Peter Beam, 43 yd (out of bounds) Replay
Miami Red Hawks 9:20
9:20 1st & 10 OWN 15.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Red Ball Hawk over the middle [deflected by Jayson Oweh] (incomplete) Replay
9:16 2nd & 10 OWN 15.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Red Ball Hawk over the middle, caught, knocked loose by Neil Pert [deflected by Neil Pert] (incomplete) Replay
9:09 3rd & 10 OWN 15.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! bad pass to Ball Hawking Red Hawker up the left side [deflected by Drop Dead Fred] (incomplete - bad throw) Replay
9:05 4th & 10 OWN 15.5 Punt by Hawker Punter, 56 yd, fielded by Jukey Sands (18.5 yd return) [tackle: Red Hawking Decleating MF'r] Replay
Johannesburg Jackals 8:55
8:55 1st & 10 OWN 48 Kellen Barney pass to Anwar "Lynch Mob" Lynch over the middle, caught (9 yd gain) [tackle: KoB's Emlen Tunnell] Replay
8:12 2nd & 1 OPP 43 Kellen Barney pass to Anwar "Lynch Mob" Lynch over the middle, caught, knocked loose by Red Hawking. Decleating MF'r [deflected by Red Hawking. Decleating MF'r] (incomplete) Replay
8:09 3rd & 1 OPP 43 Solomon "Rebel" Hulston rush up the middle (2.5 yd gain) [tackle: Monster Red] Replay
7:30 1st & 10 OPP 40.5 Kellen Barney pitch to Move It [missed tackle: MF'n Red Hawker] [missed tackle: KoB's Emlen Tunnell] [TD] to the left (40.5 yd gain) Replay
7:20 Extra point attempted by Athens K, made [XP] Replay
Miami Red Hawks 7:20
7:20 Kickoff by Athens K, 74 yd, fielded by Returning Hawker (43 yd return) [Big Hit tackle: Mama Say Knock You Out] Replay
7:15 1st & 10 OWN 39.5 Scatter .Hawk rush up the middle (1.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Jerrod McLeod] Replay
6:51 2nd & 8.5 OWN 41 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! rush [missed diving tackle: Jason Bourne] to the left (7.5 yd gain) [tackle: Lakae Manumana] Replay
6:20 3rd & 1 OWN 48.5 Scatter. Hawk rush up the middle (6 yd gain) [Monster Hit tackle: Super Girl] Replay
5:52 1st & 10 OPP 45.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! screen pass to Red Rocker to the left side, caught [missed tackle: Kameron Terrell (Power Through)] (5 yd gain) [tackle: Neil Pert] Replay
5:23 2nd & 5 OPP 40.5 Scatter. Hawk rush up the middle (1.5 yd gain) [tackle: John Wick] Replay
4:41 3rd & 3.5 OPP 39.5 Scatter. Hawk rush [missed tackle: Frederick W. "The Ogre" Palowaski (Power Through)] [missed tackle: Mama Say Knock You Out (Power Through)] up the middle (4.5 yd gain) [tackle: Super Girl] Replay
4:12 1st & 10 OPP 35 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! screen pass to Red Rocker to the right side, caught [missed tackle: David "Swoosh" Ingram] (3.5 yd loss) [tackle: Xenny Cover] Replay
3:33 2nd & 13.5 OPP 38.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pitch to Scatter .Hawk to the left (2 yd gain) [Monster Hit diving tackle: Neil Pert] Replay
2:58 3rd & 11.5 OPP 36.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Ball Hawking Red Hawker over the middle [deflected by Drop Dead Fred] (incomplete) Replay
2:53 4th & 11.5 OPP 36.5 53.5 yd field goal attempted by Hawker Kicker, made [FG] Replay
Johannesburg Jackals 2:49
2:49 Kickoff by Hawker Kicker, 76 yd, fielded by Jukey Sands, 0 yds (touchback) Replay
2:49 1st & 10 OWN 20 Kellen Barney bad pass to Darth Sidious, hurried by Monster Red, over the middle [deflected by Red Shutdown. Ball Hawker] (incomplete - bad throw) Replay
2:44 2nd & 10 OWN 20 Dean Slaughter rush to the right (8 yd gain) [diving tackle: MF'n Red Hawker] Replay
2:11 3rd & 2 OWN 28 Move It rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [tackle: Monster Hawk] Replay
1:42 4th & inches OWN 30 Dean Slaughter rush up the middle (2.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Monster Hawk] Replay
1:08 1st & 10 OWN 32.5 Kellen Barney pass to Anwar "Lynch Mob" Lynch over the middle, caught (10 yd gain) [diving tackle: Red Shutdown. Ball Hawker] Replay
0:42 2nd & inches OWN 42.5 Kellen Barney pitch to Solomon "Rebel" Hulston to the left (no gain) [tackle: MF'n Red Hawker] Replay
0:13 3rd & inches OWN 42.5 Move It rush up the middle (1 yd gain) [tackle: Red Monster] Replay
2nd Quarter
15:00 1st & 10 OWN 43.5 Solomon "Rebel" Hulston rush to the left (3.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Red Monster] Replay
14:31 2nd & 6.5 OWN 47 Kellen Barney pass to Darth Sidious over the middle, caught (14 yd gain) [diving tackle: Red Shutdown Ball Hawker] Replay
13:55 1st & 10 OPP 39 Solomon "Rebel" Hulston rush up the middle (3 yd gain) [diving tackle: Red Hawk Nest Defender] Replay
13:20 2nd & 7 OPP 36.5 Kellen Barney pass to Sticky Hanz over the middle, caught (6 yd gain) [diving tackle: Hard Hitting Red Hawker] Replay
12:49 3rd & 1 OPP 30 Move It rush up the middle (no gain) [tackle: Monster Hawk] Replay
12:08 4th & 1 OPP 30 Dean Slaughter rush up the middle (3.5 yd gain) [tackle: Red Monster] Replay
11:31 1st & 10 OPP 26.5 Dean Slaughter rush [missed tackle: Red Hawking MF'r (Power Through)] to the right (6 yd gain) [tackle: MF'n Red Hawker] Replay
11:03 2nd & 4 OPP 20.5 Move It rush up the middle (2.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Red Monster] Replay
10:34 3rd & 1.5 OPP 18 Move It rush up the middle (3 yd gain) [tackle: Monster Hawk] Replay
10:10 1st & 10 OPP 15 Kellen Barney pass to Darth Sidious over the middle, diving catch attempt (incomplete) Replay
10:06 2nd & 10 OPP 15 Dean Slaughter pass to Guy Superfly III over the middle, caught (15 yd gain) [TD] Replay
10:02 Extra point attempted by Athens K, made [XP] Replay
Miami Red Hawks 10:02
10:02 Kickoff by Athens K, 73 yd, fielded by Returning Hawker [missed diving tackle: Mama Say Knock You Out] (23 yd return) [Monster Hit diving tackle: Morbo The Annihilator] Replay
9:59 1st & 10 OWN 19.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Red Hawking Ball Hawker over the middle, caught (5.5 yd gain) [tackle: Gunner Swift] Replay
9:22 2nd & 4.5 OWN 25 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Red Hawking Ball Hawker over the middle, caught (3.5 yd gain) [tackle: John Wick] Replay
8:43 3rd & 0.5 OWN 29 Scatter. Hawk rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [diving tackle: Lakae Manumana] Replay
8:06 1st & 10 OWN 31 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! screen pass to Scatter Hawk to the right side, caught [missed diving tackle: Dan "The Blanket" O'Brien (Spin)] [missed diving tackle: Ken U. Diggit] [missed tackle: Jayson Oweh (Power Through)] (6 yd gain) [tackle: Jason Bourne] Replay
7:41 2nd & 4 OWN 37 Scatter .Hawk rush [missed diving tackle: Frederick W. "The Ogre" Palowaski (Power Through)] up the middle (10 yd gain) [diving tackle: Emanuel McKinley] Replay
7:16 1st & 10 OWN 47 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Red Ball Hawk over the middle, caught (8.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Wonder Woman] Replay
6:33 2nd & 1.5 OPP 44.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! rush to the left (1 yd gain) [diving tackle: Emanuel McKinley] Replay
5:55 3rd & inches OPP 43.5 Scatter. Hawk rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [tackle: Jerrod McLeod] Replay
5:16 1st & 10 OPP 41.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Red Ball Hawk over the middle, caught (3.5 yd gain) [tackle: Kameron Terrell] Replay
4:49 2nd & 6.5 OPP 38 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! bad pass to Red Ball Hawk, hurried by Lakae Manumana, over the middle [deflected by Jack Reacher] (incomplete - bad throw) Replay
4:43 3rd & 6.5 OPP 38 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Ball Hawking Red Hawker over the middle [deflected by Jason Bourne] (incomplete) Replay
4:37 4th & 6.5 OPP 38 55 yd field goal attempted by Hawker Kicker, blocked by Super Girl, missed Replay
Johannesburg Jackals 4:33
4:33 1st & 10 OWN 38 Kellen Barney pass to Ryan Baldwin over the middle, caught (3.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Red Shutdown. Ball Hawker] Replay
4:00 2nd & 6.5 OWN 41 Kellen Barney pass to Guy Superfly III up the right side, caught (23.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Red Hawking MF'r] Replay
3:33 1st & 10 OPP 35.5 Kellen Barney pass to Ryan Baldwin over the middle, caught (12 yd gain) [diving tackle: Red Shutdown Ball. Hawker] Replay
3:07 1st & 10 OPP 23.5 Kellen Barney pass to Throw Me Something Mister over the middle, caught, knocked loose by Red Hawking Decleating MF'r [deflected by Red Hawking Decleating MF'r] (incomplete) Replay
3:02 2nd & 10 OPP 23.5 Kellen Barney pass to Michael "Vincenzo" Brown over the middle, caught (5 yd gain) [tackle: Red Shutdown. Ball Hawker] Replay
2:20 3rd & 5 OPP 18.5 Kellen Barney screen pass to Anwar "Lynch Mob" Lynch to the left side, caught (0.5 yd loss) [diving tackle: MF'n Red Hawker] Replay
2:00 4th & 5.5 OPP 19 36 yd field goal attempted by Athens K, made [FG] Replay
Miami Red Hawks 1:56
1:56 Kickoff by Athens K, 81 yds (touchback) Replay
1:56 1st & 10 OWN 20 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Madeline  Crownsilver over the middle, caught (6 yd gain) [diving tackle: Gunner Swift] Replay
1:25 2nd & 4 OWN 26 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! bad pass to Red Ball Hawk, hurried by Black Knight, over the middle [deflected by Jayson Oweh] (incomplete - bad throw) Replay
1:20 3rd & 4 OWN 26 Scatter. Hawk rush up the middle (6 yd gain) [diving tackle: David "Swoosh" Ingram] Replay
0:50 1st & 10 OWN 32.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! screen pass to Red Rocker to the left side, caught [missed diving tackle: Super Girl (Hurdle)] (12.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Wonder Woman] Replay
0:44 1st & 10 OWN 45 Offensive Timeout Called: Miami Red Hawks Replay
0:44 1st & 10 OWN 45 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Red Pancake up the right side [deflected by Xenny Hit] (incomplete) Replay
0:39 2nd & 10 OWN 45 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! screen pass to Red Rocker to the right side, caught [missed tackle: David "Swoosh" Ingram (Power Through)] [missed tackle: Jaden Holloway (Power Through)] (9 yd gain) [tackle: John Wick] Replay
0:32 3rd & 1 OPP 46 Offensive Timeout Called: Miami Red Hawks Replay
0:32 3rd & 1 OPP 46 Scatter. Hawk rush up the middle (2.5 yd loss) [diving tackle: David "Swoosh" Ingram] Replay
0:16 4th & 3.5 OPP 48.5 Punt by Hawker Punter, 30 yd, fielded by Jukey Sands (fair catch) Replay
Johannesburg Jackals 0:09
0:09 1st & 10 OWN 18 Kellen Barney pass to Guy Superfly III up the right side, caught, knocked loose by Red Shutdown. Ball Hawker [deflected by Red Shutdown. Ball Hawker] (incomplete) Replay
0:06 2nd & 10 OWN 18 Kellen Barney pass to Michael "Vincenzo" Brown over the middle, caught (5.5 yd gain) [tackle: Red Hawking Decleting MF'r] Replay
3rd Quarter
Miami Red Hawks 15:00
15:00 Kickoff by Athens K, 61 yd, fielded by Returning Hawker [missed tackle: Neil Pert] [missed tackle: David "Swoosh" Ingram (Spin)] (31 yd return) [Monster Hit tackle: Freight Train] Replay
14:56 1st & 10 OWN 40 Scatter. Hawk rush to the left (2 yd gain) [diving tackle: Sack Sabbath] Replay
14:24 2nd & 8 OWN 42 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Red Ball Hawk over the middle [deflected by Wonder Woman] (incomplete) Replay
14:20 3rd & 8 OWN 42 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! bad pass to Luke Hillman over the middle [deflected by Ken U. Diggit] (incomplete - bad throw) Replay
14:16 4th & 8 OWN 42 Punt by Hawker Punter, 33 yd, fielded by Jukey Sands (fair catch) Replay
Johannesburg Jackals 14:08
14:08 1st & 10 OWN 25 Kellen Barney pass to Sticky Hanz over the middle, caught (4.5 yd gain) [tackle: Red Shutdown. Ball Hawker] Replay
13:28 2nd & 5.5 OWN 29 Dean Slaughter rush [missed diving tackle: Ball Hawking Hard Hitter-s] to the right (3.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Ball Hawking Hard Hitter] Replay
12:50 3rd & 2 OWN 32.5 Kellen Barney pass to Guy Superfly III up the right side, caught (20 yd gain) [tackle: KoB's Emlen Tunnell] Replay
12:25 1st & 10 OPP 47.5 Kellen Barney pass to Anwar "Lynch Mob" Lynch up the left side, caught (2.5 yd gain) [tackle: MF'n Red Hawker] Replay
11:46 2nd & 7.5 OPP 45 Kellen Barney screen pass to Solomon "Rebel" Hulston to the left side, caught (14.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Red Hawking MF'r] Replay
11:15 1st & 10 OPP 31 Kellen Barney pass to Marty Graws over the middle, caught, knocked loose by Red Hawking Decleting MF'r [deflected by Red Hawking Decleting MF'r] (incomplete) Replay
11:10 2nd & 10 OPP 31 Kellen Barney pitch to Move It to the left (2 yd loss) [tackle: Ball Hawking Hard Hitter] Replay
10:44 3rd & 12 OPP 33 Kellen Barney pass to Darth Sidious, hurried by KoB's Emlen Tunnell, over the middle intercepted by Red Shutdown Ball Hawker (0 yd return) [tackle: Darth Sidious] Replay
Miami Red Hawks 10:40
10:40 1st & 10 OWN 14.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Red Hawking Ball Hawker over the middle, caught (35 yd gain) [diving tackle: Kameron Terrell] Replay
10:01 1st & 10 OWN 49.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! screen pass to Scatter .Hawk to the left side, caught (17.5 yd gain) [tackle: Jack Reacher] Replay
9:26 1st & 10 OPP 33.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! screen pass to Scatter. Hawk to the right side, caught [missed tackle: Jayson Oweh (Power Through)] [missed tackle: Emanuel McKinley (Spin)] (6.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Jaden Holloway] Replay
8:48 2nd & 3.5 OPP 27 Scatter .Hawk rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [diving tackle: Sack Sabbath] Replay
8:13 3rd & 2 OPP 25 Scatter. Hawk rush up the middle (3 yd gain) [tackle: David "Swoosh" Ingram] Replay
7:32 1st & 10 OPP 22 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Scatter Hawk over the middle [deflected by Lakae Manumana] (incomplete) Replay
7:28 2nd & 10 OPP 22 Scatter. Hawk rush to the left (2 yd gain) [diving tackle: Jerrod McLeod] Replay
6:46 3rd & 8 OPP 20 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Ball Hawking Red Hawker over the middle, caught (8 yd gain) [tackle: Kameron Terrell] Replay
6:08 4th & inches OPP 12 Scatter. Hawk rush up the middle (no gain) (turnover on downs) [diving tackle: John Wick] Replay
Johannesburg Jackals 6:05
6:05 1st & 10 OWN 12.5 Jukey Sands rush to the right (0.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Monster Red] Replay
5:40 2nd & 9.5 OWN 13 Kellen Barney pass to Guy Superfly III up the left side [deflected by Red Hawking Decleating MF'r] (incomplete) Replay
5:36 3rd & 9.5 OWN 13 Kellen Barney pass to Marty Graws over the middle, caught (10.5 yd gain) [tackle: MF'n Red Hawker] Replay
5:00 1st & 10 OWN 23.5 Dean Slaughter rush [missed diving tackle: Ball Hawking Hard Hitter-s] to the right (6 yd gain) [tackle: Red Hawking MF'r] Replay
4:31 2nd & 4 OWN 30 Kellen Barney pass to Darth Sidious over the middle, caught, knocked loose by Red Shutdown Ball. Hawker [deflected by Red Shutdown Ball. Hawker] (incomplete) Replay
4:27 3rd & 4 OWN 30 Kellen Barney pass to Anwar "Lynch Mob" Lynch up the right side intercepted by MF'n Red Hawker (1 yd return) [tackle: Anwar "Lynch Mob" Lynch] Replay
Miami Red Hawks 4:22
4:22 1st & 10 OPP 31 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! bad pass to Red Ball Hawk, hurried by Frederick W. "The Ogre" Palowaski, over the middle intercepted by Jaden Holloway (-1 yd return) [tackle: Red Ball Hawk] Replay
Johannesburg Jackals 4:18
4:18 1st & 10 OWN 8.5 Kellen Barney pass to Darth Sidious over the middle, caught, knocked loose by Hard Hitting Red Hawker [deflected by Hard Hitting Red Hawker] (incomplete) Replay
4:13 2nd & 10 OWN 8.5 Solomon "Rebel" Hulston rush to the right (2 yd gain) [tackle: Monster Red] Replay
3:39 3rd & 8 OWN 10 Kellen Barney pass to Anwar "Lynch Mob" Lynch up the left side, caught (1.5 yd gain) [tackle: Red Shutdown Ball Hawker] Replay
3:11 4th & 6.5 OWN 12 Punt by Peter Beam, 46 yd, fielded by Returning Hawker (fair catch) Replay
Miami Red Hawks 3:03
3:03 1st & 10 OWN 42.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Scatter Hawk over the middle, jumping catch attempt, caught [missed diving tackle: Jayson Oweh] (6 yd gain) [Monster Hit tackle: David "Swoosh" Ingram] Replay
2:33 2nd & 4 OWN 48.5 Scatter .Hawk rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [diving tackle: Frederick W. "The Ogre" Palowaski] Replay
2:04 3rd & 2 OPP 49.5 Scatter. Hawk rush up the middle (5 yd gain) [diving tackle: David "Swoosh" Ingram] Replay
1:36 1st & 10 OPP 44.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! screen pass to Scatter Hawk to the right side, caught [missed diving tackle: Jayson Oweh (Power Through)] (24 yd gain) [Big Hit diving tackle: Neil Pert] Replay
1:03 1st & 10 OPP 20.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Scatter .Hawk over the middle, caught (3.5 yd gain) [tackle: Super Girl] Replay
0:30 2nd & 6.5 OPP 17 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Red Hawking Ball Hawker up the left side, thrown low [deflected by Wonder Woman] (incomplete) Replay
0:25 3rd & 6.5 OPP 17 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Ball Hawking Red Hawker over the middle [deflected by Wonder Woman] (incomplete) Replay
0:19 4th & 6.5 OPP 17 34 yd field goal attempted by Hawker Kicker, made [FG] Replay
Johannesburg Jackals 0:15
0:15 Kickoff by Hawker Kicker, 64 yd, fielded by Jukey Sands (17 yd return) [Monster Hit diving tackle: Red Hawking Decleting MF'r] Replay
0:13 1st & 10 OWN 23 Kellen Barney pass to Guy Superfly III up the right side [deflected by Red Hawking Decleating MF'r] (incomplete) Replay
0:09 2nd & 10 OWN 23 Kellen Barney pass to Sticky Hanz over the middle, caught (5.5 yd gain) [tackle: Hard Hitting Red Hawker] Replay
4th Quarter
15:00 3rd & 4.5 OWN 29 Kellen Barney pass to Anwar "Lynch Mob" Lynch up the right side, caught (8.5 yd gain) [tackle: Red Hawking. Decleating MF'r] Replay
14:22 1st & 10 OWN 37.5 Kellen Barney pitch to Move It to the left (3.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Red Hawk Nest Defender] Replay
13:50 2nd & 6.5 OWN 41 Kellen Barney bad pass to Darth Sidious, hurried by Monster Hawk, over the middle [deflected by Red Shutdown. Ball Hawker] (incomplete - bad throw) Replay
13:45 3rd & 6.5 OWN 41 Kellen Barney pass to Anwar "Lynch Mob" Lynch over the middle, caught, knocked loose by Red Hawking. Decleating MF'r [deflected by Red Hawking. Decleating MF'r] (incomplete) Replay
13:40 4th & 6.5 OWN 41 Punt by Peter Beam, 40 yd, fielded by Returning Hawker (fair catch) Replay
Miami Red Hawks 13:33
13:33 1st & 10 OWN 19.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Scatter .Hawk up the right side [deflected by Xenny Cover] (incomplete) Replay
13:28 2nd & 10 OWN 19.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pitch to Scatter. Hawk to the left (1.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Sack Sabbath] Replay
13:01 3rd & 8.5 OWN 21 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to name change for Tom up the right side intercepted by Jaden Holloway (1 yd return) [diving tackle: Scatter Hawk] Replay
Johannesburg Jackals 12:56
12:56 1st & 10 OPP 27 Move It rush up the middle (3.5 yd gain) [Monster Hit tackle: Ball Hawking Hard Hitter] Replay
12:25 2nd & 6.5 OPP 23.5 Dean Slaughter rush to the right (1 yd gain) [diving tackle: Red Monster] Replay
11:55 3rd & 5.5 OPP 22.5 False start penalty committed by Xenny Protect Replay
11:55 3rd & 10.5 OPP 27.5 Kellen Barney pass to Darth Sidious up the left side, caught (27.5 yd gain) [TD] Replay
11:51 Extra point attempted by Athens K, made [XP] Replay
Miami Red Hawks 11:51
11:51 Kickoff by Athens K, 70 yd, fielded by Returning Hawker (27 yd return) [tackle: Morbo The Annihilator] Replay
11:47 1st & 10 OWN 26.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Scatter .Hawk up the right side, caught (4 yd gain) [tackle: Super Girl] Replay
11:04 2nd & 6 OWN 31 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! screen pass to Scatter Hawk to the right side, caught (5 yd gain) [tackle: Jason Bourne] Replay
10:27 3rd & 1 OWN 36 Scatter. Hawk rush up the middle (1.5 yd gain) [tackle: Frederick W. "The Ogre" Palowaski] Replay
9:56 1st & 10 OWN 37.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! screen pass to Scatter .Hawk to the right side [deflected by Super Girl] (incomplete) Replay
9:52 2nd & 10 OWN 37.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! screen pass to Scatter .Hawk to the left side, caught (7.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: John Wick] Replay
9:08 3rd & 2.5 OWN 45 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Ball Hawking Red Hawker up the left side, caught (13 yd gain) [diving tackle: Kameron Terrell] Replay
8:44 1st & 10 OPP 42 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! bad pass to Red Hawking Ball Hawker up the left side [deflected by Emanuel McKinley] (incomplete - bad throw) Replay
8:39 2nd & 10 OPP 42 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pitch to Scatter .Hawk [missed tackle: Xenny Cover (Spin)] to the right (1 yd loss) [diving tackle: Jack Reacher] Replay
8:01 3rd & 11 OPP 43 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Ball Hawking Red Hawker over the middle [deflected by Dan "The Blanket" O'Brien] (incomplete) Replay
7:58 4th & 11 OPP 43 Punt by Hawker Punter, 38 yd (out of bounds) Replay
Johannesburg Jackals 7:53
7:53 1st & 10 OWN 4.5 Move It rush up the middle (5.5 yd gain) [Big Hit tackle: Red Monster] Replay
7:20 2nd & 4.5 OWN 10 Kellen Barney pass to Darth Sidious over the middle, caught, knocked loose by Red Shutdown. Ball Hawker [deflected by Red Shutdown. Ball Hawker] (incomplete) Replay
7:16 3rd & 4.5 OWN 10 Kellen Barney pass to Anwar "Lynch Mob" Lynch up the right side [deflected by Red Shutdown Ball Hawker] (incomplete) Replay
7:12 4th & 4.5 OWN 10 Punt by Peter Beam, 31 yd, fielded by Returning Hawker (fair catch) Replay
Miami Red Hawks 7:05
7:05 1st & 10 OPP 41.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Red Ball Hawk over the middle, caught (8.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Kameron Terrell] Replay
6:31 2nd & 1.5 OPP 32.5 Scatter .Hawk rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [diving tackle: Sack Sabbath] Replay
6:04 1st & 10 OPP 30.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! screen pass to Red Rocker to the right side [deflected by David "Swoosh" Ingram] (incomplete) Replay
6:00 2nd & 10 OPP 30.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! rush to the left (0.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Jason Bourne] Replay
5:21 3rd & 9.5 OPP 30 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to name change for Tom up the right side, caught (28 yd gain) [tackle: Jack Reacher] Replay
4:48 1st & G OPP 2.5 Scatter. Hawk rush up the middle (1 yd gain) [tackle: Sack Sabbath] Replay
4:19 2nd & G OPP 1.5 Red_o_o__o_o__o_o__o _o_o__o_o__o_o__o_o__oBazooka! pass to Madeline  Crownsilver over the middle, caught [TD] (1.5 yd gain) Replay
4:16 Two point conversion attempted by Scatter. Hawk, converted [2PT] Replay
Johannesburg Jackals 4:16
4:16 Kickoff by Hawker Kicker, 67 yd, fielded by Jukey Sands (25.5 yd return) [diving tackle: Red Hawking Decleting MF'r] Replay
4:13 1st & 10 OWN 29 Move It rush up the middle (no gain) [diving tackle: Monster Red] Replay
3:25 2nd & 10 OWN 29 Solomon "Rebel" Hulston rush up the middle (4.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Monster Hawk] Replay
2:37 3rd & 5.5 OWN 33.5 Kellen Barney pass to Guy Superfly III up the right side, caught (14.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Hard Hitting Red Hawker] Replay
2:00 1st & 10 OWN 48 Dean Slaughter rush [missed diving tackle: Red Hawk Nest Defender] to the right (3.5 yd gain) [tackle: Red Hawking MF'r] Replay
1:56 2nd & 6.5 OPP 48.5 Defensive Timeout Called: Miami Red Hawks Replay
1:56 2nd & 6.5 OPP 48.5 Move It rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [tackle: Monster Red] Replay
1:52 3rd & 4.5 OPP 46.5 Defensive Timeout Called: Miami Red Hawks Replay
1:52 3rd & 4.5 OPP 46.5 Move It rush up the middle (3 yd gain) [Monster Hit tackle: Red Hawk Nest Defender] Replay
1:48 4th & 1.5 OPP 43.5 Defensive Timeout Called: Miami Red Hawks Replay
1:48 4th & 1.5 OPP 43.5 Dean Slaughter rush up the middle (1.5 yd gain) [tackle: Monster Hawk] Replay
1:00 1st & 10 OPP 42 Dean Slaughter rush up the middle (1 yd loss) Replay
0:13 2nd & 11 OPP 43 Dean Slaughter rush up the middle (1 yd loss) Replay

Replay Speed: 7/10