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Granite Peak Grizzlies 0 0 0 0 0 0 Final
Arditi Italia 7 14 7 42 0 70  
Play by Play
1st Quarter
Granite Peak Grizzlies 15:00
15:00 Kickoff by Pistillo Velenoso, 65 yd, fielded by Carl Pickering [missed tackle: Alto Voltaggio] (20.5 yd return) [diving tackle: Lapillo Gunner] Replay
14:57 1st & 10 OWN 25 Cooper France rush [missed tackle: Kelby Bennett] [missed tackle: I'm The Reason You Won] up the middle (3 yd gain) [tackle: Nicomo Casca] Replay
14:22 2nd & 7 OWN 28.5 Brock Waterman rush up the middle (3 yd gain) [Monster Hit diving tackle: Medusa Flacida] Replay
13:53 3rd & 4 OWN 31 Cooper France rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [tackle: Dallin Chapman] Replay
13:17 4th & 2 OWN 33 Brock Waterman rush [missed tackle: Demetrius Romano] to the right (3 yd gain) [tackle: Jon Peck] Replay
12:42 1st & 10 OWN 36 Cooper France rush [missed diving tackle: Nicomo Casca] up the middle (6 yd gain) [tackle: Luke "Breaker" Ham] Replay
12:08 2nd & 4 OWN 41.5 Brock Waterman rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [diving tackle: Daryl Christopher] Replay
11:35 3rd & 2 OWN 43.5 Cooper France rush up the middle (2.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: George Wellman] Replay
10:58 1st & 10 OWN 46.5 Brock Waterman rush to the right (3 yd gain) [tackle: Medusa Flacida] Replay
10:19 2nd & 7 OWN 49.5 Cooper France rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [tackle: Luke "Breaker" Ham] Replay
9:53 3rd & 5 OPP 48.5 Eddie Brennan pass to Trevor Cooke over the middle, caught (5 yd gain) [tackle: Roberto Baggio] Replay
9:14 1st & 10 OPP 43.5 Brock Waterman rush up the middle (3 yd gain) [diving tackle: George Wellman] Replay
8:45 2nd & 7 OPP 40.5 Cooper France rush up the middle (2.5 yd gain) [tackle: Demetrius Romano] Replay
8:04 3rd & 4.5 OPP 38 Eddie Brennan pass to Gabriel Moore up the left side intercepted by Andrea Pirlo (0 yd return) [diving tackle: Gabriel Moore] Replay
Arditi Italia 7:59
7:59 1st & 10 OWN 33 KING SHINKANSEN pitch to Cas Pro GOAT [missed tackle: Cameron Dick] to the left (4 yd gain) [diving tackle: Lou Ford] Replay
7:20 2nd & 6 OWN 37 Khalid Jansen rush [missed diving tackle: Rudy Sparks] to the left (0.5 yd loss) [tackle: Bill Perry] Replay
6:46 3rd & 6.5 OWN 36.5 Khalid Jansen pitch to KoB's O.J. Simpson to the left (2.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Logan Day] Replay
6:10 4th & 4 OWN 39 Punt by Glunberg Satirico, 54 yd, fielded by Carl Pickering (8 yd return) [tackle: Lapillo Gunner] Replay
Granite Peak Grizzlies 6:03
6:03 1st & 10 OWN 15.5 Brock Waterman rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [tackle: Nicomo Casca] Replay
5:21 2nd & 8 OWN 17.5 Eddie Brennan pass to Trevor Cooke over the middle, caught[forced fumble: Brivido Mellotron], fumbled , recovered by Breck Wall (20.5 yd return) [diving tackle: Carlton Creek] Replay
Arditi Italia 5:12
5:12 1st & G OPP 6 Sed Ferro rush [missed diving tackle: Carlos Zeigler] [missed tackle: Allen Grant] up the middle (6 yd gain) [TD] Replay
5:08 Extra point attempted by Pistillo Velenoso, made [XP] Replay
Granite Peak Grizzlies 5:08
5:08 Kickoff by Pistillo Velenoso, 66 yd, fielded by Carl Pickering (14.5 yd return) [tackle: Zel Gunner] Replay
5:06 1st & 10 OWN 19 Brock Waterman rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [tackle: Teddy Whitley] Replay
4:36 2nd & 8 OWN 21 Eddie Brennan pass to Kyle Craft over the middle [deflected by Shink Master] (incomplete) Replay
4:32 3rd & 8 OWN 21 Eddie Brennan pass to Jordan Rhodes up the right side, caught, knocked loose by Daryl Christopher [deflected by Daryl Christopher] (incomplete) Replay
4:27 4th & 8 OWN 21 Punt by Clifton Murdock, 58 yd, fielded by Alto Voltaggio (21.5 yd return) [diving tackle: Oscar Byrd] Replay
Arditi Italia 4:17
4:17 1st & 10 OWN 42.5 Khalid Jansen rush to the left (0.5 yd gain) [tackle: Morgan Bryant] Replay
3:38 2nd & 9.5 OWN 43 Khalid Jansen rush [missed tackle: Keenan Jack] to the left (0.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Rudy Sparks] Replay
2:56 3rd & 9 OWN 44 Cas Pro GOAT rush up the middle (3 yd gain) [tackle: Loren Blaylock] Replay
2:21 4th & 6 OWN 47 Punt by Glunberg Satirico, 34 yd, fielded by Carl Pickering (fair catch) Replay
Granite Peak Grizzlies 2:14
2:14 1st & 10 OWN 19 Brock Waterman rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [diving tackle: George Wellman] Replay
1:34 2nd & 8 OWN 20.5 Eddie Brennan bad pass to Gabriel Moore up the left side [deflected by Dallin Chapman] (incomplete - bad throw) Replay
1:29 3rd & 8 OWN 20.5 Eddie Brennan pass to Jordan Rhodes over the middle, caught, knocked loose by Luke "Breaker" Ham [deflected by Luke "Breaker" Ham] (incomplete) Replay
1:24 4th & 8 OWN 20.5 Punt by Clifton Murdock, 60 yd, fielded by Alto Voltaggio (14 yd return) [tackle: Andres Britt] Replay
Arditi Italia 1:15
1:15 1st & 10 OWN 33.5 Sed Ferro rush [missed tackle: Cameron Dick] to the left (1.5 yd gain) [tackle: Randy Butcher] Replay
0:45 2nd & 8.5 OWN 35 KoB's O.J. Simpson rush [missed diving tackle: Bill Perry] up the middle (4 yd gain) [tackle: Loren Blaylock] Replay
0:14 3rd & 4.5 OWN 39 Cas Pro GOAT rush to the left (1.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Rudy Sparks] Replay
2nd Quarter
15:00 4th & 3 OWN 40.5 Punt by Glunberg Satirico, 58 yd (out of bounds) Replay
Granite Peak Grizzlies 14:54
14:54 1st & 10 OWN 2 Cooper France rush up the middle (1.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Kelby Bennett] Replay
14:27 2nd & 8.5 OWN 3.5 Brock Waterman rush up the middle (3 yd gain) [tackle: Teddy Whitley] Replay
13:56 3rd & 5.5 OWN 6 Eddie Brennan pass to Gabriel Moore up the left side (dropped - incomplete) Replay
13:51 4th & 5.5 OWN 6 Punt by Clifton Murdock, 64 yd, fielded by Alto Voltaggio (17.5 yd return) [tackle: Andres Britt] Replay
Arditi Italia 13:42
13:42 1st & 10 OWN 47 KoB's O.J. Simpson rush [missed diving tackle: Carlos Zeigler] to the left (2 yd gain) [diving tackle: Cameron Dick] Replay
13:06 2nd & 8 OWN 49 Sed Ferro rush [missed tackle: Keenan Jack] [missed diving tackle: Maxwell Johnston] to the left (4 yd gain) [diving tackle: Edward Molina] Replay
12:23 3rd & 3.5 OPP 46.5 Khalid Jansen rush [missed diving tackle: Carlos Zeigler] [missed tackle: Cameron Dick] to the left (5.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Morgan Bryant] Replay
11:56 1st & 10 OPP 41 Encroachment penalty committed by Carlos Zeigler Replay
11:56 1st & 5 OPP 36 Khalid Jansen rush [missed diving tackle: Carlos Zeigler] [TD] to the left (36 yd gain) Replay
11:46 Extra point attempted by Pistillo Velenoso, made [XP] Replay
Granite Peak Grizzlies 11:46
11:46 Kickoff by Pistillo Velenoso, 68 yd, fielded by Carl Pickering (27.5 yd return) [tackle: George Wellman] Replay
11:41 1st & 10 OWN 29.5 Eddie Brennan pitch to Cooper France [missed tackle: Black Dow] to the left (10.5 yd gain) [tackle: Jaron Mata] Replay
11:06 1st & 10 OWN 40 Brock Waterman rush [missed tackle: Nicomo Casca] up the middle (3 yd gain) [tackle: Caleb Jarrett] Replay
10:39 2nd & 7 OWN 43 Brock Waterman rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [tackle: Kelby Bennett] Replay
10:07 3rd & 5 OWN 45 Eddie Brennan bad pass to Trevor Cooke up the right side [deflected by I'm The Reason You Won] (incomplete - bad throw) Replay
10:02 4th & 5 OWN 45 Punt by Clifton Murdock, 48 yd, fielded by Alto Voltaggio (9.5 yd return) [Big Hit tackle: Andres Britt] Replay
Arditi Italia 9:55
9:55 1st & 10 OWN 17 KING SHINKANSEN rush to the left (5.5 yd gain) [tackle: Cameron Dick] Replay
9:21 2nd & 4.5 OWN 22.5 Khalid Jansen rush to the left (2 yd loss) [tackle: Rudy Sparks] Replay
8:54 3rd & 7 OWN 20 Khalid Jansen rush to the left (0.5 yd gain) [tackle: Rudy Sparks] Replay
8:31 4th & 6.5 OWN 20.5 Punt by Glunberg Satirico, 43 yd, fielded by Carl Pickering (7.5 yd return) [diving tackle: Joe Sutton] Replay
Granite Peak Grizzlies 8:24
8:24 1st & 10 OWN 43.5 Brock Waterman rush up the middle (6 yd gain) [diving tackle: Nicomo Casca] Replay
7:43 2nd & 4 OWN 49 Cooper France rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [tackle: Kelby Bennett] Replay
7:08 3rd & 2 OPP 48.5 Brock Waterman rush to the right (1 yd gain) [diving tackle: Black Dow] Replay
6:30 4th & 1 OPP 47.5 Cooper France rush up the middle (3.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Fabio Cannavaro] Replay
5:47 1st & 10 OPP 44.5 Brock Waterman rush [missed tackle: I'm The Reason You Won] to the right (2.5 yd gain) [tackle: Kelby Bennett] Replay
5:13 2nd & 7.5 OPP 42 Cooper France rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [tackle: George Wellman] Replay
4:47 3rd & 5.5 OPP 39.5 Eddie Brennan pass to Gabriel Moore up the right side, caught (3.5 yd gain) [tackle: Demetrius Romano] Replay
4:18 4th & 2 OPP 36 Cooper France rush up the middle (2.5 yd gain) [tackle: George Wellman] Replay
3:37 1st & 10 OPP 34 Brock Waterman rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [tackle: Teddy Whitley] Replay
2:59 2nd & 8 OPP 32 Eddie Brennan pass to Gabriel Moore up the right side, caught (10 yd gain) [diving tackle: Caleb Jarrett] Replay
2:27 1st & 10 OPP 21.5 Cooper France rush [missed diving tackle: Shink Master] up the middle (4 yd gain) [tackle: I'm The Reason You Won] Replay
2:00 2nd & 6 OPP 17.5 Eddie Brennan pass to Trevor Cooke, hurried by Kelby Bennett, up the left side, caught (12 yd gain) [tackle: Brivido Mellotron] Replay
1:54 1st & G OPP 5.5 Offensive Timeout Called: Granite Peak Grizzlies Replay
1:54 1st & G OPP 5.5 Eddie Brennan pass to Francisco Corey up the left side [deflected by Jolly Joras] (incomplete) Replay
1:50 2nd & G OPP 5.5 Eddie Brennan pass to Gabriel Moore up the left side [deflected by Daryl Christopher] (incomplete) Replay
1:45 3rd & G OPP 5.5 Eddie Brennan pass to Francisco Corey over the middle intercepted by Jolly Joras, 0 yds (touchback) Replay
Arditi Italia 1:40
1:40 1st & 10 OWN 20 KING SHINKANSEN rush to the left (1 yd loss) [tackle: Rudy Sparks] Replay
1:00 2nd & 11 OWN 19 Khalid Jansen pitch to Sed Ferro [TD] to the left (81 yd gain) Replay
0:46 Extra point attempted by Pistillo Velenoso, made [XP] Replay
Granite Peak Grizzlies 0:46
0:46 Kickoff by Pistillo Velenoso, 62 yd, fielded by Carl Pickering (15.5 yd return) [tackle: Zel Gunner] Replay
0:44 1st & 10 OWN 23.5 Eddie Brennan pitch to Brock Waterman [missed tackle: Jon Peck] to the right (10.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Demetrius Romano] Replay
0:05 1st & 10 OWN 34 Eddie Brennan pass to Jordan Rhodes over the middle, caught (8 yd gain) [tackle: Shink Master] Replay
3rd Quarter
Arditi Italia 15:00
15:00 Kickoff by Ricardo Holt, 65 yd, fielded by Alto Voltaggio (21 yd return) [tackle: Dorian Coker] Replay
14:56 1st & 10 OWN 25.5 KING SHINKANSEN pitch to KoB's O.J. Simpson [TD] to the left (74.5 yd gain) Replay
14:39 Extra point attempted by Pistillo Velenoso, made [XP] Replay
Granite Peak Grizzlies 14:39
14:39 Kickoff by Pistillo Velenoso, 60 yd, fielded by Carl Pickering (12.5 yd return) [diving tackle: Lapillo Gunner] Replay
14:37 1st & 10 OWN 23 Cooper France rush [missed tackle: I'm The Reason You Won] up the middle (3 yd gain) [tackle: Demetrius Romano] Replay
13:58 2nd & 7 OWN 26 Brock Waterman rush [missed diving tackle: George Wellman] [missed tackle: Roberto Baggio] up the middle (4.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Otis Bryson] Replay
13:22 3rd & 2 OWN 31 Cooper France rush [missed diving tackle: Nicomo Casca] to the right (3.5 yd gain) [tackle: Dallin Chapman] Replay
12:45 1st & 10 OWN 34.5 Eddie Brennan screen pass to Gabriel Moore to the right side, caught (6.5 yd gain) [tackle: Black Dow] Replay
12:16 2nd & 3.5 OWN 41 Brock Waterman rush [missed diving tackle: Jaron Mata] up the middle (6.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Brivido Mellotron] Replay
11:36 1st & 10 OWN 47.5 Cooper France rush up the middle (3.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Nicomo Casca] Replay
10:54 2nd & 6.5 OPP 49 Eddie Brennan pass to Tommy Anderson, hurried by Kelby Bennett, up the left side (dropped - incomplete) Replay
10:48 3rd & 6.5 OPP 49 Eddie Brennan pass to Gabriel Moore up the right side, caught (1.5 yd loss) [tackle: Breck Wall] Replay
10:19 4th & 7.5 OWN 50 Punt by Clifton Murdock, 36 yd, fielded by Alto Voltaggio (5.5 yd return) [tackle: Dorian Coker] Replay
Arditi Italia 10:12
10:12 1st & 10 OWN 19.5 Khalid Jansen rush to the left (2 yd gain) [tackle: Rudy Sparks] Replay
9:39 2nd & 8 OWN 21.5 Khalid Jansen rush [missed diving tackle: Morgan Bryant] [missed tackle: Cameron Dick] to the left (5.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Loren Blaylock] Replay
9:12 3rd & 2.5 OWN 27 Khalid Jansen rush to the left (no gain) [tackle: Rudy Sparks] Replay
8:32 4th & 2.5 OWN 27 Punt by Glunberg Satirico, 52 yd, fielded by Carl Pickering (9.5 yd return) [diving tackle: Lapillo Gunner] Replay
Granite Peak Grizzlies 8:24
8:24 1st & 10 OWN 30.5 Cooper France rush [missed diving tackle: Teddy Whitley] [missed tackle: Black Dow] up the middle (4.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Demetrius Romano] Replay
7:52 2nd & 5.5 OWN 35 Eddie Brennan screen pass to Gabriel Moore to the right side, caught (4.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Kelby Bennett] Replay
7:09 3rd & 0.5 OWN 39.5 Brock Waterman rush [missed tackle: Gianluigi Buffon] [missed diving tackle: Shink Master] [missed diving tackle: Nicomo Casca] to the right (6 yd gain) [tackle: I'm The Reason You Won] Replay
6:27 1st & 10 OWN 45.5 Cooper France rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [diving tackle: Teddy Whitley] Replay
6:02 2nd & 8 OWN 47.5 Eddie Brennan pass to Trevor Cooke, hurried by Nicomo Casca, over the middle, caught (3.5 yd gain) [Big Hit diving tackle: George Wellman] Replay
5:28 3rd & 5 OPP 49.5 Eddie Brennan pass to Trevor Cooke over the middle [deflected by Breck Wall] (incomplete) Replay
5:23 4th & 5 OPP 49.5 Punt by Clifton Murdock, 46 yd (out of bounds) Replay
Arditi Italia 5:18
5:18 1st & 10 OWN 3.5 Cas Pro GOAT rush to the left (6 yd gain) [tackle: Edward Molina] Replay
4:48 2nd & 4 OWN 9.5 Khalid Jansen pitch to KoB's O.J. Simpson to the left (no gain) [tackle: Rudy Sparks] Replay
4:22 3rd & 3.5 OWN 10 Cas Pro GOAT rush [missed diving tackle: Bill Perry] to the left (3 yd gain) [diving tackle: Randy Butcher] Replay
3:57 4th & 1 OWN 13 Punt by Glunberg Satirico, 44 yd, fielded by Carl Pickering (9 yd return) [diving tackle: Lapillo Gunner] Replay
Granite Peak Grizzlies 3:49
3:49 1st & 10 OPP 47.5 Brock Waterman rush [missed diving tackle: Gianluigi Buffon] to the right (3 yd gain) [tackle: Demetrius Romano] Replay
3:10 2nd & 7 OPP 44.5 Eddie Brennan pass to Kyle Craft over the middle, caught (5.5 yd gain) [tackle: Otis Bryson] Replay
2:33 3rd & 1.5 OPP 39 Brock Waterman rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [diving tackle: Shink Master] Replay
2:05 1st & 10 OPP 37 Eddie Brennan pass to Kyle Craft up the right side [deflected by Dallin Chapman] (incomplete) Replay
2:00 2nd & 10 OPP 37 Eddie Brennan pass to Carlton Creek over the middle [deflected by Roberto Baggio] (incomplete) Replay
1:57 3rd & 10 OPP 37 Eddie Brennan pass to Tommy Anderson, hurried by Kelby Bennett, over the middle [deflected by Paolo Maldini] (incomplete) Replay
1:52 4th & 10 OPP 37 Punt by Clifton Murdock, 39 yds (touchback) Replay
Arditi Italia 1:47
1:47 1st & 10 OWN 20 Khalid Jansen rush [missed diving tackle: Carlos Zeigler] to the left (4 yd gain) [tackle: Allen Grant] Replay
1:06 2nd & 6 OWN 24 Sed Ferro rush [missed diving tackle: Rudy Sparks] to the left (5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Morgan Bryant] Replay
0:32 3rd & 1 OWN 29 Khalid Jansen rush [missed tackle: Allen Grant] to the left (6 yd gain) [tackle: Nickolas Rollins] Replay
0:07 1st & 10 OWN 34.5 KING SHINKANSEN rush to the left (no gain) [diving tackle: Rudy Sparks] Replay
4th Quarter
15:00 2nd & 10 OWN 35 Cas Pro GOAT rush [missed diving tackle: Duane Joyner] to the left (5.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Loren Blaylock] Replay
14:22 3rd & 4.5 OWN 40.5 Khalid Jansen rush [missed diving tackle: Carlos Zeigler] [missed diving tackle: Morgan Bryant] [missed tackle: Edward Molina] [TD] to the left (59.5 yd gain) Replay
14:08 Extra point attempted by Pistillo Velenoso, made [XP] Replay
Granite Peak Grizzlies 14:08
14:08 Kickoff by Pistillo Velenoso, 70 yd, fielded by Carl Pickering (27 yd return) [diving tackle: Zel Gunner] Replay
14:03 1st & 10 OWN 27 Eddie Brennan pitch to Cooper France to the left (6 yd gain) [diving tackle: Caleb Jarrett] Replay
13:37 2nd & 4 OWN 33 Brock Waterman rush up the middle (1.5 yd gain) [tackle: Daryl Christopher] Replay
12:58 3rd & 2 OWN 34.5 Cooper France rush up the middle (3.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Kelby Bennett] Replay
12:32 1st & 10 OWN 38.5 Eddie Brennan screen pass to Gabriel Moore to the right side, caught (3.5 yd gain) [tackle: Luke "Breaker" Ham] Replay
12:03 2nd & 6.5 OWN 42 Cooper France rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [Big Hit diving tackle: George Wellman] Replay
11:31 3rd & 4.5 OWN 44 Eddie Brennan pass to Kyle Craft up the left side [deflected by Breck Wall] (incomplete) Replay
11:27 4th & 4.5 OWN 44 Punt by Clifton Murdock, 44 yd, fielded by Alto Voltaggio (14 yd return) [diving tackle: Derek Hobbs] Replay
Arditi Italia 11:19
11:19 1st & 10 OWN 26.5 KING SHINKANSEN rush to the left (4.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Felix Crespo] Replay
10:55 2nd & 5.5 OWN 31 Khalid Jansen pitch to Cas Pro GOAT [missed diving tackle: Lou Ford] [TD] to the left (69 yd gain) Replay
10:40 Extra point attempted by Pistillo Velenoso, made [XP] Replay
Granite Peak Grizzlies 10:40
10:40 Kickoff by Pistillo Velenoso, 68 yd, fielded by Carl Pickering (19.5 yd return) [tackle: Lapillo Gunner] Replay
10:37 1st & 10 OWN 21 Eddie Brennan pitch to Cooper France to the left (5.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Daryl Christopher] Replay
10:12 2nd & 4.5 OWN 26.5 Brock Waterman rush up the middle (3.5 yd gain) [tackle: George Wellman] Replay
9:32 3rd & 1 OWN 30 Cooper France rush [missed diving tackle: Teddy Whitley] [missed diving tackle: Jaron Mata (Lower the Shoulder)] to the left (2.5 yd gain) [tackle: Otis Bryson] Replay
8:58 1st & 10 OWN 32.5 Brock Waterman rush [missed tackle: Nicomo Casca] up the middle (4 yd gain) [tackle: George Wellman] Replay
8:18 2nd & 6 OWN 36.5 Cooper France rush up the middle (5 yd gain) [tackle: Teddy Whitley] Replay
8:02 3rd & 1 OWN 42 Brock Waterman rush [missed diving tackle: Nicomo Casca] [missed diving tackle: I'm The Reason You Won] [missed tackle: Andrea Pirlo] to the right (3 yd gain) [Monster Hit diving tackle: Dallin Chapman] Replay
7:40 1st & 10 OWN 45 Eddie Brennan pass to Jordan Rhodes up the right side [deflected by Luke "Breaker" Ham] (incomplete) Replay
7:34 2nd & 10 OWN 45 Eddie Brennan pass to Kyle Craft over the middle [deflected by Black Dow] (incomplete) Replay
7:30 3rd & 10 OWN 45 Cooper France rush [missed tackle: Breck Wall] up the middle (4 yd gain) [diving tackle: Gianluigi Buffon] Replay
7:16 4th & 6 OWN 48.5 Punt by Clifton Murdock, 48 yd, fielded by Alto Voltaggio (10.5 yd return) [tackle: Andres Britt] Replay
Arditi Italia 7:08
7:08 1st & 10 OWN 14 KING SHINKANSEN pitch to Sed Ferro [TD] to the left (86 yd gain) Replay
6:52 Extra point attempted by Pistillo Velenoso, made [XP] Replay
Granite Peak Grizzlies 6:52
6:52 Kickoff by Pistillo Velenoso, 65 yd, fielded by Carl Pickering (16 yd return) [tackle: Shink Master] Replay
6:49 1st & 10 OWN 21 Eddie Brennan pass to Guy Cartwright over the middle [deflected by Joe Sutton] (incomplete) Replay
6:44 2nd & 10 OWN 21 Eddie Brennan bad pass to Jess Landers, hurried by Jon Peck, up the left side intercepted by Roberto Baggio (0 yd return) [diving tackle: Jess Landers] Replay
Arditi Italia 6:40
6:40 1st & 10 OPP 33 KoB's O.J. Simpson rush up the middle (3.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Duane Joyner] Replay
6:12 2nd & 6.5 OPP 30 Khalid Jansen rush [missed tackle: Maxwell Johnston] [TD] to the left (30 yd gain) Replay
6:03 Extra point attempted by Pistillo Velenoso, made [XP] Replay
Granite Peak Grizzlies 6:03
6:03 Kickoff by Pistillo Velenoso, 57 yd, fielded by Carl Pickering (26 yd return) [diving tackle: Zel Gunner] Replay
5:58 1st & 10 OWN 39 Eddie Brennan bad pass to Trevor Cooke over the middle (incomplete - bad throw) Replay
5:54 2nd & 10 OWN 39 Eddie Brennan sacked by Fabio Cannavaro (3.5 yd loss) Replay
5:34 3rd & 13.5 OWN 35.5 Eddie Brennan pass to Jordan Rhodes, hurried by Nicomo Casca, over the middle [deflected by Demetrius Romano] (incomplete) Replay
5:29 4th & 13.5 OWN 35.5 Punt by Clifton Murdock, 46 yd, fielded by Alto Voltaggio (20 yd return) [diving tackle: Rudy Sparks] Replay
Arditi Italia 5:20
5:20 1st & 10 OWN 38.5 KoB's O.J. Simpson rush up the middle (3 yd gain) [tackle: Duane Joyner] Replay
4:32 2nd & 7 OWN 41.5 KoB's O.J. Simpson rush [missed tackle: Edward Molina] [missed diving tackle: Nickolas Rollins] to the left (30 yd gain) [diving tackle: Derek Hobbs] Replay
3:39 1st & 10 OPP 29 KING SHINKANSEN rush [missed diving tackle: Carlos Zeigler] [missed tackle: Cameron Dick] to the left (5.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Logan Day] Replay
2:50 2nd & 4.5 OPP 23.5 Khalid Jansen rush [missed diving tackle: Rudy Sparks] [missed tackle: Tyler Wolfe] [missed tackle: Edward Molina] [TD] to the left (23.5 yd gain) Replay
2:41 Extra point attempted by Pistillo Velenoso, made [XP] Replay
Granite Peak Grizzlies 2:41
2:41 Kickoff by Pistillo Velenoso, 63 yd, fielded by Carl Pickering (12.5 yd return) [tackle: Shink Master] Replay
2:39 1st & 10 OWN 19.5 Eddie Brennan pass to Francisco Corey up the left side [deflected by Black Dow] (incomplete) Replay
2:34 2nd & 10 OWN 19.5 Eddie Brennan pass to Jordan Rhodes over the middle (incomplete) Replay
2:29 3rd & 10 OWN 19.5 Brock Waterman rush up the middle (2 yd gain) [tackle: Nicomo Casca] Replay
2:13 4th & 8 OWN 21.5 Punt by Clifton Murdock, 38 yd, fielded by Alto Voltaggio [TD] (59.5 yd return) Replay
Arditi Italia 1:57
1:57 Extra point attempted by Pistillo Velenoso, made [XP] Replay
Granite Peak Grizzlies 1:57
1:57 Kickoff by Pistillo Velenoso, 54 yd, fielded by Carl Pickering (13 yd return) [diving tackle: Zel Gunner] Replay
1:55 1st & 10 OWN 28.5 Eddie Brennan bad pass to Carlton Creek, hurried by Jaron Mata, up the left side [deflected by Black Dow] (incomplete - bad throw) Replay
1:50 2nd & 10 OWN 28.5 Eddie Brennan pass to Tommy Anderson over the middle [deflected by Paolo Maldini] (incomplete) Replay
1:45 3rd & 10 OWN 28.5 Eddie Brennan pass to Carlton Creek, hurried by Nicomo Casca, up the right side, caught (3 yd gain) [diving tackle: Roberto Baggio] Replay
1:25 4th & 7 OWN 31.5 Punt by Clifton Murdock, 34 yd, fielded by Alto Voltaggio [missed tackle: Carlos Zeigler] (15 yd return) [diving tackle: Dorian Coker] Replay
Arditi Italia 1:16
1:16 1st & 10 OWN 49.5 KING SHINKANSEN rush to the left (1.5 yd loss) [tackle: Rudy Sparks] Replay
1:13 2nd & 11.5 OWN 48.5 Defensive Timeout Called: Granite Peak Grizzlies Replay
1:13 2nd & 11.5 OWN 48.5 Khalid Jansen pitch to Cas Pro GOAT to the left (1.5 yd loss) [diving tackle: Morgan Bryant] Replay
1:09 3rd & 13 OWN 47 Defensive Timeout Called: Granite Peak Grizzlies Replay
1:09 3rd & 13 OWN 47 Khalid Jansen pass to Callo Oleoso up the right side [deflected by Derek Hobbs] (incomplete) Replay
1:04 4th & 13 OWN 47 Punt by Glunberg Satirico, 36 yd, fielded by Carl Pickering (fair catch) Replay
Granite Peak Grizzlies 0:58
0:58 1st & 10 OWN 17 Eddie Brennan pass to Francisco Corey up the right side [deflected by Jolly Joras] (incomplete) Replay
0:53 2nd & 10 OWN 17 Eddie Brennan bad pass to Tommy Anderson, hurried by Medusa Flacida, over the middle, jumping catch attempt [deflected by Breck Wall] (incomplete - bad throw) Replay
0:46 3rd & 10 OWN 17 Eddie Brennan pass to Jess Landers, hurried by Shink Master, up the left side [deflected by Roberto Baggio] (incomplete) Replay
0:43 4th & 10 OWN 17 Punt by Clifton Murdock, 55 yd, fielded by Alto Voltaggio (19 yd return) [diving tackle: Randy Butcher] Replay
Arditi Italia 0:33
0:33 1st & 10 OWN 47 KING SHINKANSEN rush up the middle (1 yd loss) Replay
0:31 2nd & 11 OWN 46 Defensive Timeout Called: Granite Peak Grizzlies Replay
0:31 2nd & 11 OWN 46 Khalid Jansen rush up the middle (1 yd loss) Replay

Replay Speed: 7/10