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I’ve spent the past couple of years keeping to myself for the most part and just trying to figure out the game. In that time, I’ve noticed nearly all agents do not train to the best of their ability. I’m not here to tell you how to train, but to give you an option you may have never heard before. Hopefully this option will give you a different thinking of this game and how to build dots.

I’ll preface this that I do not claim to build the best dots. I’m sharing what I’ve learned to help better the community and hopefully spark a new way of thinking for dot building, instead of the traditional way we’ve all been taught.

The GLB community tends to undervalue training if you ask me. If you train correctly, you can significantly improve your dots by 100 - 200 points regardless of AEQ and that’s what I would like to cover in this guide.

0 - 33 49 - 51, 61 - 62, 68 - 70, 78+

Write that down on a post it note and put it on your monitor or put it as your custom user note. Learn these numbers, this is your training guideline for multi training. Quad training at these attribute numbers will give you the most value. People tend to stop training early and this is the biggest mistake people make. Don't abandon training an attribute too early. Keep training them and flipping them into the low to even mid 90s depending on if you can get it back to 95%+ before it flips to 100+. You don’t have to be perfect with it either, but just stay as close within those numbers as possible.

When you train an attribute at 49 and flip it to 50 it’s equivalent to 2 skill point gained. So when you train that at 40% it’s really .80 skill points because you’re getting double the skill points. Same would go for the 3rd cap except you would take that 25% and multiply it by 3 skill points for .75 skill points per train. This is also why it’s important to abandon training after getting an attribute to 33 because the 65% for one skill point is only .60 skill points. But don't abandon it entirely, when it gets to 48+ continue training it again.

Because of that, you’ll probably wonder does it require a lot more micro management? The answer is yes there is more, but once you get use to it you can fly through dots and it’s not that bad.

I want to also talk about light training as well. Light training is important because there are two currencies for players in this game, SP and BT. Multi training gets the most value for skill points, while light training gets the most value for bonus tokens. I won’t get into the AEQ argument here, I’ll leave that for you to decide. But when I light train, I like to do this when I have an attribute in the 90s. The numbers 0 - 33 49 - 51, 61 - 62, 68 - 70, 78+ do not apply in all scenarios with light training. I’m typically getting 3% on an attribute that is in the mid to low 90s and multiply that by 14 skill points and I’m getting .84 skill points per day in value with those 12 bonus tokens I also earned Shoot for something like that. There are probably a lot more high value light trainings available, but this is the one I use exclusively.

Okay a lot of information here so feel free to use it however you want. Hopefully you found it helpful. If you already knew this, great carry on. I’m all for changing things up so if you have some tips for me please share. If you are interested in more information on how you can use this information to even change the way you build dots let me know and I can post a part 2.
Much appreciated.
Nice summary of the famous glbmandyross training gain charts. Good work!
TJ Spikes
Excellent work

And for a more interactive approach

"The Slug-sheets"

Originally posted by slughead42

I saw people bemoaning that document getting vanished from the interwebs and thought, hey, I could re-do those! And it turns out, yeah, I did, although it was much less straightforward than I thought it would be.

So, here's some links. They're all Google Sheets (spreadsheets), you should be able to view them but not edit them, but if you save your own copy either as a Google Sheet or Excel or whatever, you should be able to play around with them however you'd like.

Caveats: I spot checked these quite a bit, and I think that all the values are precisely what the GLB website gives under the same conditions, but if anyone finds discrepancies or problems or if I completely whiffed on something somewhere, PLEASE pm me and let me know.

There are 2 graphs in each sheet for Light, Normal, Intense, and 4X Multi, the first graph is the way the old one was done, just the SP value per train, but the second graph adds in the actual SP value (as in the actual BT gained/15) to each training level. This becomes more interesting in the final graph I will link, which shows that Total SP gained per train for each training type (at 20% enhanced training level for each one, I thought that the best compromise) together on the same graph. I find it interesting, hopefully others might as well.

I'm not sure why I'm driven to do projects like this, I'm sorry.

Light train tables/graphs:

Normal train tables/graphs:

Intense train tables/graphs:

4X Multi train tables/graphs:

Combined comparison training table/graps:


Thanks for sharing that! Excellent data.
TJ Spikes
That's Sluggo.

I'm just reposting it.

The graphs are interactive though. You can put the cursor on the line, the line will highlight with little dots, and the exact number will show.

The number shown is essentially PV gain, if you want to think of it like that. Your PV won't actually change until the training bar is filled though. It's the raw training percentage, against the increased SP cost of the attribute.

Edited by .spider. on Mar 25, 2024 17:49:01

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