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Forum > Suggestions > Fix Auto-boost
Don't panic!
If it helps, Theo, there is a page you can go to to see whether you "missed" any boosts on any player:
Theo Wizzago
Originally posted by reddogrw
if you are using auto boost you are probably not optimizing your boosting

Agree. But this isn't for that... or, at least it's not the intention. Given that we've lost 'make up boosts' that we had before, as people will continue to 'not early boost' then they're left with NO margin for error. They cannot miss boosts. And we all know sh*t happens... maybe we forget a dot or maybe our internet goes down at a crucial time or we have a real life event that takes us away from the game for a short period of time and a crucial spot. I mean, there's LOTS of reasons you might 'miss' a boosting deadline. Being able to have, as a backup, 'auto boost in your pocket for all your dots, then (unless you forget to set it) it's there just in case. I know it's saved my butt on a free dot once so I know how handy that safety net is. I'm simply asking to extend that to all dots. And, as posted, you don't want it 'auto-checked' so it won't cause the issue Bort worries about (which, IMHO, it's a good worry)... but the ability to have it should exist for all to use... or not use. I mean, if you don't use it and you miss your boosts then there's only one person to blame and it's not WG.
Theo Wizzago
Originally posted by slughead42
If it helps, Theo, there is a page you can go to to see whether you "missed" any boosts on any player:

I know... but if you read the post above you'll understand why I'm pushing for the option for all agents, for all dots.
Edited by .spider. on Oct 9, 2023 19:55:42
Edited by monton on Oct 8, 2023 12:24:09
Edited by monton on Oct 8, 2023 12:23:33
Theo Wizzago
Originally posted by Theo Wizzago
Agree. But this isn't for that... or, at least it's not the intention. Given that we've lost 'make up boosts' that we had before, as people will continue to 'not early boost' then they're left with NO margin for error. They cannot miss boosts. And we all know sh*t happens... maybe we forget a dot or maybe our internet goes down at a crucial time or we have a real life event that takes us away from the game for a short period of time and a crucial spot. I mean, there's LOTS of reasons you might 'miss' a boosting deadline. Being able to have, as a backup, 'auto boost in your pocket for all your dots, then (unless you forget to set it) it's there just in case. I know it's saved my butt on a free dot once so I know how handy that safety net is. I'm simply asking to extend that to all dots. And, as posted, you don't want it 'auto-checked' so it won't cause the issue Bort worries about (which, IMHO, it's a good worry)... but the ability to have it should exist for all to use... or not use. I mean, if you don't use it and you miss your boosts then there's only one person to blame and it's not WG.

Yo. Bortmeister.

Certainly, these changes seem straightforward and can improve user experience.

Change the default setting to "unchecked" for greater user flexibility.
Apply this setting uniformly across all dots, not just Free Dots.
Integrate it into the "Quick Tactics Editor" for ease of use during tactic setup on player pages. These enhancements should streamline the process and offer more control to users. For more information visit
Theo Wizzago
Thanks for the boost, spambot, but kindly take yer sh*t elsewhere.

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