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Forum > FAQ's, Player Guides and Newbie Help > build plan guide, wiki link
bluest blues
Ok, I had to get a new comp and lost all my info I had on my old one redoing it.
Does anyone have jd bolicks build guide and the link for the wiki page?
Thos are the two things that I can think of that I would still need, at least for now until I run into something else.

Originally posted by jdbolick
Basic build plan for any .5 ALG dot
If going strength first then pick one pound below the maximum. If picking speed first then pick one pound above the minimum. Enhance the first attribute to 10%, train intense three times, enhance to 20%, then train intense until you have a nearly full bar at 32.9x without equipment on Day 48. Convert 15 bonus tokens to a skill point and cap to 48.9x. Then boost. Next season you'll enhance to 30% and normal train, then second cap, then continue normal training, then third cap. At that point you'll unlock and enhance your attributes for multi-training. Unlock the first, second, and third attributes you plan to cap and enhance all to 30% when possible. Use the free first slot to rotate any other attributes you plan to cap eventually, enhancing each to 10%. Continue multi-training until the first attribute reaches anywhere between 90 and 100 depending upon your build plan. Skill points should be spent in the first attribute until it reaches between 73 and 85 depending upon your build plan and how many attributes you eventually need to increase.

That's designed to get the first attribute up as quickly as possible to accumulate ALGs. You do the weight trick so that you're just under the .97 decimal for the third cap at level 7, otherwise you end up wasting two ALGs and there was no point in racing up that fast anyway. For 0.4 ALG dots I haven't figured out anything quite so simple, but in general you should probably pick max or min weight and then go to multi-training right after the second cap. 0.67 ALG dots don't need to worry about weight either and shouldn't unlock the first attribute but should push it really hard in the beginning.

Theo Wizzago
bluest blues
Thanks Guys

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