A quick note: Seattle Delta-9, in the matter of 3 days, has gone from 7 human players, to 40.
Forum > Team Press Releases > And So A Dynsasty Begins..
Originally posted by Notak
Another stupid statement. I guess I should expect it from you.
Driving while impaired on pot is still dangerous.
I will help you out though because your to examples are lousy
Pot= Chill Alcohol= Possible violence
I am sure people have been killed over pot as well.
Great opening post though, but credit goes to Dub J for the call outs.
lmao. I have never drove high !!!!! i was to lazy to do so !!!!!!!
Another stupid statement. I guess I should expect it from you.
Driving while impaired on pot is still dangerous.
I will help you out though because your to examples are lousy
Pot= Chill Alcohol= Possible violence
I am sure people have been killed over pot as well.
Great opening post though, but credit goes to Dub J for the call outs.
lmao. I have never drove high !!!!! i was to lazy to do so !!!!!!!
Also Notak you must not smoke pot at all. Lousy not really ? People get killed over shoe's you dumb ass so i agree i'm sure someone has been killed over pot but someone has been killed more often for far less reasons.
NOtak did you're daddy say you could post in here ? http://goallineblitz.com/game/home.pl?user_id=73946
Originally posted by tigerbloodwinning
NOtak did you're daddy say you could post in here ? http://goallineblitz.com/game/home.pl?user_id=73946
Dang you have to be the biggest drama queen on the game. Hopefully soon everyone else on the game will see you as what you are.
NOtak did you're daddy say you could post in here ? http://goallineblitz.com/game/home.pl?user_id=73946
Dang you have to be the biggest drama queen on the game. Hopefully soon everyone else on the game will see you as what you are.
Originally posted by tigerbloodwinning
NOtak did you're daddy say you could post in here ? http://goallineblitz.com/game/home.pl?user_id=73946
My Daddy.... I am probably one of the most independent members. If that is what you are trying to get at. Oh and Hatch has nothing to do with how the DWO is ran, he is just a member like anyone else. Been like that for awhile. You of all people should know that.
Kid smoke more pot and become dumber. I appreciate people like you believe it or not. It helps deserving people move up in the world.
At least I know Anthony22WA is intelligent. I don't have to agree with him on his points, but he is smart enough to have a good argument. Less than I can say about you. Oh I forgot, you are pretty good at copy paste.
Anthony22WA can you help this team recruit:
Back on topic.
NOtak did you're daddy say you could post in here ? http://goallineblitz.com/game/home.pl?user_id=73946
My Daddy.... I am probably one of the most independent members. If that is what you are trying to get at. Oh and Hatch has nothing to do with how the DWO is ran, he is just a member like anyone else. Been like that for awhile. You of all people should know that.
Kid smoke more pot and become dumber. I appreciate people like you believe it or not. It helps deserving people move up in the world.
At least I know Anthony22WA is intelligent. I don't have to agree with him on his points, but he is smart enough to have a good argument. Less than I can say about you. Oh I forgot, you are pretty good at copy paste.
Anthony22WA can you help this team recruit:
Back on topic.
Originally posted by Notak
My Daddy.... I am probably one of the most independent members. If that is what you are trying to get at. Oh and Hatch has nothing to do with how the DWO is ran, he is just a member like anyone else. Been like that for awhile. You of all people should know that.
Kid smoke more pot and become dumber. I appreciate people like you believe it or not. It helps deserving people move up in the world.
At least I know Anthony22WA is intelligent. I don't have to agree with him on his points, but he is smart enough to have a good argument. Less than I can say about you. Oh I forgot, you are pretty good at copy paste.
Anthony22WA can you help this team recruit:
Back on topic.
lmao My rlu team
. This comes from the group who brags about having sex with sheep !!!!!!!!!
My Daddy.... I am probably one of the most independent members. If that is what you are trying to get at. Oh and Hatch has nothing to do with how the DWO is ran, he is just a member like anyone else. Been like that for awhile. You of all people should know that.
Kid smoke more pot and become dumber. I appreciate people like you believe it or not. It helps deserving people move up in the world.
At least I know Anthony22WA is intelligent. I don't have to agree with him on his points, but he is smart enough to have a good argument. Less than I can say about you. Oh I forgot, you are pretty good at copy paste.
Anthony22WA can you help this team recruit:
Back on topic.
lmao My rlu team

Also where is this info i stole from you guys ? Cause i dont have it. Go kick members out for nothing again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great GUides you all have lmao !!!!!!!!!!
Great GUides you all have lmao !!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by tigerbloodwinning
Also where is this info i stole from you guys ? Cause i dont have it. Go kick members out for nothing again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great GUides you all have lmao !!!!!!!!!!
You weren't kicked out you removed yourself. Then you made a jackass of yourself by trying to start crap with me and others for no reason. Then you start your childish arguing in forums and trying to be some internet tough guy or something. Regardless of what you say the DWO treated you with respect and honesty. You were the one that chose to join and then go off and start another group.
Also where is this info i stole from you guys ? Cause i dont have it. Go kick members out for nothing again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great GUides you all have lmao !!!!!!!!!!
You weren't kicked out you removed yourself. Then you made a jackass of yourself by trying to start crap with me and others for no reason. Then you start your childish arguing in forums and trying to be some internet tough guy or something. Regardless of what you say the DWO treated you with respect and honesty. You were the one that chose to join and then go off and start another group.
Originally posted by hatchman
You weren't kicked out you removed yourself. Then you made a jackass of yourself by trying to start crap with me and others for no reason. Then you start your childish arguing in forums and trying to be some internet tough guy or something. Regardless of what you say the DWO treated you with respect and honesty. You were the one that chose to join and then go off and start another group.
Never was talking about myself !!!!!! You guys taught me how the game worked and to run a good defense. Taught me a lot. But you started kicking people out who had no idea i was leaving !!!!!!!!! No internet gangsta i think not. Pm's over some bullshit is what i remember. BUt this isn't the time or the place. You will see me on here a lot.
Now bump For Pot or team
Great agent here !!!!!!!! http://goallineblitz.com/game/home.pl?user_id=18107
You weren't kicked out you removed yourself. Then you made a jackass of yourself by trying to start crap with me and others for no reason. Then you start your childish arguing in forums and trying to be some internet tough guy or something. Regardless of what you say the DWO treated you with respect and honesty. You were the one that chose to join and then go off and start another group.
Never was talking about myself !!!!!! You guys taught me how the game worked and to run a good defense. Taught me a lot. But you started kicking people out who had no idea i was leaving !!!!!!!!! No internet gangsta i think not. Pm's over some bullshit is what i remember. BUt this isn't the time or the place. You will see me on here a lot.
Now bump For Pot or team
Great agent here !!!!!!!! http://goallineblitz.com/game/home.pl?user_id=18107
Dub J
The Dub World Order existed long before the Dork World Order. Try being a little more original.
Originally posted by Dub J
Oh, and potheads are lulzy.
WE are !!!!!!!!!!!
Dub World Order !!!!!!! I like the ring of that.
Oh, and potheads are lulzy.
WE are !!!!!!!!!!!
Dub World Order !!!!!!! I like the ring of that.
Dub J
It was around at least a full year before the Dot World Order existed. I got the idea back when I created the WCW/NWO team.
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