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The purpose of this test is/was to create a more realistic screen pass for Backs. This was done by having the pulling line and back delaying momentarily before releasing.

*****Test Teams involved:*****

PP, Catch22, stizz, rockitsauce and tonnyrat


Methods varied from tester to tester. tonnyrat used World League level players set to 100% screen passes vs. Man to Man Defenses and included WR screens in the test games.

PP used World League level players with 10 different screen passes each set to 10% in the AI for his first test game and this one included WR screens.

stizz used Level 33 players and set the game to run all HB screen passes vs. a basic balanced Defense.

rockitsauce used World League level players


The initial results showed that the TE did not react fast enough or head up the field in a timely manner to block effectively. A change was made to have the TE drop 1 click earlier and to break from his Pass Block fake 1 click earlier. The ROT seemed to pick up DE well on the HB screens, however the TE and OT seemed to pass by defenders without attempting to pick up a block. Suggestion added by PP to possibly clean up the blocking by the TE and ROT to pick up defenders that enter the blocking 'zone'. Also many games we noted that there were 5 - 10 passes that were thrown low.


World-League level-Offense set to 100% screen passes vs. Man to Man Defense(included WR screens)

Game #1:
Game #2:
Game #3:
Game #4:
Game #5:


World-League Level-Loaded with 10 Screen plays all set to 10%(included WR screens)
Game #1:
Game #2:


Game #1:
Game #2:


Level 33 HB Screen Passes vx Basic Balanced Defense

Game #1:
Game #2:


World League Level screen pass AI

Game #1:

Some instances of ROT picking up the DE

Replay of proper blocking execution on the HB Screen Pass


Originally posted by PP

SI Screen
The TE blocking path is different from all the others. I think it should be changed to match the rest

Originally posted by rockitsauce
The HB always runs outside, regardless of better paths created by the blockers.
Blitzes get to the QB for sacks. Screen passes are the best tactic against blitzes. The QB knows there will be free rushers and will get rid of the ball before taking a sack. Sacks should be extremely rare.

Originally posted by Catch22

Per Bort:

Screen passes I have updated based on PP's reccomendations. His rec for WR screen didn't work very well, though. It really needs to bubble inside or go outside. It's designed to go inside, so I've added a new play option to specify short leading distance, to keep the ball from being led into the line or something.

Catch also suggested to Bort that there be a slight bonus to catching given on the screen passes based on the idea that they should be easier to catch.

Much of the issues that were found seemed to be minor and the Testers agreed that the screen passes were more effective based on the changes that were implemented.


These games were run to determine if the changes to the O-line and TE blocking on HB screens was improved to make this a viable option for the offense to run. A few changes were made to the TE drop and blocking timing based on suggestions to make it happen 1 click earlier.

Edited by darkenrahl_17 on Sep 28, 2010 19:20:20
Edited by darkenrahl_17 on Sep 28, 2010 11:01:05
Edited by darkenrahl_17 on Sep 28, 2010 11:00:24
Edited by darkenrahl_17 on Sep 28, 2010 10:40:27

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