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I was j/k about being a kid, Tans- I'm old enough to get the Senior menu at Denny's.

If you're looking for a challenge then buy some acreage and put in grape vines...we just picked up 26 acres in Lake County (pending an escrow surprise) we'll plant. It should be fun, and, like you said, it beats the day to day routine, but learning to grow grapes should be fun.

Anyway you have the right idea on running a team- at season 10 I'll retire all my players and start 45 slow build players to set my own roster. Most of the guys on my team are R/L friends from another game (one is my R/L brother) and they're all getting bored with GLB, and I'm not into recruiting. That, and my builds suck, and my players stretch from level 13s to level 52. It'd be easier to do what you're doing.

Instead of grapes, I got 22 acres of waterfront on the east coast among other investments that I am going turn into a botanical garden.

I joined glb late in the game (season 3/4) so it took me a couple of seasons to figure out the optimal build a team strategy so I have a few seasons to go to dominate. When peewees were introduced it was great seeing as every started from a level playing field which is where real competition is at. Regular GLB is too polluted with country hicks and lemmings that joined season one that spend all their lunch money on boosting to catch up so once the slow builds peak it will be a different story.

Plus it is fun to torture idiots like coach k who think they can come in here with a one dimensional idea and dominate. Clueless monkeys - this game is full of them.

it's here
Originally posted by tansien
Think I should pull a nfratami for this season?



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