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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Changes to +% AEQ Discussion
Originally posted by Deathblade
Time Trial
So are you not planning on reducing the stacked AEQ for skills as well? What about the player with 3 pieces of Return Specialist? Should there also be diminishing returns on those?

And will you be returning the 20 shopping tokens that many people spent trying to find these stackable items?
Originally posted by Time Trial
So are you not planning on reducing the stacked AEQ for skills as well? What about the player with 3 pieces of Return Specialist? Should there also be diminishing returns on those?

There already is a diminishing return on all SAs over 10.

Originally posted by Time Trial
And will you be returning the 20 shopping tokens that many people spent trying to find these stackable items?
See #3.
Originally posted by Time Trial
So are you not planning on reducing the stacked AEQ for skills as well? What about the player with 3 pieces of Return Specialist? Should there also be diminishing returns on those?

There is, DUCY?
Originally posted by PackMan97
My point was that the % AEQ can greatly boost a player, far more than any other type of AEQ.

A 10% chance to break doesn't become a 15% chance to break with +50% is much more.

Let's run the numbers again, assuming a 12.5% chance (because the math is easier for me).

HB: 20-30 to break. avg of 25
LB: 20-60 to make, average of 40

Now, slap +60% AEQ on the HB.

HB: 32-48 to break average of 40
LB: 20-60 to make average of 40

So, we've gone from a 12.5% chance to break to a 50% chance to break.

That is the power of the +% AEQ. It's not a modifier on your success, it's a modifier on your roll!

Again, the problem is these numbers you are showing. They contradict anything that I've seen in the game and I had a player with one of the better ratios of broken tackles. From my observations, SAs were responsible for ~25% of my broken tackles (power thru proc), ~15-20% of my broken tackles were from SYM (which also includes bruiser and AEQ) and ~10-15% were from just +% AEQ (when no VAs were active). Plus the vast majority of my broken tackles came against DBs or lower leveled players (even if slightly).

There's just way too many other factors to pin things solely on +% AEQ bonuses. Having watched my player consistently run over DBs (who are not generally built very well to stop a power runner), it's pretty obvious that the scaling is the issue here, poor builds have trouble tackling a decently built power runner, the +% scaling merely widens the gap... unfortunately this change won't solve that issue and thus IMHO is a big waste of time (i.e. unnecessary and pointless, especially when there's much better things that can be done).
Originally posted by TrevJo
Firstly, I just threw out random numbers as an example. No one should be winning 75% of their break tackle rolls in a decent sim (against reasonable competition). When I was talking about increase of rolls won from 50%-75%, I was thinking more like break block rolls or something more inherently even than break tackle rolls. Anyway PP's breakdown does a much better job of explaining why +46% chance equipment can easily double your effectiveness.
Secondly, no shit if you already have +244% break tackle chance then adding +50% break tackle chance isn't going to double your effectiveness. I was talking more going from 0 bonus to +50% bonus.

So then "OMG bruiser is overpowered"...
Originally posted by Warlock
Again, the problem is these numbers you are showing. They contradict anything that I've seen in the game and I had a player with one of the better ratios of broken tackles. From my observations, SAs were responsible for ~25% of my broken tackles (power thru proc), ~15-20% of my broken tackles were from SYM (which also includes bruiser and AEQ) and ~10-15% were from just +% AEQ (when no VAs were active). Plus the vast majority of my broken tackles came against DBs or lower leveled players (even if slightly).

There's just way too many other factors to pin things solely on +% AEQ bonuses. Having watched my player consistently run over DBs (who are not generally built very well to stop a power runner), it's pretty obvious that the scaling is the issue here, poor builds have trouble tackling a decently built power runner, the +% scaling merely widens the gap... unfortunately this change won't solve that issue and thus IMHO is a big waste of time (i.e. unnecessary and pointless, especially when there's much better things that can be done).

You are apparently really bad at this game, and shouldn't comment on things you aren't very knowledgeable in.

I do love how you are arguing against math with your own, subjective opinion though.
this change:
I also love how he is saying he had a lesser chance to break tackles when Bruiser or SYM were not active, since the majority of the time one of those was active, and he is acting like the AE% did not help those broken tackles shoot up at a large rate when a SA fired, when SYM fired and when Bruiser fired.

How anyone can realistically argue this change was bad for the game is beyond me...I can see how people can be upset etc, but wut.
Originally posted by blln4lyf
I also love how he is saying he had a lesser chance to break tackles when Bruiser or SYM were not active, since the majority of the time one of those was active, and he is acting like the AE% did not help those broken tackles shoot up at a large rate when a SA fired, when SYM fired and when Bruiser fired.

I love people being butthurt over the change.

They were either stacking the shit out of %AEQ, which would make them hypocrites if they turn around and say "IT WAS BALANCED! FYB"

If they weren't stacking the shit out of %AEQ, they aren't even effected by this change, which makes them ragequitting over it even more ignorant.
Originally posted by blln4lyf
How anyone can realistically argue this change was bad for the game is beyond me...I can see how people can be upset etc, but wut.

I mean, the whole concept of "It is balanced, all you have to do to counter it is get it" is just absolutely mindblowing. I'm having trouble grasping how someone can process that through their head, and think it is reasonable.
Nuclear warheads aren't overpowered compared to other conventional warfare methods. All you have to do is get nuclear warheads then it's balanced. Fix your military.
Edited by Deathblade on Feb 15, 2010 11:17:26

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