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Originally posted by cubsluver22
I saw some Of your open builds bahahahaha you suck at that too

Except there are no and have never been any open builds on CCIA. And I don't use the same build plans for dots I make available to other teams - most of those are just experiments.
Originally posted by rjssob
I love how Sly continually tries to prove his worth with long winded nonsensical posts...Cool stories, especially love the trophies as if they are meaningful in any way. But, but, but....

Ah puppet. If only you didn't suck at the AI only a tiny bit less than BS luver who has zero skill whatsoever. It's been well over 15 seasons since you've won anything and you haven't won anything as a genuine coordinator since S14, which, let's be honest, wasn't the same AI as the modern sim. So, everything has passed you by. Back when the sim was basically casual you could keep up, but now you can't.
kiss the .gif
Originally posted by Sly
Ah puppet. If only you didn't suck at the AI only a tiny bit less than BS luver who has zero skill whatsoever. It's been well over 15 seasons since you've won anything and you haven't won anything as a genuine coordinator since S14, which, let's be honest, wasn't the same AI as the modern sim. So, everything has passed you by. Back when the sim was basically casual you could keep up, but now you can't.

Exactly what have you won??? You told us all how great you and your team was only to disappear after things went south each and every season. I've offered to open and compare builds with you in the public forum to prove your builds suck but you ignore me Everytime because you know I'm gonna make a fool of ya. So stop with the long winded rants that
Never make much sense and stop being a coward.
Originally posted by Sly
Ah puppet. If only you didn't suck at the AI only a tiny bit less than BS luver who has zero skill whatsoever. It's been well over 15 seasons since you've won anything and you haven't won anything as a genuine coordinator since S14, which, let's be honest, wasn't the same AI as the modern sim. So, everything has passed you by. Back when the sim was basically casual you could keep up, but now you can't.

So as owner, DC and OC of Fake Chow in season 25...oh wait, why again would I let facts get in the way of a good Sly novel. Keep trying, you are truly entertaining...
Originally posted by cubsluver22
Exactly what have you won??? You told us all how great you and your team was only to disappear after things went south each and every season. I've offered to open and compare builds with you in the public forum to prove your builds suck but you ignore me Everytime because you know I'm gonna make a fool of ya. So stop with the long winded rants that
Never make much sense and stop being a coward.

One thing with Sly is that he is consistent...
Originally posted by Sly

S35 Growl Radio Tourney trophy my CCIA team earned
S33 Evil Empire Tourney trophy my CCIA team earned
S31 Evil Empire Tourney trophy my CCIA team earned
S30 GLB tourney trophy
S27 Regional Pro Elite silver trophy
S27 GLB tourney trophy
S12 AAA gold and silver trophies
S8 A silver trophy
S6 BBB gold and silver trophies
S5 AA gold and silver trophies
S4 AAA gold and silver trophies

You should add this to you Linkedin profile, very accomplished.
Originally posted by cubsluver22
Exactly what have you won??? You told us all how great you and your team was only to disappear after things went south each and every season. I've offered to open and compare builds with you in the public forum to prove your builds suck but you ignore me Everytime because you know I'm gonna make a fool of ya. So stop with the long winded rants that
Never make much sense and stop being a coward.

Ok put up or shut up. Open all your builds and I'll do a fair comparison of how much they suck compared to mine. Oh and bring us a round of beer and some chicken-wings chop-chop!
Edited by Sly on Jun 26, 2014 15:46:44
Originally posted by rjssob
So as owner, DC and OC of Fake Chow in season 25...oh wait, why again would I let facts get in the way of a good Sly novel. Keep trying, you are truly entertaining...

Oh please puppet! You just make me laugh so hard! You know you're nothing without your network pals doing the coordinating work for you! Hint, when your team is running their AIs under their instructions and supervision the fact that you open the AI and try to look at it doesn't make you the coordinator.
Originally posted by aglass65

You should add this to you Linkedin profile, very accomplished.

Sorry my LinkedIn accomplishments are for the most part hundreds of millions of dollars impact items. Some are smaller, but at least millions of dollars impact. Very recently I had one of my several hundreds of millions sized deals in the news. I'm wondering what I'll do with the bonus which will be, frankly, probably more than you make over many years.
Originally posted by Sly
Sorry my LinkedIn accomplishments are for the most part hundreds of millions of dollars impact items. Some are smaller, but at least millions of dollars impact. Very recently I had one of my several hundreds of millions sized deals in the news. I'm wondering what I'll do with the bonus which will be, frankly, probably more than you make over many years.

change name to High instead of Sly imo.
Originally posted by Sly

So you have a network, but you consider a small network. I guess a small network is still a network, huh?

Suffice it to say that I don't think your version of events as described above is truly honest and accurate. I just don't have time to respond to all the things that I found to be misleading and inaccurate, but just to provide an example, you made this point near the end that your team went from a 4-12 team to a 15-1 team because of your amazing recruiting skills. Those aren't your exact, but that's definitely what you are inferring. In fact, what you lead people to conclude is that you took a scrub roster from S11 and just brought in a completely new roster by S13. But actually, as I am prepared to demonstrate, you already had the core roster that starred in S13 in place in S11 and it wan't your amazing recruiting that caused such a turnaround since you had same key players in the same key positions. Just to show how misleading and incorrect your description is I took the time to break down your big offensive players and the fact is that you had a star-laden team already in S11. You already had a star QB, HB, rushing/receiving FB, blocking FB, top WR, and a whole O-line in place in S11 which were the same players that starred on your team in S13. I don't have time to do the same analysis with your defense but I'm sure the we'll find the same - you had your whole core in place in S11 already including most of your big stars who shined so much in S13. So your "dramatic" turnaround was hardly the recruiting genius that you imply.

QB Darrell Williams (tyante) was the same QB in S13 you had in S11, so no recruiting stroke of genius there. He was the USA Pro MVP in S12 and one of the most prolific QBs in Pro/WL from S11-S14. You had that agent's G Freddy Smalls on your team from S8.

HB Devon Wolfe (raggman) was the same HB in S13 you had in S11, in fact you had him since S2, so again no recruiting stroke of genius there. He was a prolific rusher and receiver. He had well over 1000 yards and 23 TDs in the regular season S13. In S3 he brought his LB Rock McNasty. In S5 he also brought his T Benny Big'un. All these players were on your roster in both S11 and S13.

FB Adam Obelix (Malvado) was the same FB in S13 you had in S11, so again no recruiting stroke of genius. He was a prolific rusher/receiver, especially for a FB. He had about 800 yards rushing in S13.

FB Jake Hayes (sklz711) was the same blocking FB in S13 you had in S11, in fact you had him since S3, so again no recruiting stroke of genius.

WR Joe Monk (jrope) was your same top WR in S13 you had in S11, in fact since S2, so again no recruiting stroke of genius. He had about 1000 yards and won the 1st place receiving TDs award in S13 with 16. You also had his T on your team from S2. You had his DT Tommy Bear Harris from S4. Between S7 and S15 he won 5 awards for leading various leagues in sacks and hurries.

You had an entire O-line intact from S11 to S13. I've already mentioned above a G and two T's. Add to that C Olin Saturday (mpowell) was with you all that time. And jktooley had a G on your team from S10.

So you probably added a few good players, admittedly, but you already had the core in place in S11, so your the way you described this turnaround as being some product of amazing recruiting is just misleading and inaccurate. And if I took the same time I could show many other examples in your dissertation. So you tell yourself whatever you want, but I know better. I was there.

Lol, sly, two important takeaways here.

#1 I truly appreciate your research and the walk down memory lane of our own dots was very fun for me, A+.

#2 I would like to formally apologize. S11 was not the season we went 4-12 in USA, but rather it was the season after our "purge" of sorts. In my defense I didn't think you would go all private investigator when I dealt out the years...

Accurate timeline...

S10: 4-12 in USAPro, Off-season Purge. I honestly am not sure how you were able do your research as I am getting server errors trying to look at those old games? If memory serves about half our roster was replaced (which is INSANE in pre-decline GLB). Of the players you listed I know the QB and oFB joined in S11, The WR and HB were oldschool Hedgehogs (with the WR belonging to my co-owner), not sure when sklz and his bFB joined.

S11: 9-7 in USAPro. 1st round playoff exit.

S12: 15-1 in USAPro, 2nd round playoff exit.

S13: 15-1 in USAPro, Conference championship+WL Promotion.

Keep in mind, from S10 to S11, I was a 4-12 Pro team recruiting for top dots against Pro conference champions and 14+ win teams, and I was able to win in recruiting a remarkable number of them away from much "better" teams. I did that by not just selling the team, but rather selling the vision and the future. The core put in place the off-season before season 11 I agree is the same that promoted to WL in S13, ldo

If that is not impressive recruiting, I'm not sure what impressive recruiting is. The fact that we survived from season 2 to season 35 (no resets) with all of 2 farm teams hitting maturity (out of which less than 50 dots total became Hedgehogs), again points to the rare ability to recruit at a high level.

I have some guys who have liked it here and stuck around with dots (stizz being a big one obviously), but everyone had to be recruited to join the team in the first place, and player retention is not proof of bad recruiting, but rather proof of good ownership. To take the leap and say that people liking the Hedgehogs means I am not a good recruiter is nonsensical, as being liked by others is the very trait that makes quality recruiting possible...

imo fwiw.
Originally posted by Spread-em offense
change name to High instead of Sly imo.

Why just because you're poor I must be a drug addict because I'm saying I'm not?
Edited by Sly on Jun 26, 2014 16:10:51
WiSeIVIaN I appreciate that you now realize you made a mistake which was basically my point in that I was saying that in my opinion there were certain inaccuracies and things that were misleading in your comments and this was just one example.

As you said it's really hard to get to the data back then because of so many server errors so I'm not even going to try to detail everything else - it just takes too much time and effort.

Bottom line I think my characterization of how your team did recruit and continues to recruit as having characteristics of at least a small network is not an unfair characterization, but I respect your point that there are teams with much larger networks and there's definitely a differentiation between your much smaller network and the really big network teams.
Originally posted by Sly
I do get your point here. I also have OC'd or DC'd a team or two, sometimes 3, besides my own, in most seasons. And I agree coordinating too many of them is very draining. But the difference is I don't make the effort to maintain about 25 GM relationships with teams that I don't OC or DC. I generally sever my GM relationships when I no longer have any players on a team. It's just a product of my not really wanting to be part of a network, even if it's a virtual network of 25 GM'd teams that I occasionally show up in their forum and say "hi". But you do that. I'm sure you benefit from it in that sometimes a player will know you and is easier to recruit. Or if a team decides to gut you have access to their team forum which gives you a head start and advantage on going after their top players. Things like that. It's a way of maintaining a sort of network without formally being part of one IMHO. Your team has the formal network of the farm teams and the informal network of all the teams that you maintain relationships with. That's my opinion anyway.

1 more time I'd like to disagree with the Hedgehogs being a network, especially through the first 35 seasons of GLB, as we did not have a consistant farm system (only two farm teams hit plateau in that time, and the teams were sold upon reaching plateau, with less than 50 dots total between the two becoming Los Hedgehogos. At this point the Hedgehog still have exactly 1 farm team still in existence with no more coming in the future, so I wouldn't call that very networky either...

The only thing I disagree with more is again you pointing towards 25 lolGMs as evidence of my unfair advantage over you as an owner. Simply put, unless someone rubs me in a very negative manner, I don't ever go into my GM page (wherever it is) to remove GMs. Some of those lolGMs are teams I gave an AI to, or teams I considered OCing or bringing a dot to at one point.

I am actually a part of 53 (almost all dead) private forums, so if being able to post in forums makes a secret society network, you clearly caught me red handed. Hell, by that definition I am in a network with you, since I've posted more in this thread than I have in the vast majority of those forums.

I digress however, as I fail to understand how I am being lectured on "recruiting" by a guy who had to reset his team because by his own admission he could not recruit good enough dots to compete. Also a guy who is sitting alone on CCIA with 55 of his own players (which in my personal opinion is the least fun way to play GLB by far).

I've made my living for a long time in the PLFT forums. For someone like you to pretend I got gifted all dots for the last 6 years from magical friendship ferries, secret society networks, and a steady supply of 2 farm teams (ie 2 teams total, not 2 teams hitting plateau then resetting) over 35 seasons is absurd.

Unfortunately the only way you are able to disagree with me is by first altering what I actually said.

For instance you say you "..did not have a consistent farm system.." which is another way of saying you had a farm system. I'm saying you had a farm system. I never commented on its consistency.

You say you "wouldn't call that very networky either" because your essential point is the network is small and not even always consistent, but I'm saying that's still a network.

You say I claim that your GMing so many teams gives you an "unfair advantage over [me] as an owner." I never used those words. I did say that they gave you a type of virtual network to supplement your base network of farm teams. I could have done the same thing but I chose not to. Mostly because I don't have that much time to be on the forums so much all the time. I disappear for long periods mostly because we're working on a big deal at work and I don't have time to be in the forums. Then when we get a lull or I get some vacation like today I can be on the forums but I know soon enough I'll have to stop posting for awhile and get back to real life. However, since I didn't choose to have these farm teams and I didn't choose to have a similar virtual network of 25+ GM'd teams and I didn't choose to be a part of a large, formal network, I found it very difficult to recruit the same quality of dots that you and large network teams were able to get. That's what I said.

Your being part of 53 forums is also an example of you maintaining a virtual network. I don't have time to do that. So I can't pick the occasional agent from those 53 forums that you might get. I realize that GLB forums are generally much less active today than, say, 10-20 seasons ago. But when you joined all those forums they were a good place to connect with a lot of agents.

You say that you are "being lectured on 'recruiting'". That's not correct. I made the simple point that you used a network approach and I didn't, and because I didn't, I didn't get the same quality of agents. You are the person who started giving long lectures about the topic. Because your posts were so long I responded with a couple of longer posts of my own, mostly though just to demonstrate examples of inaccuracies and factual errors in your comments.

You say "for someone like you to pretend I got gifted all dots for the last 6 years from magical friendship ferries [sic], secret society networks, and a steady supply of 2 farm teams....over 35 season is absurd." Again you are changing what I actually said. I NEVER said you got ALL your agents through network connections. But I did say you got some of them through them. And that helped you to get better agents than I was getting. I think for you to claim that you were not benefitted by these network connections including farm teams, 25+ GM'd teams, 53 private forums, etc. is absurd.

And if you were benefitted from these farm teams, etc. that means you had network advantages that my team didn't, which makes my point true and your point nothing but obfuscation.
Edited by Sly on Jun 26, 2014 17:16:51

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