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Forum > Suggestions > Epic Suggestions > Another idea on "lockeroom attributes"
Maybe lockeroom leaders also perform higher in clutch games per this idea? The problem would be defining a clutch game. Obviously playoff games would be considered clutch but I think you'd also need to add games against teams you are tied with or who have a record within 1 game of yours would also be considered clutch. If LR really needs to be tweaked to balance, this would be a good one.
Last edited Apr 18, 2008 10:42:02
i like it it would make it more of an MMORPG
Just a bump to point out that something like this would have helped immensely with bringing people to the site during the playoffs and off season.
it's a very good idea.

but, if you think 1 minute, maybe it was good to have default to with your system.

for example, famous give you much money (logic), better rate for proball (logic too), but if you make lot of tv spot, go nightclub...maybe you have less time to train (so you have a penalty to train).

because I think if you have only advantage due to this system, it's not fair.

I hope you understand my viewpoint.

but again, it's a great idea
Originally posted by dante
it's a very good idea.

but, if you think 1 minute, maybe it was good to have default to with your system.

for example, famous give you much money (logic), better rate for proball (logic too), but if you make lot of tv spot, go nightclub...maybe you have less time to train (so you have a penalty to train).

because I think if you have only advantage due to this system, it's not fair.

I hope you understand my viewpoint.

but again, it's a great idea

I understand it completely and it's not without merit but I view these as being similar to your regular attributes. For example, training Strength does hurt your agility. Training blocking doesn't hurt your catching and so on.

Also, remember that a good amount of people will try a more balanced approach than purely focusing on one which will be difficult to do without careful planning as many of the questions will have a negative impact to one of the three attributes as well as a positive one.
Updating to talk about chemistry and fan support.

Players with Lockerroom Leader would probably have a more positive effect on team chemistry and a more negative effect when they left.

Fan support was discussed in the original concept for Celebrity, with total player Celebrity having an effect on ticket sales and concessions. Turns out, the structure for this is already in place with Fan Support. Players with high Celebrity would add to fan support and not having enough players with celebrity would subtract from it.
Also - as we go up in levels and start to parse what works and what doesn't in a build more and more, I see the need for something like this, that allows for further character customization, to be extremely important.
that would be kinda cool
Interesting. I like the locker room leader and the workout warrior thing. Adds some more depth.

I have some other ideas on endorsements. Can also be going toward players who produce a lot of stats. As well as being affected by your team. Should maybe also have a player and/or team popularity. Can get positive and negative.

Also I think endorsements should be used in teams as well as players. So you can name your stadium and take a nice check at the start of each season.

I would say there could be different levels and perhaps also when you sign an endorsement contract there is a length on it. Perhaps for players it could take away from their training some if its a rather active endorsement, like public appearances vs taping a commercial for TV or radio or a series of commercials

The other thing is as you get better or if you have better stats or more popular you get offered better contracts. So you have to decide if you want to sign that 3 year endorsement early on or wait a year or two to get a huge one.

For teams you can have official radio station, TV station, soda, beer, fast food, etc. on top of stadium naming rights.

I'm not sure on limited endorsements since then its going to make the rich even richer. But you can have it where everyone in the league competes for them or have it where some are generated for a player or team. Might be interesting to have people compete for them since would add even more dimensions.

I'm sure some of those have already been said but was trying to get some stuff out quick before I lost it. There were some other things I missed I'm sure but hopefully will come back to me. Maybe a team show endorsement everyone on the team gets free pair/upgrade of shoe equipment or discounted. So you would have to decide do you just want the money or do you want some perks as well. Also maybe different quality of perks so say if you do Nike vs Generic, the Nike might help you a little more in some way like training or hidden boost?
Then you can add in run a flashy add campaign fronted by a player with high celebrity.. more people come to your increase numbers sold of his particular jersey etc..
The Wolf
A room full of 54 locker room leaders reminds me of that old saying about to many cooks.

Although it would be nice the whole feel of it just doesn't fit this game as is right now.
^^^ too many indian chiefs...not enough warriors.
Yukon Don
I'd be all over the Warrior concept. But hey half my guys are struggling with energy levels, the idea of getting more energy while still training sounds solid to me.
here, now quit bitching about neco-bumps
Originally posted by The Wolf
A room full of 54 locker room leaders reminds me of that old saying about to many cooks.

Although it would be nice the whole feel of it just doesn't fit this game as is right now.

Don't understand this complaint. As outlined, each additional lockerroom leader is less effective. Part of building your team would be getting the right mix of guys. Finally, not everyone will super specialize. I would guess that somwhere around 60% of people would emphasise two traits with 20% specializing in just one and 20% trying to be balanced.

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