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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Changes to +% AEQ Discussion
Originally posted by Catch22
Nope - any +% pieces bought after the announcement are not eligible. And they are refund tokens that must be used by the end of pre-season, you can't keep them forever.

Originally posted by PP
yeah, pretty much on the 1st. The hope is that Catch can get the SAs all to a good enough point that there is a choice for the 2nd on. So, the 2nd is debatable.

If that's the case, wouldn't a system where all +% AE just get +1%/level (and perhaps only +1,2,3%'s starting can be rolled) be far superior to some odd system of diminishing returns?
Originally posted by PP
No fear on that....They are doing it. Any tester that pimped this will be removed

That's good to know.
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
If that's the case, wouldn't a system where all +% AE just get +1%/level (and perhaps only +1,2,3%'s starting can be rolled) be far superior to some odd system of diminishing returns?

It's a similar system and probably simpler, but by using diminishing returns it will give the incentive for users to go for non-stacking% AEQ pieces. Going with 1% per level instead of 2 will still give the incentive for players to stack the same %AEQ--the whole thing they are trying to prevent.
TJ Spikes

the players hit hardest by this are the guys with only a couple seasons left in their careers. Maybe if everyone that was against this change just retired their dots early, then the dev team might take notice when there's half as many teams in the AAA and higher brackets.

It's going to be as good of a time to re-roll as there will ever be with the coming Archetypes, and now this. Of course it also makes a good time to just walk away too. This game is light years away from the one we started playing all those seasons ago.
Originally posted by Longhornfan1024
To your first question: I asked catch about it around 20 pages ago, and yes, if you spent 1 ST early in a career in order to buy a +2% piece to improve early performance, you cans sell that piece for 25 STs. A couple of my players are set for life now on STs.

To the second question/statement--that is upsetting. I'm not sure if catch/Bort can do it, but they really should try and look at AEQ purchasing history and whether testers or teams that they are on started buying up any %AEQ they could find in the shop.

No they aren't set for life. They have to use them by the end of pre-season.
Originally posted by TJ Spikes

the players hit hardest by this are the guys with only a couple seasons left in their careers. Maybe if everyone that was against this change just retired their dots early, then the dev team might take notice when there's half as many teams in the AAA and higher brackets.

It's going to be as good of a time to re-roll as there will ever be with the coming Archetypes, and now this. Of course it also makes a good time to just walk away too. This game is light years away from the one we started playing all those seasons ago.

Don't think for a second when one archetype works better than another, it too won't be shot down.
Edited by Lancer1997 on Feb 14, 2010 10:14:35
Originally posted by TJ Spikes

the players hit hardest by this are the guys with only a couple seasons left in their careers. Maybe if everyone that was against this change just retired their dots early, then the dev team might take notice when there's half as many teams in the AAA and higher brackets.

It's going to be as good of a time to re-roll as there will ever be with the coming Archetypes, and now this. Of course it also makes a good time to just walk away too. This game is light years away from the one we started playing all those seasons ago.

this... no more fp for sure.
Originally posted by Lancer1997
Don't think for a second when one archetype works better than another, it too will be shot down.

That's the plan yeah.
TJ Spikes
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
TJSpikes, by forcing every LB and HB to have AE, no one wins and there is no choice.

what is the alternative to AE? getting +5 boosts or just doing normal training? Your implying that AEQ in and of itself is a bad thing.
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
The fact that breaktacckle AE counters make tackle AE doesn't change that they are overpowered and bad for the game. There is merely a huge penalty to anyone who doesn't have 2 pieces of AE which is stupid.

Again if everyone has the chance to buy the best gear for their player, then I fail to see how it's stupid. You are basically arguing to get rid of all AEQ. If it's there, and players don't take advantage of it, then how is it anyone's fault but their own for building a substandard dot?
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
Also, the people who are gonna ragequit glb because of this are ridiculous.

Agreed. However, the players hit hardest by this are the one with only a couple seasons left in their careers anyway. Why not retire and reroll, since season 15 will basically be inventing a whole new version of GLB anyway?
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
You are not some genius for finding out +% AE is god, it still will be god, and even if it was no longer god, everyone else would be hurt as well so you don't lose much.

Again that isn't the fault of the % AEQ in and of itself. If the SAs were better, and/or if the diminishing returns point of SAs was higher (than 10), then the % AEQ pieces wouldn't be nearly as attractive. If SA diminishing returns kicked in at 20 then some players would want to get a SA piece 2.

Look, all I'm saying is there was more than one way to skin this proverbial cat. Most of the other ways wouldn't have had so many people up in arms.

Edited by TJ Spikes on Feb 14, 2010 10:12:29
Look, we have 1 real shot at changing player build type issues and that's now, because of the archetype changes. I flat out hate changing builds as much as anyone and always have. Even when it's for the good of the game and I can see that, I don't like it. Still, for this game to be as good as it can be, some build issues need to be changed. So, we're trying to wrap all major build changes up with the release of Archetypes. Hopefully, after that the target doesn't move as much anymore. That's the goal
Originally posted by Saris
Just so I understand this, if one newly built player had spent a shopping token or two to pick up a 2% aeq to improve their early performance (something I've done before on a few builds), that player will essentially be set for life with the 25 shopping tokens they'll get from this? 25 really seems like overkill to me.

Also I assume these proposed changes were discussed on one of the tester/mod forums etc., giving those agents in the know the opportunity to spend a couple shopping tokens to pick up two %aeq on all of their young players?

wish i would have thought of that
Originally posted by Catch22
No they aren't set for life. They have to use them by the end of pre-season.

Good deal. You should probably clarify that in the announcement though. The way you wrote it there makes it sound like we have until the end of the pre-season to trade in for the STs, but not necessarily to spend them.
Originally posted by TJ Spikes

Agreed. However, the players hit hardest by this are the one with only a couple seasons left in their careers anyway. Why not retire and reroll, since season 15 will basically be inventing a whole new version of GLB anyway?

How are they hit soooooooooooooo hard? They swap out 2 pieces of AEQ at no cost to themselves at all. This just doesn't make sense.
Originally posted by PP
yeah, pretty much on the 1st. The hope is that Catch can get the SAs all to a good enough point that there is a choice for the 2nd on. So, the 2nd is debatable.

Thats fine, just don't start making other skills worse, in hopes of "balancing" them. Fastest way to kill the game is to take every player in the games player and make them worse. Anyone who thinks "Yeah but you expoited shutdown coverage being good int he 1st place" that is a bs argument, and making something worse isn't the answer. Making the shit sa's like hands/shock block/smooth operater/and all those other sucker sa's work should be the priority.
Edited by David Stern on Feb 14, 2010 10:20:21

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