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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Changes to +% AEQ Discussion
Buck Nutty
Doh read this and thought it was up and running now lol sold an item got no shop tokens lol O well.

I think this is a good idea.
What a crock of shit.

This about does it for me. I was already losing interest in this game after 14 seasons now but this just pushes me towards "fuck this game" boundary. You guys never let us build our dots without changing the whole way the game is played every season or two.
Good move. I really think the FF stacking was way overboard. I mean, who wants to see a FF every 2 or 3 games. And I was really sick of the Hold Block pieces stacking. There was simply no way a DE could be effective and the OTs have had had too great of an advantage for far too long.
What about guys who do it legit like myself who aren't trying to be cheap asses and cheat the system. I'm spent my whole DEs career building his break block% to go along with Shed Block. Found three good pieces. Sitting fully upgraded right now with 25% break block and +6 Shed Block and now that goes to shit. Basically my whole build plan and 6 seasons worth of work is shot. Not to mention my DT (9 seasons worth of work) again, build hindered and my time and money wasted.

Why not put a capped limit on % instead of making it a modified percentage each time?
Instead of reducing the effectiveness of % chance AEQ (which seems to be reasonable, as it's not like FF are happening 2-3 times a game per player), why not just up the chance of SAs firing to make the playing field level that way?
TJ Spikes
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
ffs... It is impossible to have a balanced code which is fair to both players with +46% break tackle chance (a 46% boost to EVERY break tackle roll) and a guy who doesn't have that AE. DUCY?

no it isn't

you just adjust the parameters

like if player is Level 1-16 use formula X

if player is 17-25 use formula Y

Pick and choose your code tweaks based on what levels have access to which percentage boosts.

As long as players are the same level, then they have equal opportunity to invest in AEQ. The guy who has +46% BT could be could be countered by a guy with +46% Make Tackle chance. If that match-up still isn't working, then it's a problem with the baseline code. If there's something that's preventing the defense from investing as much in % Make Tackle, as the offense can invest in % Break Tackle--then it's a problem with the baseline code.

Maybe this specific issue could be resolved by combining all % Fake Chance gear, with all the % Break Tackle chance gear. So instead of having a just +5% Break Tackles on a piece, every piece that had +5% Break tackles would also have +5% Fake Chance (and vice-versa). Then combining all the % Avoid Fake chance gear with all the % Make Tackle gear. So that every piece of AEQ that had % Make Tackles, also came with % Avoid Fake built in.

That way the defense wouldn't have to build a specific tackle guy and a specific anti-fake guy, the way the offense can build specific power guys and elusive guys.

I your
Originally posted by taz20075
Good move. I really think the FF stacking was way overboard. I mean, who wants to see a FF every 2 or 3 games. And I was really sick of the Hold Block pieces stacking. There was simply no way a DE could be effective and the OTs have had had too great of an advantage for far too long.

LOL! Perhaps the one +% that doesn't need nerfing.
Originally posted by Saris
Just so I understand this, if one newly built player had spent a shopping token or two to pick up a 2% aeq to improve their early performance (something I've done before on a few builds), that player will essentially be set for life with the 25 shopping tokens they'll get from this? 25 really seems like overkill to me.

Also I assume these proposed changes were discussed on one of the tester/mod forums etc., giving those agents in the know the opportunity to spend a couple shopping tokens to pick up two %aeq on all of their young players?

To your first question: I asked catch about it around 20 pages ago, and yes, if you spent 1 ST early in a career in order to buy a +2% piece to improve early performance, you cans sell that piece for 25 STs. A couple of my players are set for life now on STs.

To the second question/statement--that is upsetting. I'm not sure if catch/Bort can do it, but they really should try and look at AEQ purchasing history and whether testers or teams that they are on started buying up any %AEQ they could find in the shop.
Originally posted by Longhornfan1024
Originally posted by Saris

Just so I understand this, if one newly built player had spent a shopping token or two to pick up a 2% aeq to improve their early performance (something I've done before on a few builds), that player will essentially be set for life with the 25 shopping tokens they'll get from this? 25 really seems like overkill to me.

Also I assume these proposed changes were discussed on one of the tester/mod forums etc., giving those agents in the know the opportunity to spend a couple shopping tokens to pick up two %aeq on all of their young players?

To your first question: I asked catch about it around 20 pages ago, and yes, if you spent 1 ST early in a career in order to buy a +2% piece to improve early performance, you cans sell that piece for 25 STs. A couple of my players are set for life now on STs.

To the second question/statement--that is upsetting. I'm not sure if catch/Bort can do it, but they really should try and look at AEQ purchasing history and whether testers or teams that they are on started buying up any %AEQ they could find in the shop.

Just to help clear some names...I'm on a bunch of teams with PP, mwood07, and w_alloy. Hadn't heard so much as a whisper about this coming, and on a team PP co-owns, he doled out a shitload of EQ cash a few days ago for a guy who was filling up some % AEs.
I know this sucks for a very high % of agents. I know it sure does for me.

Many ppl in this thread are talking about letting you build your dots the way you want to. Frankly, that's why I pushed this change so hard (If you want to hate someone over this, you may as well hate me). Not only is stacked % gear waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to overpowered, but it also is forcing most positions to go all % gear on their dots. If left unchanged, within 3-4 more ssns, no WL QB would be without 3 pieces of % pass quality. No WL PB would be without 3 % brk tkl and so on.

Those that believe we took away your ability to build the type of dot you wanted couldn't be further from the truth. We just gave you that ability. Before this, the vast majority of the best dot builders were going 3 pieces of % gear on their younger dots. Without this change, you would have too or stood no chance of ever being a WL dot (ever being better than a decent).

Also, at the same time this is happening, Catch will also be evaluating SAs, to be sure that each provides a true and beneficial purpose. The idea is in no way to force anyone to do anything (hell, you can still have 3 % AEQs, if you want). The goal is to make it so there is more than 1 way to build a top end dot, and that just wouldn't exist if this wasn't changed.
TJSpikes, by forcing every LB and HB to have AE, no one wins and there is no choice. The fact that breaktacckle AE counters make tackle AE doesn't change that they are overpowered and bad for the game. There is merely a huge penalty to anyone who doesn't have 2 pieces of AE which is stupid.

Also, the people who are gonna ragequit glb because of this are ridiculous. You are not some genius for finding out +% AE is god, it still will be god, and even if it was no longer god, everyone else would be hurt as well so you don't lose much.

Originally posted by Longhornfan1024
To your first question: I asked catch about it around 20 pages ago, and yes, if you spent 1 ST early in a career in order to buy a +2% piece to improve early performance, you cans sell that piece for 25 STs. A couple of my players are set for life now on STs.

To the second question/statement--that is upsetting. I'm not sure if catch/Bort can do it, but they really should try and look at AEQ purchasing history and whether testers or teams that they are on started buying up any %AEQ they could find in the shop.

No fear on that....They are doing it. Any tester that pimped this will be removed
Imo good stuff and spot on PP. Though if choice is the key, do you still agree that informed agents under the new rules will have no choice for their first AE, and likely no choice for their 2nd AE?
poop imo
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
Imo good stuff and spot on PP. Though if choice is the key, do you still agree that informed agents under the new rules will have no choice for their first AE, and likely no choice for their 2nd AE?

yeah, pretty much on the 1st. The hope is that Catch can get the SAs all to a good enough point that there is a choice for the 2nd on. So, the 2nd is debatable.

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