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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Changes to +% AEQ Discussion
Originally posted by PLAYMAKERS

None of these players are breaking more than one tackle per touch, which IMO isn't really overpowered. You also have to keep in mind that they are all on undefeated teams with great ownership and tactics (likely). None of these players are really exploiting anything.

Not that I'm flushing your post PLAYMAKERS. Obviously these players are good/great players, but in no way "exploiting" the sim.

Any positions other than HB? Like a CB with +60% int?
Not A Mod
I understand that many see this as a much needed change - due to +% break tackle chance

what do people think the effect will be on break block / hold block? were those two more or less cancelling one another out?
Think about How the Sim works before How People play the Sim

How should you cut a piece value earned by Equal Opportunity by half or even worse 75%?
I know i am coming in to this late, so sorry if it was already covered.. but is +75% even that good, when the boosted ability maybe has a 10% chance already? That now gives it a 17.5% chance.. big whoopdie doo. That had to be nerfed? Seriously?
Holy crap this is a lot of posts...

Imo, changes to +% AE are very good in that at the moment, those pieces are the concensus best thing at their given positions, hands down. Anyone who doesn't understand that a +5% break tackle is the best piece for a power HB, +5% break block is the best piece for the D-Line, and +5% make tackle is the best piece for a LB simply isn't playing the game as well as they should be. Everyone in the know is stocking up on these pieces, while those who are not...well....they are left at a significant disadvantage. So that's to say, I agree they they should be nerfed.

I COMPLETELY disagree that this is the correct manner. All you guys are doing is ensuring that every person in the know now has 1 piece of +% AE, and likely still 2 pieces. A much better change would be a +1% per level rather than +2%. This changes nothing aside from nerfing 10% off of every player who knows whats what. +30% break tackle chance for 2 AE pieces is STILL what will be required to become a WL Power HB.

Either remove them completely, or fix them correctly so as they are not the automatic choice (which they still WILL BE following this change)....

can someone summarize all 45 pages for me please.
Will extra VA reset points be given next season? With arch-types, % equipment changes...many times VAs are closely tied to eq/SA choices. Would be nice to get double VA go along with all of these other changes.
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
Holy crap this is a lot of posts...

Imo, changes to +% AE are very good in that at the moment, those pieces are the concensus best thing at their given positions, hands down. Anyone who doesn't understand that a +5% break tackle is the best piece for a power HB, +5% break block is the best piece for the D-Line, and +5% make tackle is the best piece for a LB simply isn't playing the game as well as they should be. Everyone in the know is stocking up on these pieces, while those who are not...well....they are left at a significant disadvantage. So that's to say, I agree they they should be nerfed.

I COMPLETELY disagree that this is the correct manner. All you guys are doing is ensuring that every person in the know now has 1 piece of +% AE, and likely still 2 pieces. A much better change would be a +1% per level rather than +2%. This changes nothing aside from nerfing 10% off of every player who knows whats what. +30% break tackle chance for 2 AE pieces is STILL what will be required to become a WL Power HB.

Either remove them completely, or fix them correctly so as they are not the automatic choice (which they still WILL BE following this change)....

I won't read all of the thread but this post is 100% correct. Remove them from the game as they cause a lot of imbalance
Originally posted by TxSteve
I understand that many see this as a much needed change - due to +% break tackle chance

what do people think the effect will be on break block / hold block? were those two more or less cancelling one another out?

Hold block needs a major Buff, even at 40% + dots still fall over left and right.
Even though this greatly affects some of the dots I'm building (all my young guys) this is a change that will benefit the game. All my dots were planning on stacking 3 AEQs with it was definitely overpowered, imo.

Glad to see this change rolled out with plenty of time for discussion and a chance to nail the implementation.
Originally posted by crazy454
Hold block needs a major Buff, even at 40% + dots still fall over left and right.

Imo bort needs to retool O-Line/D-Line interactions. At the moment, everything is about pancaking and revcaking, which in no way resembles real football at any level....
I had proposed just allowing 1 piece of %AE gear per player. That way you cant stack. If you have one BT% piece, you simly can not have another one.

This would of maxed all %AE at 25 (5% base, level 72 gear).

With the current method, I would still keep 2 pieces of %AE on all my players, but not 3.
Originally posted by crazy454
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN

Holy crap this is a lot of posts...

Imo, changes to +% AE are very good in that at the moment, those pieces are the concensus best thing at their given positions, hands down. Anyone who doesn't understand that a +5% break tackle is the best piece for a power HB, +5% break block is the best piece for the D-Line, and +5% make tackle is the best piece for a LB simply isn't playing the game as well as they should be. Everyone in the know is stocking up on these pieces, while those who are not...well....they are left at a significant disadvantage. So that's to say, I agree they they should be nerfed.

I COMPLETELY disagree that this is the correct manner. All you guys are doing is ensuring that every person in the know now has 1 piece of +% AE, and likely still 2 pieces. A much better change would be a +1% per level rather than +2%. This changes nothing aside from nerfing 10% off of every player who knows whats what. +30% break tackle chance for 2 AE pieces is STILL what will be required to become a WL Power HB.

Either remove them completely, or fix them correctly so as they are not the automatic choice (which they still WILL BE following this change)....

I won't read all of the thread but this post is 100% correct. Remove them from the game as they cause a lot of imbalance

And as they should be removed , just take the time and remove all the AEQ/VA's too please. Let's get this back to being a game and not who can exploit the wrong things first and fastest. BASIC game play is fine and we didn't have all these worries until this stuff was introduced , it was just build a dot and learn how to put it in position. It's becoming painstaking just to play at ANY LEVEL anymore imo.

And like it's been said MANY times in various threads you really aren't changing anything , everyone that knows will still do the same things , the best way to change the game is to just let everyone build the way they want with what's available without penalties to building. I will just continue to read but I wanted to interject just another type opinion.
Honestly thinking about just retiring out my players and coming back in a year and hopefully by that time they will have figured out how they want to run this game. Building players to a moving target is becoming quite a joke. Love this game but this to me is the most frustrating thing about this game. I am just about to the edge of "waiting for the GR" instead of playing the longest running Beta I have ever seen.
I just bought 2 of the same % a couple days ago and had to convert them. I should get back my bonus tokens for the conversion

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