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I think there are enough good owners to fill those 6 remaining spots in CL if the Big 3 dropped to 2 teams each. But I also am a huge advocate for a bigger league, and let all these guys have all of their historic franchises. 24 team league or something. Top 4 in each division make the playoffs, etc. The Big 3 would have 12 of the 24, and the rest of GLB could easily fill that last 12 spots with quality teams. There may be a few blowouts here and there, but you would have..

1-2 KC Teams
1-2 Armysean/Wiseman
1-2 Agency Network

Venom Coach, Builderbob/Nexil, ewinter, me/PJ/Koo, Athens teams, PD7 teams, zzman, Jackals, sportzdude, etc.

Face the facts, there are good teams stuck in AAA right now, and CL is a 3 man collage. If you add in the current Pro league to the current CL you have 24 solid teams! Maybe you only shuffle the bottom 4 teams, because it shouldn't be a brutal bottle neck to get into CL, with that much space for all the top networks and many more.
Yeah probably keep WL for prestige but make it 24 teams. If they want their monopoly they will have to spend even more money to hoard spots.
Good thing they did the monopoly. The flagship teams SWAT and FF choked
zz man
I'd favor a bigger amount of teams to add styles and co-ording. But I wouldn't like to limit certain owners. I'd prefer smaller conferences too to make regular more vital if possible.
Originally posted by PLAYMAKERS
Good thing they did the monopoly. The flagship teams SWAT and FF choked

I really just see this as the truth.. RNG is still a BIG factor.

Originally posted by Pwned
I really just see this as the truth.. RNG is still a BIG factor.

Its that but mainly for coordinating counter moves. Everyone freaked out when War machine setup to avoid the Cane back 2 back playoff matchups, but it worked. Any surprise gimmick or failed game plan usually gets a redo with a monopoly of teams.
I think it would be interesting to do 1 league, split into 6 divisions of 4 and 2 conferences. All the first place teams make the playoffs, as well as two wildcards from each conference. Divisions should be randomly generated and no swaps allowed.

In the regular season, each team can play their division twice, all other conference members once, and have 2 random interconference games. In the playoffs, the two wildcards play first to determine who plays against the 1 seed. And then the 2nd and 3rd seed teams face-off.

This would allow for some diversification of games that is not seen at the top level and potentially give a better chance of more owners having a realistic chance of making the playoffs due to the random divisional draw. The regular season would hopefully also be more competitive as you need come in first place or have a good enough record to get 1 of the 2 wildcard spots.

I feel the proposed 2 league/4 conferences would just result in each conference playoffs consisting of 1 team from each of the "big 3", and 1 of each of the other consistent champion league teams. And the current system is extremely boring and will lead to a quicker demise of what's left of this game. Playing against the same two or three teams/gameplans for 12 out of 16 games isn't fun for anyone. I can speak for WAR MACHINE and say that regardless of how this pro season shakes out, we have little-to-no interest in returning to the current-state champion league to play three owners for the entirety of a season.
King of Bling
Limiting teams for owners is bogus. Get better. Hell, look at the roster setups, the plays called etc and you've got half the battle taken care of. Limiting teams an owner can have is like rewarding participation trophies. Why pussify?

24 team CL should be the setup for sure. There are a number of very good Pro teams that should be promoted in the current arrangement. After the 24 team CL is set up, have 4-8 demote to Pro and promote the Pro top 4-8. Rearrange the AA and AAA setup to whatever would fit the enlarged CL and Pro leagues.

One big problem with the current set up, aside from too small of a CL, is the drawn out process for a climbing team to be able to crack into the CL. Let's streamline the process to broaden the base and get more coords and builders exposure. That way they'll know what it takes to ascend and then compete at the upper level.

Edited by King of Bling on Aug 11, 2024 01:22:32
Edited by King of Bling on Aug 11, 2024 01:21:03
OC/DC Guru
What are further proposals for Ryan?

Limit him to only make 5 dots?
Dont allow him to purchase teams at all?
Don't allow his user id to get accepted for any rights?
move him to GLB2 and ban him from GLB1?

This is getting embarrassing. You are able to play him 5-6 games in a season, prepare yourself to adjust if needed on a game to game basis if something does not work. You counter someone with adjusting your tendencies and in off-season even your roster setup. Same thing we did for KC, same goes for Ryan.

If some people rather want to demote to AAA or stay in Pro, then fine, go ahead. I for a fact enjoyed the competition aspect and prepared 3 more teams. Helps me straighten out the schemes at a much faster pace.

The 24 team setup at least opens up the competition aspect and gets other schemes involved.
Any additional proposals in limiting team ownership is ridiculous.
Originally posted by Tomcic
What are further proposals for Ryan?

Limit him to only make 5 dots?
Dont allow him to purchase teams at all?
Don't allow his user id to get accepted for any rights?
move him to GLB2 and ban him from GLB1?

This is getting embarrassing. You are able to play him 5-6 games in a season, prepare yourself to adjust if needed on a game to game basis if something does not work. You counter someone with adjusting your tendencies and in off-season even your roster setup. Same thing we did for KC, same goes for Ryan.

If some people rather want to demote to AAA or stay in Pro, then fine, go ahead. I for a fact enjoyed the competition aspect and prepared 3 more teams. Helps me straighten out the schemes at a much faster pace.

The 24 team setup at least opens up the competition aspect and gets other schemes involved.
Any additional proposals in limiting team ownership is ridiculous.

Unless I`m missing something, none of the above proposals since your last post have been in favor of limiting teams from an owner. So not sure what the rant is about?

As for my proposal specifically, it is to bring the 12 Pro teams in which you are already in favor of, but add some RNG to the division/schedule/etc to add a talking point of excitement for owners that are still learning I suppose? While also making regular season quite important to limit coasting for some. I can explain more thoroughly if necessary because if this is in response to me I can see that you very clearly do not understand my proposal what so ever.

OC/DC Guru
Originally posted by poland82
Unless I`m missing something, none of the above proposals since your last post have been in favor of limiting teams from an owner. So not sure what the rant is about?

As for my proposal specifically, it is to bring the 12 Pro teams in which you are already in favor of, but add some RNG to the division/schedule/etc to add a talking point of excitement for owners that are still learning I suppose? While also making regular season quite important to limit coasting for some. I can explain more thoroughly if necessary because if this is in response to me I can see that you very clearly do not understand my proposal what so ever.

check the previous pages plus this one

Originally posted by Tomcic
Here some updates to the concept which you've seen up in a post above:

1) Having other teams involved+agents+schemes
2) Giving teams 16 games to prove that they are worthy to compete for the CL title if there is the fear, that the CL teams will make POs regardless
3) Giving teams assurances also during minors with the process that it needs at best one great semi pro season+aaa promotion (40 days) to compete for the biggest title for new and rebooting teams. Else 80 days when placed to AA.
4) Will provide a clean promotion/demotion system from AA to Pro
5) Provide agents the motivation to keep going in order to compete for a CL title in the new format.

Current format:
-"at best" you can compete for the title after 80 days Pro time, and only in AAA if you win two playoff games + 1 Pro playoff game. - - "at worst" 120 days if you are placed in AA after having an unfortunate SemiPro season.

- You will always have the ones that complain that one conference is easier than the other one at the highest level.

1) that sparked the forum interaction in s104
2) kept all parties involved while creating rivalries.
3) keep conference static and rotate them from season to season
- conference games: the static conference plays minimum of 10 games (home and away).
- non-conference games: Pro league assignment will be switched for each static conferences from season to season (concept similar to NFL division play)
4) Having it 4 static conferences will have other matchups and sims + Lessons learned out of matchups which can be used during re-tooling or re-booting teams.

then you know what#s up

Why would we want 4 conferences though?

Being completely honest, after you guys separate your teams into the conferences and one hypothetical conference would be as such, RC/Mauler/You/Us then two other teams. I don`t think the two other teams will be learning much. Most of the owners/coords that are "on the cusp" have been as such far before the crash and don`t seem to be gaining much ground as shown by how CL has shaken out and the teams with top records. Even look at this season in which the league is run by the 3 of you. 4 conferences that you guys split yourselves up with the 2 to 4 other teams that actually make some noise at the top is not a longlasting solution and will produce absolutely no new results
I`ll also add, checking the previous pages in regard to your rant is nothing to do with the above information. There were a few different posters above in this thread with an idea and none of which mentioned trying to limit RC`s teams. Looking at a post from 2 weeks ago to explain why you went on a rant today that is unrelated to what was said makes no sense and accomplishes nothing.
I vote 24 team league, I don't care how you guys slice it up.
GG LMSTTDS. Hard fought. You guys have played plenty of competitive games thus far, and if you can spike some wins vs other Alpha teams I'd appreciate it.

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