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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Changes to +% AEQ Discussion
Hate Sighed
Originally posted by Gazpar

Explain to me why I invest time and money into a game, just to have you change something on a whim?

That's really something you should've answered for yourself before you ever spent a dime.
Originally posted by Catch22
Originally posted by beenlurken

So basically my idea was not considered... (otherwise you would have a good explanation as to why this idea was rejected in favor of the one you are going with).

It wasn't considered because we've already announced the change. We're not going to change it, it's been discussed and similar ideas to yours were brought up and we went with this one.

Why is this idea better than the "similar ideas" that were shot down? Not trying to be a pest like DB, HS, and bhall but I fail to see why the idea you are choosing to go with is better.

To have any kind of effectiveness with % AEQ you have to go all or nothing (with the idea that will be implemented)... how does that prevent cookie cutter builds? My idea (or ones that were similar) allows for more build diversity.
Originally posted by Deathblade
Because according to Lancer, people should just fix der bilds.

Seriously, though, what are the arguments against this change? Not only are they fixing an aspect of the game that has long needed a fix, but they are giving the agents affected by the change a serious windfall in comparison to the other agents in the game.
Edited by Longhornfan1024 on Feb 13, 2010 23:27:17
Originally posted by SpringfieldSkins
I took interest because you said you were a season 1 player. I like to stick up for and converse with season 1 players. It's a rare breed in these parts now. And personally, I think every single change since season 1 has been an improvement. Well, every single change except for the PB nerf, but I understand.

No problem. Appreciate your maturity FWIW. But there will be one less Season 1 player now.
Originally posted by Longhornfan1024
Originally posted by Deathblade

Because according to Lancer, people should just fix der bilds.

Seriously, though, what are the arguments against this change. Not only are they fixing an aspect of the game that has long needed a fix, but they are giving the agents affected by the change a serious windfall in comparison to the other agents in the game.

we shouldn't nerf things, we should just make everything else better! lawl
Originally posted by bhall43
season 1 guys are rare? really?

Or so I thought.
Originally posted by Catch22
If you're referring to me, you need to understand my position is to report these changes and to act as the communications go between Bort and the user base because he doesn't have the time to do so. While I have input in these changes they are definitely not my doing -- nothing could be further from the truth. This change was actually suggested by a tester and discussed at length for over two weeks.

That being said, I'm not going to make excuses for these changes nor am I going to allow these changes to be swayed by a small number of people disagreeing with it. We're trying to make this game more balanced in all aspects - sim, EQ, and player development. The sooner we do this, the sooner we can get to a point where changes aren't needed on such a frequent basis.

A tester.. That suggests 1 person... and Discussed by "whom"..

IF you think this is a "small" number of people that disagree then only time will tell. I think it is a much bigger number of people but have come to conclusion that their voices aren't being heard so screw it or it just isn't worth it. Why? Because you have already stated that this is going to HAPPEN PERIOD !!!

Edited by ken-in-rockwall on Feb 13, 2010 23:30:09
Originally posted by ib_mr_ed
I agree that agents with bad builds should Suck! I agree we should not change things to benefit those who do not have a clue. I agree that agents should adapt their builds to combat successful builds!

I do not agree that a CLEAR FLAW/ LOOPHOLE/ EXPLOIT (stacking equip, DT that were jumping past OL and making insta sack, the power I season where you could run one play and never be stopped, etc) should be allowed to continue. Those things are not successful builds. Those are loopholes and exploits that need to be taken care of so that the game can be fun for all.

The Power I season almost got me away from GLB for good. We busted our asses all season to be a top team. We lost in the 2nd round of the playoffs to a team that ran 1 f**king exploit play the entire game.

That is not fun, nor should it be allowed.

In my mind stacking is not a successful build it is an exploit. Therefore, IMO it needs to be fixed.

See, you too had a breaking point, the Power I exploit. I have mine: Everytime something works, it gets nuked.
Originally posted by Longhornfan1024
Seriously, though, what are the arguments against this change? Not only are they fixing an aspect of the game that has long needed a fix, but they are giving the agents affected by the change a serious windfall in comparison to the other agents in the game.

Lancer's argument is "he shouldn't change the game, ppl should fix der bild"

ICRocket's"let people build how they want" I think

beenlurken is against it because he wants his idea added instead
Originally posted by beenlurken
Why is this idea better than the "similar ideas" that were shot down? Not trying to be a pest like DB, HS, and bhall but I fail to see why the idea you are choosing to go with is better..

i am cry
the one who knocks
Originally posted by Catch22
Won't be available until the off season, just announcing ahead of time so people have time to adjust.

This should be clarified a bit better in the announcements. I can imagine you're going to get complaints from people who got confused and sold their equipment now.
Originally posted by Maddoc
we shouldn't nerf things, we should just make everything else better! lawl

No, we shouldn't make anything else better.

We should just change stuff that doesn't make any player stronger or weaker, just "change" stuff.
Originally posted by bhall43
i am cry

Originally posted by Deathblade
Guessing you skipped to the last page.

Of course. Is DvG getting nerfed? Because once the guys at the top of the fight buff pole get nerfed, the next ones are the OP ones.
Originally posted by Lancer1997

See, you too had a breaking point, the Power I exploit. I have mine: Everytime something works, it gets nuked.

that Mentor exploit worked pretty well for WWR...should have never got nuked imo...

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