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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Changes to +% AEQ Discussion
Originally posted by Lancer1997
LISTEN. That's really all you have to do and you can keep up.

This would be a proverbial straw that broke the camels back.

However, I would have stopped posting beyond my initial post if it weren't for several posters, yourself included, who took such an interest in my opinion.

Is that proverbial straw the same one that you use to build your straw men out of?

Would that make them proverbial straw men or how would that work?
I'm trying to let you all debate this but please let's try and refrain from too much of the "retard" "idiot" stuff.
Hate Sighed
Originally posted by Lancer1997
Actually no, I posted once.

You and Deathblade didnt deal well with my opinion, and you began to insult me as If I actually cared. Had you not tried to be proverbial internet tough guys and moved on, I would have too.

But you just couldn't be mature...

You're still here, you obviously care
Originally posted by Lancer1997
LISTEN. That's really all you have to do and you can keep up.

This would be a proverbial straw that broke the camels back.

However, I would have stopped posting beyond my initial post if it weren't for several posters, yourself included, who took such an interest in my opinion.

I took interest because you said you were a season 1 player. I like to stick up for and converse with season 1 players. It's a rare breed in these parts now. And personally, I think every single change since season 1 has been an improvement. Well, every single change except for the PB nerf, but I understand.
I'm confused. Why are so many people complaining? %AEQ has been OP'd and obviously in need of a change since it came out.
Originally posted by Lancer1997


Lets realllllllly simplify this to make it easier.

What is wrong with the following statement:
> Agents should adapt their builds to combat successful builds

I agree that agents with bad builds should Suck! I agree we should not change things to benefit those who do not have a clue. I agree that agents should adapt their builds to combat successful builds!

I do not agree that a CLEAR FLAW/ LOOPHOLE/ EXPLOIT (stacking equip, DT that were jumping past OL and making insta sack, the power I season where you could run one play and never be stopped, etc) should be allowed to continue. Those things are not successful builds. Those are loopholes and exploits that need to be taken care of so that the game can be fun for all.

The Power I season almost got me away from GLB for good. We busted our asses all season to be a top team. We lost in the 2nd round of the playoffs to a team that ran 1 f**king exploit play the entire game.

That is not fun, nor should it be allowed.

In my mind stacking is not a successful build it is an exploit. Therefore, IMO it needs to be fixed.
Originally posted by Deathblade
Is that proverbial straw the same one that you use to build your straw men out of?

Would that make them proverbial straw men or how would that work?

It would work just the way I said it did. I see you are struggling to come to grips with your nonadmission/admission that I am right.

Its ok, I forgive you anyway.
I do not see the swap options. I have a SS with two items that both have an SA and the same percent bonus.
Originally posted by Deathblade
+70% make tackle is better than DvG tbqh

Not when the %Break tackle/Make Tackle gear is nerfed.
Originally posted by Longhornfan1024
I'm confused. Why are so many people complaining? %AEQ has been OP'd and obviously in need of a change since it came out.

Because according to Lancer, people should just fix der bilds.
season 1 guys are rare? really?
Hate Sighed
Originally posted by Longhornfan1024
I'm confused. Why are so many people complaining? %AEQ has been OP'd and obviously in need of a change since it came out.

It's not this change, it's any change
I read a LOT, but don't post often...

This recent change has made me so frustrated that I have to say SOMETHING!!!

Seems that everytime something starts to work, the "powers that be" decide that its unfair, and must be changed. If we all have access to the same shopping techniques, and can all buy the same pieces, how is it unfair, and why should it be changed?

Explain to me why I invest time and money into a game, just to have you change something on a whim?

I am NOT one of those "I Hate change" type of guys; actually, I am kinda looking forward to some of the upcoming changes (IE: archetype). As for this one, it makes no sense to me, and just seems like change for the sake of change.

Since this is not a discussion about "should we" and more of a "this is what we are doing" thread, there is no point in me ranting...
For the record, it sucks, and you are just gumming up the works.
Originally posted by kurieg
Not when the %Break tackle/Make Tackle gear is nerfed.

Guessing you skipped to the last page.
Originally posted by AngryDragon
I do not see the swap options. I have a SS with two items that both have an SA and the same percent bonus.

Does not apply to SA, only % chance. I don't think the option to swap is available yet either, not until the offseason at some point.

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