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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Changes to +% AEQ Discussion
it's the Attribute VA bitching all over again.

I'm still waiting for someone to bust out with the classic "lol ya becuz taking away choices = more choices"
Originally posted by jamz
If you think this problem only applies to HBs you're sadly mistaken.

BB %+ Shed Block
Think about a LB who stacks DvG + 3 Make Tackler pieces + Sure Tackler. See what I'm saying?

But now you're not making the problem exclusive to the stacked AEQ, you're making it about the skill itself. If you have a guy with 46% break block + Shed Block (let's say 5 Shed Block = 15% break block, or 3% for each point) and he's told he can't stack AEQ anymore, what happens when he just trades in his 2nd piece for a Shed Blocks piece (good for another 5 Shed Blocks)? He goes from 61% break block (46 + 15) to 53% break block (23 + 30). You're THAT certain that an 8% drop will stop his build from being "overpowered"?
Originally posted by jdbolick
Originally posted by beenlurken

So now we go from 60% being the problem to 46% being the problem...

I don't understand why you refuse to accept the reality of your mental deficiencies even when so many people point them out over and over again. They do so because of posts like this. 46% is less impactful than 60%, but only by a quarter.

34.5% has less of an impact than 46%, but less than a quarter... Get over yourself.
Originally posted by Jiddy78
Originally posted by Jiddy78

What happens to a 4th piece?

Originally posted by Deathblade
Obviously...but this change is in no way intended to balance the sim. It is meant to actually make AEQ a choice.

Are you kidding me? You know the change is going to affect the sim dramatically, right? So maybe if this kind of change is going to made, then people should- gasp!- consider the fucking consequences on the field. Gosh, I'm crazy.
Originally posted by ICRockets
But now you're not making the problem exclusive to the stacked AEQ, you're making it about the skill itself. If you have a guy with 46% break block + Shed Block (let's say 5 Shed Block = 15% break block, or 3% for each point) and he's told he can't stack AEQ anymore, what happens when he just trades in his 2nd piece for a Shed Blocks piece (good for another 5 Shed Blocks)? He goes from 61% break block (46 + 15) to 53% break block (23 + 30). You're THAT certain that an 8% drop will stop his build from being "overpowered"?

did you copy off Stern in high school English class?
Originally posted by ICRockets

[_] This is a sim balance fix
[X] This is meant to diversify the types of equipment people use and give them more options
[_] You are capable of typing a sentence lacking logical fallacies.
Originally posted by ICRockets
Are you kidding me? You know the change is going to affect the sim dramatically, right? So maybe if this kind of change is going to made, then people should- gasp!- consider the fucking consequences on the field. Gosh, I'm crazy.

Yeah, bort is going to have to buff the break tackle score. Possibly buff sa's too.
I'm fine with the changes, even after spending the entire offseason shopping for %AEQ on 2 players.

I disagree though that it's going to diversify AEQ. It's just going to shift to a different set of must haves.

If I have an LOT, I'm going to look for a % Hold Block piece and a Protector Piece, just like every other LOT.

If I have a CB, I'm going for SDC or SV, etc. etc.

This change doesn't make +1 Swat Ball any better for me to settle on it, unless they are specifically raising the bar on some of those SAs.

Originally posted by Catch22
Yea not sure why a person would ever want to sell a +%/+% piece or a +%/+SA piece but I'll find out the answer.

If some one has two or more of the same one.... that second or third is not worth as much now that would be why you would want to sell it. No longer holds the same value
IE my DE has 2 pieces of +%make tackle +%break block

Not fond of this change... quite pissed actually

Originally posted by Catch22
As DB said, I'm also going to be working on SA balance testing and we're going to be adjusting SA's to be more effective/less effective depending on how they are working.

Originally posted by ICRockets
Are you kidding me? You know the change is going to affect the sim dramatically, right? So maybe if this kind of change is going to made, then people should- gasp!- consider the fucking consequences on the field. Gosh, I'm crazy.

Keep going, I think we can map out this entire site tonight.
Originally posted by ICRockets
But now you're not making the problem exclusive to the stacked AEQ, you're making it about the skill itself. If you have a guy with 46% break block + Shed Block (let's say 5 Shed Block = 15% break block, or 3% for each point) and he's told he can't stack AEQ anymore, what happens when he just trades in his 2nd piece for a Shed Blocks piece (good for another 5 Shed Blocks)? He goes from 61% break block (46 + 15) to 53% break block (23 + 30). You're THAT certain that an 8% drop will stop his build from being "overpowered"?

Bort explained that the Shed Block SA is not a +% increase to the break block roll, but rather simply a flat increase. Without knowing the exact value, let's just use a hypothetical where a DE has a base break block value of 100, then 10 in Shed Block adds another 30 to that (3 points each). Meanwhile +50% break block AEQ would increase that base 100 value to 150. Ultimately the Shed Block SA will always add the same flat amount to your break block value regardless of whether it's 1 or 255. Percentages become a problem at higher levels because the more you increase the base value, the more it will obviously increase by percentage. A 50% increase of 10 is not nearly as meaningful as a 50% increase of 100. That's why you're seeing this broken system at the highest levels of the game, and not so much in the minors.
Originally posted by calamnet
This change doesn't make +1 Swat Ball any better for me to settle on it, unless they are specifically raising the bar on some of those SAs.

1) I'm pretty sure that there's a separate SA review planned, that has nothing to do with this change
2) That said, giving other abilities buffs isn't what this change is about, it's about allowing people to make decisions on AEQ, that they wouldn't make before, due to one choice being superior to another.

The answer isn't to buff something to make up for whats lost in translation, it's to make AEQ, and players more diverse, along the same lines of archetyping.
Originally posted by ICRockets
Are you kidding me? You know the change is going to affect the sim dramatically, right? So maybe if this kind of change is going to made, then people should- gasp!- consider the fucking consequences on the field. Gosh, I'm crazy.

as much as the change hurts me and i don't like it, you can't keep going on what is considered a broken and exploited mechanism because it will effect the sim. make the change, and then balance it out. if they don't even consider rebalancing things that need to be in the preseason next season (total effectiveness of a type of player, not just SAs) then i'd be up in arms. but theres no reason to be pissed at a change that needed to happen.

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