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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Proposed Changes > Accelerated Player Development Details and Discussion Thread
Originally posted by Catch22
Originally posted by Slow Children

but we went to archetypes and you said older players would retire and wouldn't be a problem, training changed and eq costs BTs now instead of salary, etc. with decline coming on faster and not really benefiting playing our dots at their peak longer (which is what I thought this would be for) How will this effect the number of BTs our players get, and is multi training going to be obsolete now?

BT's and training is outlined in the OP. Multi training definitely won't be obsolete.

Originally posted by Slow Children
OK I see that now. Still doesn't address the main reason for this. It isn't to just speed through their careers, I thought this was to help dots play longer at the top.

So the most important question is how soon can Monsterkill update his Player Builder script?
Originally posted by .spider.

My big concern is it's still only 3 levels at the top of the game, dots need to stay WL/Pro ready for longer than 3 seasons to fix the competiveness in 8 pro leagues. I was hoping that this change would lengthen the dots career at the top to get more dots at the top end of the game.

My opinion on this probably wont be very popular (which is why ive never gone as far as to actually post about it) but as much as i like having my dots play in WL, i think we'd be better off (as a whole) without the WL. Id rather see some kind of big World Tournament at the end of the season with the big 8 Pro leagues going at it for title of World Champ or some shit. This would make all the pro leagues much better and would bring back some of the old rivalries we used to have when we had the 8 major leagues. Also was cool to have team names that pertained to your country and all that shit... but maybe that's just me so i wont get too far into that discussion since it's completely off topic, but it's been on my mind for a while now

Just once I would like to build players and have them finish with the same rules I built them under.....
Originally posted by lizrdgizrd
So the most important question is how soon can Monsterkill update his Player Builder script?

Originally posted by lizrdgizrd
Originally posted by cheese sandwich

i think you are just going to lose (i.e. bleed) more agents over these changes. Result is thinned out player pool. More control of top leagues by networks (if it already isnt enough). I think this is a mistake. Long run, you will lose agents more quickly through quicker flex burn (many looking for an excuse to quit or burn through flex quicker. i could envision alot of retirements this season which would further thin out the player pool).

think it would have been better to make the season half as short (28 days; game every day. twice the amount of daily training points, daily xp, etc).

and incentives to make the lower leagues more "meaningful"

The question is, will this change help bring in more new players? 2 years is a long time to watch a dot grow. 1 year is long but not nearly as bad.

you have "skin in the game" for longer ... and more likely to buy flex (i.e. get bored and make some new players, buy teams, etc).
Originally posted by Toric
ok so when this goes in and we come out of beta is there going to be a game wide restart? wipe the rosters refund all the flex points and start over?

Just trying to figure out what coming out of beta means ... Not saying we should start over but new building system new eq changes. new life spans and coming out of beta all at the same time...

for real coming out of Beta?... still trying to get that.. everyone knows this game.. everyone that wants too is already playing it.. hell it's been running 3 years.. many of the old schoolers have retired lol

so taking the beta tag away.. what does that do . unless it's a full restart.. put my mind ar ease or let me start getting my guys ready so I don't lose more friends and agents ... whats the deal?

We won't be doing a restart/wipe. It basically means major changes are done, only cosmetic changes and bug fixes will be done after that point.
Originally posted by lizrdgizrd
So the most important question is how soon can Monsterkill update his Player Builder script?

Originally posted by Slow Children
Yeah I know, but most of us want more then 3 seasons of our dots at their peak. 5-7 seasons is what I remember people wanting their dots playing at their peak.

ya 3 seasons is a short career imo your going to have a bigger team rollover (dropping back down to rookie more) and too me GLB's magic was back when we were all trying to figure out how to win... teams stuck together people became friends .. (a few still do) but not like they did once.) the competition was almost always good.. now there are always 1-2 elite teams and the rest trying to play catchup.. I'm not sure shorter dot lies will help that.. but I will tell you thats where the magic of GLB lies and what will keep people playing. IMO .. what was the idea about the 3 season lifes all about? whats the goal? I think if we understood that it would be a huge help
Originally posted by lizrdgizrd
So the most important question is how soon can Monsterkill update his Player Builder script?

I guess, but Just enjoy the building part, would like to tweek with a full grown dot more. 3-4 seasons building and reach peak for 6 7 seasons. 3 seasons of decline.
Originally posted by Catch22
We won't be doing a restart/wipe. It basically means major changes are done, only cosmetic changes and bug fixes will be done after that point.

Huge to know Thank you sir
Originally posted by lizrdgizrd
So the most important question is how soon can Monsterkill update his Player Builder script?

+1 lol
Too many replies to read. Don't know if this was asked yet or not.

Since VA will be accelerated...what happens during player conversion? I don't see anything about getting extra VA's during player conversion. Has this been addressed?
Originally posted by joemalaka
Too many replies to read. Don't know if this was asked yet or not.

Since VA will be accelerated...what happens during player conversion? I don't see anything about getting extra VA's during player conversion. Has this been addressed?

Why would you get extra VA's? You're going to get more days to earn VA's, not less.
Originally posted by Catch22
Originally posted by Toric

ok so when this goes in and we come out of beta is there going to be a game wide restart? wipe the rosters refund all the flex points and start over?

Just trying to figure out what coming out of beta means ... Not saying we should start over but new building system new eq changes. new life spans and coming out of beta all at the same time...

for real coming out of Beta?... still trying to get that.. everyone knows this game.. everyone that wants too is already playing it.. hell it's been running 3 years.. many of the old schoolers have retired lol

so taking the beta tag away.. what does that do . unless it's a full restart.. put my mind ar ease or let me start getting my guys ready so I don't lose more friends and agents ... whats the deal?

We won't be doing a restart/wipe. It basically means major changes are done, only cosmetic changes and bug fixes will be done after that point.

How about getting rid of the inactive accounts, one's that haven't signed on for 2-3 years, and the ones that signed on for a day or two and have never come back. If they want to play again, they can make a new account.
Edited by CNinja on Jul 13, 2011 13:24:12

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