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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Proposed Changes > GLB Financial System Changes Discussion Thread
Originally posted by bwoods90
so are players going to have multi million dollar contracts? How exactly does it affect player salary

who cares? Most people play this game to watch their dot make some tackles or score a touchdown, not so their dot can have fake dot money
Originally posted by BP
Listen fellas, I graduated with Honors from the University of California and own a business that did just under 7 Million dollars of receipts last year. I have been here since day 13 season 1 and feel like I understand this game.

I think GLB has just gotten too complex for me. This is supposed to be fun..the new training system is ridiculous complicated (at least it reads that way) and I don't own a team, but that seems like owning a team is now a full time just more CPU squads on the way I'm afraid.

Love this game, don't dislike Catch or Bort or DD...but guys, this is a game, we aren't splitting the atom or recombining DNA. How do any of these changes make GLB funner for the end user, cuz this is a GAME right? Game = Fun, right? You guys should be striving to try to make this game fun and accessable and challenging to attract customers and make us spend money. Instead what I see is a game that is getting needlessly complex and alienating all but the most hardcore players who have 10 hours a day to spend here trying to figure this out.

Guys, I would slow down here....I think alot of people just lost interest in this game..


I'm going back to playing Cyber Nations after my flex finally runs out.

This was supposed to be fun. With every change, it becomes less so. I refuse to pay to put in that much work.

The problem is that you guys just arbitrarily add things to the game without ANY input from the people who pay a decent amount of money to play it. When these changes are implemented, you will have officially lost an agent and paying customer.
First impression...I love it. The more complicated, the more decisions, the better... Seems like there are a lot of tough decisions for limited resources. Well managed teams will be rewarded.

Edited by ChicagoTRS on Apr 15, 2010 18:28:42
Originally posted by Gturtle
who cares? Most people play this game to watch their dot make some tackles or score a touchdown, not so their dot can have fake dot money

This can affect if a player can afford EQ on his own salary is WHY I CARE
Originally posted by bwoods90
This can affect if a player can afford EQ on his own salary is WHY I CARE

EQ isn't handled that way anymore, that's change #19293
Originally posted by Gturtle
who cares? Most people play this game to watch their dot make some tackles or score a touchdown, not so their dot can have fake dot money

They're making changes so that it's more realistic. Instead of just having the fun parts of football, they're adding all the parts of real pro football that we all hate!
They are saying it doesn't cost any more $$ to implement the changes unless you are going to be a coach. It's just the training regiment is going to be complicated at best for a while. Not sure if you want to spend your points on EQ tokens, training low/med/high/intense, buy gear, or packs or whatever it is you need.

Then comes the fun part...ownership. I don't even know where to begin; they say everyone is going to be $$-reset, yet the teams with excess can buy improvements to their stadiums or facilities...doesn't sound like "even" to me, and I have a good deal going with the team I own.

I'll stick it out, see how things go because I'm not one to make hasty decisions, but when the game becomes too much to enjoy, and the fun goes away...most agents will follow..
Originally posted by jsid
They're making changes so that it's more realistic. Instead of just having the fun parts of football, they're adding all the parts of real pro football that we all hate!

Coming soon to replays: The fat jerk the row in front of you in another team's jersey that is standing up all the time and blocking your view.

Next season: Having a lot of beer spilled on you because some guy behind you tried to carry eight at one time
Originally posted by Catch22
Why not read over the changes, take it in, ask questions about things you don't understand and then see how the actual User Interface and implementation works before reacting as if we're adding 10 hours of things to do a day.... as that's simply not the case.

It's almost impossible to ask questions and then find the answer in what will quickly become 100+ page threads. Not allowing any discussion of these monumental changes anywhere else will add to the frustration level for many.

At the very least, couldn't sub forums for each of the three changes be created, so individual points within each change could be discussed without having to navigate 100s, and eventually 1000s, of posts?

Originally posted by Gturtle

Next season: Having a lot of beer spilled on you because some guy behind you tried to carry eight at one time

i lol'd
Advil ! Get your Advil ! Aaaadviiiiil ! Selling Advil ! Get your Advil !
Edited by shadeau on Apr 15, 2010 18:28:09
Jack Daniels

Here is something more fun for the future.
What the financial system changes do:

1 - Re-sets the team money for those that gutted and reaped the rewards, to some extent
2 - Screwed over the teams that gained a financial advantage honestly
3 - There were a LOT of people who could not manage the finances before - they have no chance now

Ticket sales do not look like they change, so people still have to figure that out like they did before. Basic stadium construction has not changed. Enhancements have been added.

You don't have to budget for equipment, which was at least an easy expense to predict - 30 players, level 48 = $X, etc.

Now you have to take into account wanting to spend up to the salary cap to get the best out of your players as well as depreciation and all the other things to spend money on.

So, there is absolutely no doubt that the CFO job just got significantly more complicated. I hope to run some numbers this weekend. But there is definitely no reason for me to own my Memphis team any more - a main club and a farm club is all that's needed - no real advantage to having the 3rd team anymore - 400 FP a season (so far) that will be saved
I rented (sold) players for cash since I wasn't planning on competing this season and want to afford equipment costs ... is that money useless now?
Mr. Me2
Originally posted by Disastermaster
First reaction from my side

- sell all my teams
- retire 90% of my players
- use the 300.000 FP to play with the 5 or 6 remaining players for the next 5 years

I will give it a second chance tomorrow, maybe than I understand it better right now I donīt have any idea how this should work


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