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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Proposed Changes > GLB Financial System Changes Discussion Thread
Originally posted by Voltron
Also, this seems like a hell of alot of work to own a team now.

Sure does. This is the worst change I have seen in GLB. When my team ownership expires that is it. I am paying to have fun, not work like a damn dog so bort can take more of my money.

Originally posted by Catch22
Why not read over the changes, take it in, ask questions about things you don't understand and then see how the actual User Interface and implementation works before reacting as if we're adding 10 hours of things to do a day.... as that's simply not the case.

tl;dr or something like that is why...people hate reading.

Don't worry about the complaints, release it, see how it goes. People will learn it fast.
Originally posted by jdbolick

Dude, please look at what people are posting. Long-time, dedicated agents like myself who spend way too much fucking time on this site are looking at these proposed changes and just coming away feeling like it's time to stop playing. I'm not saying that to manipulate you or to try and get you to do something different, the reality is that I'm just really damn tired of how complicated this game is becoming. It's not fun anymore. You and Bort need to spend more time finding out what your customers want instead of just doing whatever you think would be neat.

Edited by jsid on Apr 15, 2010 18:15:44
Catch you have to post screen shots, there is no way you can role this out and just say it's know big deal. Show us, we will decide if it's a big deal or not.

I don't think I have seen 1 positive thing on this yet , please rethink it
Originally posted by BP
Listen fellas, I graduated with Honors from the University of California and own a business that did just under 7 Million dollars of receipts last year. I have been here since day 13 season 1 and feel like I understand this game.

I think GLB has just gotten too complex for me. This is supposed to be fun..the new training system is ridiculous complicated (at least it reads that way) and I don't own a team, but that seems like owning a team is now a full time just more CPU squads on the way I'm afraid.

Love this game, don't dislike Catch or Bort or DD...but guys, this is a game, we aren't splitting the atom or recombining DNA. How do any of these changes make GLB funner for the end user, cuz this is a GAME right? Game = Fun, right? You guys should be striving to try to make this game fun and accessable and challenging to attract customers and make us spend money. Instead what I see is a game that is getting needlessly complex and alienating all but the most hardcore players who have 10 hours a day to spend here trying to figure this out.

Guys, I would slow down here....I think alot of people just lost interest in this game..

Originally posted by jdbolick

Dude, please look at what people are posting. Long-time, dedicated agents like myself who spend way too much fucking time on this site are looking at these proposed changes and just coming away feeling like it's time to stop playing. I'm not saying that to manipulate you or to try and get you to do something different, the reality is that I'm just really damn tired of how complicated this game is becoming. It's not fun anymore. You and Bort need to spend more time finding out what your customers want instead of just doing whatever you think would be neat.


Originally posted by herbdawg

Originally posted by ImTheScientist
Originally posted by Catch22

Why not read over the changes, take it in, ask questions about things you don't understand and then see how the actual User Interface and implementation works before reacting as if we're adding 10 hours of things to do a day.... as that's simply not the case.

tl;dr or something like that is why...people hate reading.

Don't worry about the complaints, release it, see how it goes. People will learn it fast.

I stand corrected 1 positive for this .....
With all these people quitting, it looks like alllll the trophies will be MIIIINNNNNEEEE!!!

How do CPU teams figure in to Revenue Sharing? It almost sounds to me like my team is going to have to pay a CPU team because it's in my league.
OK Catch and bort et al

if you're not hearing what the folks are saying, perhaps consider some of the folks saying it

i've looked around and there are some names posting against this that i recognize and respect.

And, for what its worth, this is coming from a season one player.
Out of all the changes this is the ONLY one I dont like.

Screwing the players that where good over the last 2 years is BS. Im going to lose something along the lines of 140+ million because I know how to save money. How does taking peoples money away make this game better? I want to log on do what I have to for my team and chat in the forums, not spend 7-8 hours a day "working" for GLB. Did no one think about what this would do to the loyal people in this game? I have been here for a very long time, over 2 years, and I have spend a sold amount of money on this game. Now after my new WR I will not be boosting any more players and will just play in the lower levels.

Also I dont expect Catch to comment on this because the last 3 times I have posted he has just skipped over it.
Edited by GeneralMakaveli on Apr 15, 2010 18:22:16
Originally posted by BP
Listen fellas, I graduated with Honors from the University of California and own a business that did just under 7 Million dollars of receipts last year. I have been here since day 13 season 1 and feel like I understand this game.

I think GLB has just gotten too complex for me. This is supposed to be fun..the new training system is ridiculous complicated (at least it reads that way) and I don't own a team, but that seems like owning a team is now a full time just more CPU squads on the way I'm afraid.

Love this game, don't dislike Catch or Bort or DD...but guys, this is a game, we aren't splitting the atom or recombining DNA. How do any of these changes make GLB funner for the end user, cuz this is a GAME right? Game = Fun, right? You guys should be striving to try to make this game fun and accessable and challenging to attract customers and make us spend money. Instead what I see is a game that is getting needlessly complex and alienating all but the most hardcore players who have 10 hours a day to spend here trying to figure this out.

Guys, I would slow down here....I think alot of people just lost interest in this game..

Not one to complain, but the game got way to complex to be fun for me a few seasons ago. I sold the team I'd had since season three as a result. I play the game for fun, not because I wanted a second job.

I'm a confirmed LU guy now. Just enough strategy for me, and I can have fun with the friends I've made on the site. For all those who enjoy the changes, I wish you well. They aren't in any way going to make the game more fun for me.
so are players going to have multi million dollar contracts? How exactly does it affect player salary

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