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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Semi-Official Poll: How do you want the to leagues in GLB to be formatted
Originally posted by King of Bling
Did you reach out to some of the better built dots on my team as posted in PLFT? A few of the builds are quite good and you said you needed help on your team.

Also, when you get ready to construct a roster, feel free to hit me up and I can give you a good outline on structure to at least consider. There are certain constants that every team needs, then you have some variance depending on coords and methods.

Good to see someone wanting to get better for the long term as that only helps GLB overall

For now we have been looking and comparing differences. Honestly most of our dots look really well built so we aren't far off. Just 4-5 dots where the agent went a little rogue. It's all good. We will be able to compete fine over the next couple of years and then the dots we are already working on hopefully will give us a small bump

Originally posted by bubbajbucko

That's pretty condescending TBH fellow Canadian. I am turning 19, knowledgable in football and math and enjoy analysis. Are you telling me I will never be able to catch up to those teams? I disagree.

That's exactly what I'm saying.

No disrespect to anyone that hasn't been a top coordinator. You won't be able to keep up with the guys that used to be in WL all season long. You say you want just two pro leagues but you'll have no chance at ever winning. At least with a WL, you can maybe win pro. Just because the top guys do not care about pro doesn't mean you shouldn't.
Originally posted by bubbajbucko
What's the point of even elevating up to WL or CL or whatever the hell it's called then? Just win league and stay put.

the point is, you earned that spot. getting into pro isn't hard, especially the more leagues we have. If you get to WL, it's nice tosee how good you truly are. If we spread out the top 8 teams of these networks, none of us will ever sniff a gold trophy. I prefer casual so this really does no concern me but I can't imagine going up against Tomcic, Ryan etc every other day.

Originally posted by Theo Wizzago

#2, and sad to see, but I still see several managers pissing all over us at KC Stags. We're well aware of the mistakes we made. Can't fix it now. Will recycle and try again with what we've learned. We wanted to do this season to see what we suspected was messed up. To learn. Promise you we're still fighting every game. Can't learn anything if you don't even try. As for all the whining about us being in the league? Go piss on Bort for putting us there. We didn't ask for that. We surely didn't ask for all the shit you've given us. So go get screwed and cry to Bort cuz we don't care about your whinny ass crying. We'll finish the season. We'll fight until the final whistle. And we'll learn everything we can to get better next time. We screwed up and we know it. But we're not the reason for your problems.

I think the team is just an example and not anyone truly attacking you or anyone else on the team. The top guys want to play the best of the best without bye weeks in the season. Makes sense.
Originally posted by ProfessionalKop
That's exactly what I'm saying.

No disrespect to anyone that hasn't been a top coordinator. You won't be able to keep up with the guys that used to be in WL all season long. You say you want just two pro leagues but you'll have no chance at ever winning. At least with a WL, you can maybe win pro. Just because the top guys do not care about pro doesn't mean you shouldn't.

And no offense to you but that's the craziest fucking thing I have ever heard in my life. This isn't high level shit. It's only DOTBALL. I repect the top guys a ton but anyone who wants to put the time and effort in can do it given time, effort and money. You aren't trying to reinvent the Atomic Bomb here. It's just Dotball.

You don't know BubbaJ. I do know him and coached him for many years in real football. If he really puts his mind to it, I wouldn't be surprised to see him get there. He's a smart kid.

Originally posted by Carnal Knowledge
And no offense to you but that's the craziest fucking thing I have ever heard in my life. This isn't high level shit. It's only DOTBALL. I repect the top guys a ton but anyone who wants to put the time and effort in can do it given time, effort and money. You aren't trying to reinvent the Atomic Bomb here. It's just Dotball.

You don't know BubbaJ. I do know him and coached him for many years in real football. If he really puts his mind to it, I wouldn't be surprised to see him get there. He's a smart kid.

okay give us 2 pro leagues so these kids can cry for the next 10 seasons that they can't get past the 1st round and how they're wasting their money.
King of Bling
You are spot on PK. It's one of those 'Be careful what you ask for' scenarios...
Originally posted by ProfessionalKop
okay give us 2 pro leagues so these kids can cry for the next 10 seasons that they can't get past the 1st round and how they're wasting their money.

Have you heard me whining sir? The only way to get better is to experiment, practice and get everything dialed in. My defense is getting better as the year goes on and when the new dots get here and we replace the ineffective ones, then I will begin to get this unit humming.

Put PROKOP down for 2 leagues in the poll.
Originally posted by King of Bling
You are spot on PK. It's one of those 'Be careful what you ask for' scenarios...

You guys are hilarious. We aren't losing by 80 points and we admit some flaws in what we did. Nor did we whine about any of it (maybe that's how y'all deal with adversity but it isnt me. When I gameplanned specifically against a couple of those teams, we were leading at times in the games. Second half of games we had huge issues but we are not far off.

bluest blues
Originally posted by bubbajbucko
You guys are hilarious. We aren't losing by 80 points and we admit some flaws in what we did. Nor did we whine about any of it (maybe that's how y'all deal with adversity but it isnt me. When I gameplanned specifically against a couple of those teams, we were leading at times in the games. Second half of games we had huge issues but we are not far off.

Well I hope you do learn and are able to compete with the big boys down the line. PK is kind of spot on from past seasons from glb though, it has been a few teams/groups that has dominated in the past esp when a lot of the big boys quit the game. (H cgeek, odessa, depride) to name a few. It can be done breaking into the big league but staying there is another animal.

It would be nice to see more competition in the upcoming CL, probably be more interesting for everyone including the ones that have dominated W/L in the past.

Guess everyone just got use to the Maulers, RC's, hood of the worlds always being there.
King of Bling
Hopefully Little M will once again crack that sphere.
Others look to be at least sniffing some of the same air, so a broader scope is perhaps coming. I agree Bluesman, the more the merry!
Originally posted by Bluesman
Well I hope you do learn and are able to compete with the big boys down the line. PK is kind of spot on from past seasons from glb though, it has been a few teams/groups that has dominated in the past esp when a lot of the big boys quit the game. (H cgeek, odessa, depride) to name a few. It can be done breaking into the big league but staying there is another animal.

It would be nice to see more competition in the upcoming CL, probably be more interesting for everyone including the ones that have dominated W/L in the past.

Guess everyone just got use to the Maulers, RC's, hood of the worlds always being there.

Yeah that makes sense. I guess what makes me roll my eyes is the idea it is impossible to compete. It's not like I am trying to design a ship that will get me to Alpha Centuri using paper clips and tongue dispensers. It's a linear line to the top tier IF / WHEN I can help the team figure out the sweet spots.

The experimenting with equipment formations etc over the next couple of years will help and then this next tier of dots (currently level 14) will hopefully be the exact dots I demanded they be this time.

OC/DC Guru
There was a journey involved reaching a specific standard as you refer to the 'big boys' or top coordinators. The veterans had to invest the time or go through the experience of winning close and losing painful ones.
I am honest in this assessment, I want to see other teams like Mayans, KC etc succeed in high levels because this ensures great games from a week to week basis. And if it means having a 20 team league to give everyone a shot, then so be it. I am only against giving 1st seeds a free pass.

And in regards to KC Stags, it's unfortunate that they got placed in Pro BUT i understand that with the dots there have to be schemes in place which are tailor made to the dots. So no hard feelings even if they got overmatched.
You win some, you lose some, you learn. Same for Offense/Defense, you run with different personal, you test and get your lessons learned from the experience. And now with the fastened building system, you can adapt much faster

Yes, it's time consuming doing both O and D. But you put in once the time for the main work .. and after that, it will be only tweaking . And for me, seeing the clear picture started with me doing D as well because it showed me based on coverages which plays on offense work with specific skills (spd,agi,catch etc) at which slots work the best. And with the new O creator... Well, let's say picking the right play won't be an issue anymore when you have 700 plays to choose from.

Theo Wizzago
@ Tomcic; Yeah... the ideas we started with sounded great on paper but it really left us at the mercy of the draw. Just too much of some things and not enough of other things... plus, like several about the GLB landscape, we didn't get the math of dot building right and so several of our lads aren't elite enough. Add it all together and we cannot run the ball... at all. I know... I've tried everything and then some. And not being able to run the ball has made it so opposing defenses just play the pass and pick us apart. Last game someone didn't get that memo and thought our RQB actually only runs. Hey! We got a cheap 21 points. But, generally, nobody give our rushing game a 1st look, much less a 2nd one. That makes it impossible against great coordinators. Being one dimensional totally sucks balls. But it is what it is until the end of the season. Lessons learned. New plan in the books already... new approach. Lastly, I never claim to be a WL OC. Getting better with every season and, maybe, soon? But for now I'm just a good ol' boy. And our DC is also learning the ropes. We expected road bumps. We did not expect this season. Harsh. But we're not pissed and we're not going away... just gonna regroup and reload and go at it again. Hopefully with much better results. It's a good group of agents and... yeah... I'll take so much bad said about 'em and then I get into momma bear mode.
I understand the journey, and don't want to downplay the work it took to reach the top of the game. I just like the idea of some kind of new system that keeps everyone together. If we go to a WL system, the Top 25 is gonna be no fun to do. How am I supposed to know if an 0-5 WL team is better than a 5-0 PRO team.

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