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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > How many people are still playing, let's get a head count.....
Originally posted by Rocdog21
I get you're mad because you aren't very good at this game, and the fact that you basically typed don't reply because I don't care, but cared enough to reply to me in the first place makes no sense. Here is that same team in world league against teams who know what they're dong. 7 wins and a demotion. Seems like people can stop it there.

Lastly, here is proof you have no clue on what you're doing. You guys fully boosted for playoffs, and we didn't. Held our RQB to 0 TD's, and still lose by

He's just mad the teams he's on suck so they look for an excuse as to why they suck but without putting any responsibility on themselves or how they coordinate.

Seems to me that the problem is 'We can't score or stop other teams from scoring' which won't get you far in football.
Originally posted by JuggernautJones
Isn't there a post on the front page here about a team that has won 96 straight and hasn't completed a pass in centuries? Anyone that claims this is anything but an exploit is a toolbag. It's okay though. After the season I'll be one of the many that have migrated over to GLB2. What little bit of appeal GLB had left has been killed by people that use every exploit they can find.

Don't bother arguing. I won't be back to read what you have to say because frankly, I don't care. If it wasn't a problem and the product were still good then where are the people? Enough said. No one wants to build a WR that does nothing but blocks or a CB that could be a Mr. Olympian all so he doesn't get pancaked 2,400 times a game.

Yeah, it's my team. During that same time I also owned arguably the most successful all-passing team since interception CBs have been a thing, playing in 3 of the last 5 Casual Pro championships and winning 95%+ of games through minor leagues. In fact my all-pass team played against arguably the greatest all-run team in the history of the game in the S59 Casual Pro championship and though we lost in the final second, we out-gained them in yardage.

There are many all running teams and not all of them do well, very very rarely do any of them do well at all levels of the game. The ones that are successful like mine are not successful because they are all run, they are successful because of the builders/coordinators on the team. It may be more difficult to build an all-passing team of the same caliber as an all-run team (at least in casual, haven't tried all-pass in regular yet), but it can be done either way.

If you can't stop an all-run team, then stop filling your defense with interception dots and pass rush DTs. Put a greater roster focus on your defensive structure and stop complaining that it can't be beaten or done any other way. People can't stop run teams because they aren't trying to stop run teams. Build your teams to be effective in the environment that they will have to compete in.

Originally posted by JuggernautJones
I won't be back to read what you have to say because frankly, I don't care. If it wasn't a problem and the product were still good then where are the people?

You shouldn't parade idiocy as though it were a badge of honor. Also, "Don't bother arguing" translates to a coward's profession that the people he is arguing with are more competent than he.
sunder B
Originally posted by Donk3yMan
People can't stop run teams because they aren't trying to stop run teams.

I'm trying, but still suck Not gonna complain about it (other than in my head - but even those complaints are me bitching at myself that I didn't do more roster wise to be prepared to stop them)
I know how you feel about it Sunder and I'll be one of the first to say that you are one of the most knowledgeable and capable agents in all of casual. I have learned a lot from you over the seasons.

But given that, and like you said, I am shocked that you didn't prepare your defensive roster differently. 4 of the 5 opponents in your conference are all-run, as well as my team and another in the other conference. In your place I would have tried to recruit another strength DE, exchanged a couple combo LBs for HH LBs, dumped the zone safeties for more strength, and probably grabbed another couple strength CBs. It's easy to say that I know and maybe you did try, this isn't the most favorable market to piecing together an ideal roster. Either way the general public of this game doesn't seem to have an appreciation for what it takes to stop run teams like mine or Gag. The only level which has so far proven impenetrable to all-run teams is WL.

Stopping these teams is partly AI, but it is largely defensive structure. We haven't played Gag yet but I explicitly designed our defense to stop them and I think it will be fairly effective, certainly moreso than Boss was. It is yet to be determined if we will still be effective against a good pass offense like yours though.
TJ Spikes
Originally posted by Donk3yMan

Stopping these teams is partly AI, but it is largely defensive structure.

I agree completely. We took a similar approach with Smexies in regular, even with better Ai tools to work with. Still wanted a way to deal with 150 strength blocking WRs. Our d-line is all run stuff, and we have designated blitz dots. Once the dots develop, in theory, we won't get ass pounded by WOMD clones.

Edited by TJ Spikes on May 6, 2017 11:37:50
zz man
The great thing about playing a WoMD type team is after a heavy drubbing you can go into the team forum and brag that at least the pass defense held up !!!!!
Agent 99
So not as many people as I would have thought...only uh hundred. #100-something. left for a few years, came back last season. last did flex in April.
Originally posted by TJ Spikes
I agree completely. We took a similar approach with Smexies in regular, even with better Ai tools to work with. Still wanted a way to deal with 150 strength blocking WRs. Our d-line is all run stuff, and we have designated blitz dots. Once the dots develop, in theory, we won't get ass pounded by WOMD clones.

yes you will, because Smexies
Theo Wizzago
Originally posted by Spread-em offense
yes you will, because Smexies

We'll see.
kink pink
Originally posted by Spread-em offense
yes you will, because Smexies

We can HOPE ......

Originally posted by Theo Wizzago
We'll see.

yes we will

I can say I had a dot on WOMD the first 100+ games
If the smexies ever actually win anything, that's when all hope is lost for GLB.
kink pink
Originally posted by ProfessionalKop
If the smexies ever actually win anything, that's when all hope is lost for GLB.

Ha Ha ......

We are active and still find pleasure in this game .......

We will win !!!
Theo Wizzago
Originally posted by ProfessionalKop
If the smexies ever actually win anything, that's when all hope is lost for GLB.
kink pink
we have what it takes to make it ......
I used to play.

Decided to see if the game is still alive -- seems like... no?

2012-06-03 11:16:10 purchase 10000
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on May 30, 2017 12:55:30

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