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Forum > Suggestions > Recruiting Improvements
as this season nears the end and we all face another challenging offseason of recruiting, i'd like to make a few suggestions:

Limit Team Needs By Archetype
Increase Character Limit on Contract Notes to 1000
Include "Sent By" in the Contract Offer
Allow Note By Declining Agent

glb's implementation of the 'edit team needs' function on teams' roster pages was a huge step in the right direction. unfortunately, recruiting still remains a very painful process. although teams can now limit their rosters by positions, we still face a number of obstacles:

* attempting to recruit multiple archetypes at each position (ie. one RQB, one PQB; or one rTE and one bTE)
* building on the previous point is when you make an offer to multiple hard-hitting LBs, then need to cut some because you don't have enough cover ones
* STOPs - to recruit them, you need to open up those positions, but you face the possibility of signing 4 reg Cs and no STOPs or vice versa
* roster count on offers do not show archetypes, so you may have an SS that chooses another team because your offer shows '2', but he does not realize that one of them is a STOP

to implement this, i suggest we place extra archetypes under the 'general' position limit boxes. in other words, the '# wanted' for my wr's is 4, but i want at least one possession wr, so i use '1' for the possession arch to make it total FIVE. i believe STOPs do not need to be under each position, but just have their own box, although i would say it should include one specific box for 'returner', since most teams just want one.

i'd also like to increase the character limit in the 'optional note' section of the contract offer to 1000. i find this to be a great recruiting tool, since it allows recruiters to write about a specific player. i know some will say we should send pm's, but not only can this be cumbersome, but i have heard a number of folks tell me that they lost a recruit because they confused the pm with the wrong team, or they had a number of offers that stated 'per pm' and accepted the wrong one. the increase of characters would allow us to include links and specific information about our team.

thirdly, i'd also like to add a small text note on the contract offer that indicates the name of the agent who sent the offer. as someone who has accepted the wrong offer because team names sound alike, i think it would not be hard to implement and would help in reducing confusion. in the future, glb could use this tool to keep a count of how many players accept a particular recruiters' offer and put that somewhere on their page or something.

finally, building on a suggestion originally made by Kiber (, allow declining agents to write a short note back to the team instead of only using the preset responses in the drop-down box. from an agent's perspective, i'd like to write a short 'thank you for the offer' note and maybe what they can do to improve the offer - or why i can't play for them. on the other hand, from a coach's perspective, if multiple agents are turning down my offer for certain reasons, it can improve my recruiting (i plan on getting 3 TEs and they only want to see two, they don't like a particular GM, the owner's player is in the starting position, etc.).
Edited by blitzboy on Oct 6, 2011 00:20:18
I like all of these ideas. +1
It's been nearly 2 full years since I recruited, and the "Sent By" still hasn't been implemented?

Unbelievable. May I ask, is it still a crapshoot figuring out which recruited sent which offer to which player too?

Originally posted by greengoose
May I ask, is it still a crapshoot figuring out which recruiter sent which offer to which player too?

that's a 10-4. that's exactly why i'm making the suggestion. it should show up on the team's offer page AND on the contract offer to the player. some players like when they are being recruited directly by the ST coach rather than just the co-owner and others will join if they recognize the name of the person sending it to them.

obviously, this can be accomplished by signing the optional note section, but it shouldn't have to be something that is optional.

+1 good ideas that could help out the people who have the most trouble recruiting
Team Nucleus
Draft Man
Outstanding so in fact....It's Billiant

+ move directly to voting
Makes Sense
All of these make perfect sense to me. +1
Don't panic!
Originally posted by Gambler75
All of these make perfect sense to me. +1
i candy
Oh Gosh YES !!


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