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Originally posted by zmj44
Actually, that is the best thing late in the season, passing is horrible past level 13 in PW...once the CB builds begin to mature...

Whether it's the best approach or not is debatable. What is certain is that level 10/11's can't compete with well built level 13/14's. On top of that, the plan of slam, slam, slam, blast, slam, etc. is simply boring.
Originally posted by juiceweezl
Whether it's the best approach or not is debatable. What is certain is that level 10/11's can't compete with well built level 13/14's. On top of that, the plan of slam, slam, slam, blast, slam, etc. is simply boring.

while not fully boosted we have a pretty good amount, so its not like we're completely outleveled. just sayin
Originally posted by khult
wait now.. are you BNI guys serious? do you really think you'll beat the awesome asskickin' DAs? yeah good luck. Be prepared to face us cause you'll never forget the day you were all carried of the field on stretchers!

i didnt know they added virtual stretchers to the game
Originally posted by MGeezy2186
i didnt know they added virtual stretchers to the game

Oh you haven't heard? they did 2 days ago!
Ahhhhhh so close. Grat game BNI, I think we were at least a lot closer than everyone thought we would be. Good luck in gold and hopefully we'll meet you there next year.
Originally posted by junglejuice
Ahhhhhh so close. Grat game BNI, I think we were at least a lot closer than everyone thought we would be. Good luck in gold and hopefully we'll meet you there next year.

I just watched the game,what a game! you guys are tough.
really close !
thanks and best luck for next season.
favorite prism
Originally posted by sigepmagicmike
lol @ OP

great game BNI! (no, I'm not a lolgm, I helped JJ with the O for that game) You guys should compete in gold next season!

Any word on the three teams RK coordinates? they have to be in the same conference next season...
Good game I think junglejuice was joking earlier on or else he wouldn't have wanted to build players for

GG JJ, but there weren't that much of a huge difference in lvling because you guys already boosted half of your players and
many of them ended up lvl 14. What we did was basically came out with safe game plan and not try to risk too much instead of a more in depth game planning.
Originally posted by sigepmagicmike
Originally posted by sigepmagicmike

lol @ OP

seriously? its not like we got blown out dude. maybe even would've won if we'd been able to match their full boost. not saying we wouldve have for sure but its possible. it was a great game by both teams and i wish nothing but the best for BNI as they are a class act and definitely belong in gold...just wish we'd been able to make them wait another season
Originally posted by RaphaneKnight
Good game I think junglejuice was joking earlier on or else he wouldn't have wanted to build players for

GG JJ, but there weren't that much of a huge difference in lvling because you guys already boosted half of your players and
many of them ended up lvl 14. What we did was basically came out with safe game plan and not try to risk too much instead of a more in depth game planning.

Yeah, I think your team is a class act, i was basically trying to provoke you into overthinking it and gameplanning too much lol. probably the first time i've ever even tried trashtalking on here haha. was a great game though, hope you wreck in gold!
Man, just finished actually watching, was even closer than i thought it had been. if not for that fumble in the 4th it couldve been a whole different ballgame had we been able to finish that drive and take the lead. coulda shoulda woulda though, still GG to BNI and congrats!
Yeah I knew it right away somebody else got involved. Didn't brought it out because there is no way to prove it but oh well lol. At least zmj44 was man enough to bring this out so respect to him. I'm not a fan of somebody else taking over but if you at least admit it instead of hiding it I guess I'm fine with that.

Problem with that is it kinda makes it a handicap match because all the scouting would become useless for our team. I was expecting some possibility like that and is why I came with a broader safer looking schemes. This isn't normally what we do.

As for the three teams, I'm the head coach for those teams but mike does the OCing for BSBR while I do the rest. SHINK has been OC and asst OC back and forth throughout the entire season, and is still learning from me but he has OCed a lot of the games all by himself with great results.

Keep in mind that Mike is a top notch OC in WL and SHINK already had a competitive team before I got involved with his team. We also have a forum where we discuss about builds, tactics, and AI.

Just bringing this out, because some people think I do everything but that's certainly not the case. These guys have been helping me out since the earlier Maine years and none of the teams (all three teams) would be half as successful without us helping each other out. There are also many top notch agents in Maine that are capable of having similar results if they decided to make a team on their own. Moogz was also a former grenadiers People just don't know them because they stay low key.

I think we really have a great system in place, and you'll be seeing more of our guys in the near future, so watch out
Originally posted by junglejuice
Man, just finished actually watching, was even closer than i thought it had been. if not for that fumble in the 4th it couldve been a whole different ballgame had we been able to finish that drive and take the lead. coulda shoulda woulda though, still GG to BNI and congrats!

Yep you guys have a quality team and should make it to gold very soon. GL!

I also didn't realize how old school you are Hope to see you guys in gold soon!
Edited by RaphaneKnight on Oct 31, 2010 17:24:02
Originally posted by zmj44
great game BNI! (no, I'm not a lolgm, I helped JJ with the O for that game) You guys should compete in gold next season!

Any word on the three teams RK coordinates? they have to be in the same conference next season...

just to clear things up, zmj had nothing to do with actually setting up the offense or making any changes. actually nobody besides myself has ever seen the offensive setup i use on DA. z helped out scouting your D and saved me some time in that regard but he didn't make any actual changes to the gameplan.

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