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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Q&A Archives > January 16th Q & A Discussion Thread
Originally posted by Catch22
Already had changes made to it on the test server. Needs some more testing but I would imagine the changes will be uploaded for next season.

It is about 9000 times better; works like it supposed to.

Thanks to Deathblade for help on that one.
In the past you had mentioned rewards for frequent boosters. Is this still a part of future plans? If so, can we get an idea of the options being considered?
I'd like some thoughts from the boss on how a high amount of shed blocks SA would do vs around 23% break block chance with only a moderate amt of shed blocks SA for a mature DT.
Edited by cosmoxl on Jan 16, 2010 19:35:15
Originally posted by Catch22
Quite a bit is being changed. I posted some of the specifics on the test server portion of the Bugs forum the other day. Defenders will still swarm to the ball but the QB's should find the open man sooner and hit him sooner. You'll also be able to pick the order of the progressions so if you want to take advantage of a hole in the defense you can target a particular receiver to be the first option.


I will read over that,

Quick follow up, is the speed at which the defense swarms going to be changed?
What, if any, sort of 'extra features' can we be expecting in the next season or 2. By extra features, I mean things like the retirement tab, friends list, calender, sub forums, stuff like that.
Off topic, but why does GLB tolerate swearing and racists remarks in the forums. And why are agents just warned constantly. It seems to be the same agents most of the time. Any chance they could get banned for a few days.
Originally posted by Real LT
Any plans to increase Team revenues from Tickets and Concessions, or the Team EQ fund for Pro and WL?

The EQ is still CRAZY expensive!

I don't believe so. It was not meant for every player to be able to have full sets of EQ.
Are we ever going to get an individual chat box per team? whoever is associated with the team are the only one's allowed to use it and it will stay posted in the team forum, paid for with flex per season of course.
Max Zorin
Originally posted by R007C
In the past you had mentioned rewards for frequent boosters. Is this still a part of future plans? If so, can we get an idea of the options being considered?

A GLB Store is being worked on, so it is a possibility that some GLB 'swag' may be given out as a bonus to those who purchase large amounts of Flex.

I do think there are many options for other rewards as well.
Originally posted by CTGuyton
What, if any, sort of 'extra features' can we be expecting in the next season or 2. By extra features, I mean things like the retirement tab, friends list, calender, sub forums, stuff like that.

Java replays should be coming soon and I know Bort is working on a few small updates/features that should be coming in the near future.
Originally posted by Catch22
Another Admin want to get this one for me? I don't know the answer.

We don't demote teams for having players over the cap. The current promotion system does a good job of keeping teams with higher level players moving up to more competitive leagues. The standards are the same for all teams. If a team owner asks to demote to a lower cap level league, they are forced to remove players over the cap.
Originally posted by the man of doom
is there going to be stricter guidelines on overleveled players in capped leagues

The way that it works now is already pretty strict, and covers teams who are mediocre. Promote naturally, you can keep your players. Ask for a particular cap and you have to meet it.

The #1 thing that has and will continue to help is the change to the boosting rule where you can't boost over your cap during offseason. That has stopped the "ride the line and boost over it" stuff that used to happen, which is great.

Beyond that, I do not have any plans to make the guidelines stricter, beyond the probability that I'll be doing some sort of sort method to get the better teams grouped together instead of spread all over.
Max Zorin
Originally posted by Triple_A
Off topic, but why does GLB tolerate swearing and racists remarks in the forums. And why are agents just warned constantly. It seems to be the same agents most of the time. Any chance they could get banned for a few days.

Not off topic, at all, good question. These kinds of things should not be tolerated.

New, stricter and much improved forum rules are just around the corner. This will include a points system that will be quite automated and leave no room for second chances for users who abuse the forum.
the man of doom
Miracles happen
Originally posted by Bort
The way that it works now is already pretty strict, and covers teams who are mediocre. Promote naturally, you can keep your players. Ask for a particular cap and you have to meet it.

The #1 thing that has and will continue to help is the change to the boosting rule where you can't boost over your cap during offseason. That has stopped the "ride the line and boost over it" stuff that used to happen, which is great.

Beyond that, I do not have any plans to make the guidelines stricter, beyond the probability that I'll be doing some sort of sort method to get the better teams grouped together instead of spread all over.
lv 54 HB in a 30 cap?
Originally posted by Bort
Originally posted by the man of doom

is there going to be stricter guidelines on overleveled players in capped leagues

The way that it works now is already pretty strict, and covers teams who are mediocre. Promote naturally, you can keep your players. Ask for a particular cap and you have to meet it.

The #1 thing that has and will continue to help is the change to the boosting rule where you can't boost over your cap during offseason. That has stopped the "ride the line and boost over it" stuff that used to happen, which is great.

Beyond that, I do not have any plans to make the guidelines stricter, beyond the probability that I'll be doing some sort of sort method to get the better teams grouped together instead of spread all over.

What about the teams that throw games to only go up 1 level until they have a huge level advantage over their league?

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