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Forum > Test Server Discussion > Looking Ahead: Topics Under Discussion 9/14
Originally posted by ijg
Can we clarify on tagging how it gets determined which HB is a power vs combo vs elusive? And more important, will the offense be able to tell which of its players are categorized as which so they can try to counter plan?

For example, two "balanced" backs can look pretty similar. Let's say one has 10 more strength and the other 10 more speed but otherwise are identical. To me, those are not very different and if I were an OC, I would consider them both balanced and use them essentially the same way.

However, if the sim considers the first power and the second elusive, it means I probably need to call different plays for them to counter the D having a custom D queued up. But will I know how the sim is labeling each of my backs or do I have to guess? If only the D knows how my backs are labeled, but I can't tell on O, that is a significant problem as I could be calling plays thinking my balanced back is balanced but he's really "power".

Did ya look at the links?
Originally posted by jamz
I'll admit. I was one of the owners, from S2-S8, that way back in S2 wanted more control.

I coordinated both sides of the ball as needed then, when my DC would go out of town. By s8, between the 2 teams we ran (Pro and AAA) by then we'd run through 8+ coords who didn't want to invest the time to deal with season to season changes. We sold both teams

We asked to make situational builds relevant, to be able to tell the sim when to use what player. We got it.

Fact of the matter is we got more, than we bargained for. Getting this much control of the sim, brought on far more issues than most anticipated. (Advanced AI, VAs, etc.)

Most of us are not developers, and asked for things to be implemented, not fully understanding their impact on the scope of the game, nor the investment of time they'd require to use them. We assumed there'd be simpler mechanics available, and we guessed wrong.

Bort did his best, and delivered what the player base wanted, only to have the player base realize, the way it had to be done took more fun out of the gameplanning than it actually put back in.

Moral of the story? Be careful what you ask for, you might get it, and in a way that's a lot more than a casual user can chew.

pretty much this (without "I was an owner" part). I think the key right now is to improve the scouting tool, (and giving the defense packages) and per input auto-adjust.

At the end of the day most of the time I spend before a game is going over replays to figure out the defense (over 3 hours per opponent in season 11) .
The auto-adjust can be the tool to make the game feel more like football and not just dice roles, it will also allow to prepare more generic gameplans and let the sim run the show. First step will be to let us know how it actually work, and allow more control about the success/failure roles. The second step will be some (very simple) capabilities for AA per player.
Originally posted by PP
It'd be one thing if the screen blockers had any real blocking logic/pathing/ability to block before they hit their destination (the CB would have been lvled before even sniffing the HB). Without it, you just can't have this, IMO

Edit, I found it particularly amusing how the FB ran right past the CB that blew up the play...Now that's some funny shit right there.

I'm no rules guru, but since the CB is trying to cover the HB/catch the ball...there are limitations on what the FB can and can't do to block? Anyone know what the official rule on pass interference would be?
Originally posted by Bort
How? It is supposed to know you want to call a different play somehow when Michael Vick comes in as opposed to Dan Marino? It doesn't know what you are thinking. Casual league teams, I can see, but for the "MY TACTICS ARE THE LAW AND IT BETTER FOLLOW THEM" leagues, we can't be guessing what you want.

I'm still ttrying o think about that, but my guess would be bonuses to players attributes based on a vision checkdown list for 'impact' players that make a difference, with these bonuses growing through a game like the 'repeat play penalty'.

Presently you have autoadjust, which means a system like this is already in place. The Offense autoadjusts and runs plays that have worked before.

The Defense has the same. So this means the sim can keep track of things.

So, who not also addinto autoadjust a check down.

QB, HB and TE are really the primary problems. Yiou can switch out a B and the game runs completely different, but the Defense can;t plan for that. Now they can, with play tagging, but that means that Defenses/owners/game planners have to do another boatload of work to scout and plan something that actual football players just 'know'. They know what happens with personnel substitution and what is likely to come.

So, Defensive players make a vision check, these are based on players vision but with a bonus to everyone on the field based on the MLB's Defensive General SA. If you make the check, you recognise the personnel substitution and you get bonuses to reading the play (vision) which result in slight speed bonuses so that you'll get to the play faster.

Each play, players do a check down based on the positions that have a custom depth chart that can truly affect the way the game plays. Now defenses act more 'intelligently' without the Defensive Coordinator having to go through a team, tag all the skill players with various tags, create an even more in depth defensive ai, where all these tags are noted, introduce significantly more potential bugs in their AI, all just so that the players act smarter when they are on the field.

This intelligence should be sim based IMO, not owner based. You've already set up a system where the offense and defense can not react appropriately. They have to set a game plan and hope it works. Sure, more options to setting up the game plan makes it more likely to work, but each new level of granularity is offloading a significant amount of work onto owners. Running a team now is like having a job. It takes up entirely too much time for a _game_.

Both offense and defense should be able to make their 'reads' before a snap, and to some extent after the snap, and adjust or receive bonuses to how they act just based on this.

For example... Defensive players get three options, Run/Pass/Balanced(no focus) you set this for the entire game even though we all know what you expect is actually on a per down basis. An immense amount of difference could likely be made in the sim just allowing players to set individual tactics that are more intelligent.

This may even be a better plan because it gives players something significantly more involved to do as being an Agent only at poresent is hugely boring. If instead the 'ai' was written on a per player basis, then there is some involvement on the Agents/Players side AND a good agent will get better results then a bad agent because presently the only thing separating good from bad is has anyone actually showed them how to build or invited them to the right private forum?

If Players were able to create a set of inputs on their own for their behaviours, and you gave them pre-defined options to choose from as well, then maybe their dots would look and act more intelligently in the Sim itself. Without forcing huge amounts of work into a single point.

For Example, a MLB.....

He could create tactics inputs for first down,
Second and short, second and medium, second and long, third and short, third and medium, third and long, fourth and short, and fourth and anything over 2-3 yards.

The tactics he set could be things like, Run focused (gives a bonus to spotting the run and making the tackle) Pass Focused, He gives a cushion at the line to read the play and see if he has a coverage assignment, if not, he gets a bonus to pass rushing or what not. Screen Defense, he gets a bonus to recognise the screen and the ability to actually move into the position to defend it properly, etc.

Something.. anything... But increasing the complexity for the owners as a substitute for good basic Sim logic/ai is getting to be far too much.

As I and others have said, its getting to the point where its a full time job to be able to maintain competitiveness. Thats great, if we were real coaches and players and getting paid, but we're instead often paying quite a bit monthly to play.

EDIT to add -- Heck, you could also add in a set of options for the player based specifically on the personnel in the game. Where the player defines the priority of their reads (The MLB again for example may read QB first, then HB then TE) and if they make their vision check, based on the Players in their reads you give them the ability to define their players behaviour in addition to their normal player AI based on a per down model. So, Second and short, the player already has maybe set himself to think 'run' but he has in his personnel on the field AI, some additional modifiers so if on Second and Short they pu the 'rushing' QB in, he's already set to the run, but he may get an additional bonus if he makes the read because he has set himself to run defense as well if the rushing QB is in. Likewise, he may be set to run on second and short, but if he sees the pass catching/sweep HB in, he may have himselfself still set to run focus, but with some sweep/screen protection, so he's on the lookout for and reacts better to these plays.

This adds additional levels of the meta game as well as teams can call plays that trick a defense into thinking something and maybe getting something else. The defense could do the same because presumably this sort of system would work for the offense which has its own version of player AI's based on down but also on the alternate depth chart positions.

This would essentially help create audibles.

BTW -- I think a players 'designation' should be based on hidden attributes which are just a tally of what they do on every down they play. And then the 'ratios' of these actions are defined and their player type automatically assigned to them. These modify an initial tag created just by looking at the attributes on the player that help define what they may be more prone to. And maybe allow a scouting override where each team can define what they think a player is (The defensive coordinator can 'tag' the opposing teams players through the scouting tool and all players on his team will recognise the change if they select the 'Use Coaches Judgment' drop down option for their behaviours. So they would have, Use Default (This is based on players Attributes), Use Learned (Which uses the tallied scores based on what the player has done over their career) or Use Coaches Judgment which uses the D-Coord/Owners tagging of the players.
Edited by Enkidu98 on Sep 22, 2009 07:21:07
Hmm, seems like I missed a lot of post in this thread since playoffs started
Originally posted by Enkidu98

QB, HB and TE are really the primary problems. Yiou can switch out a B and the game runs completely different, but the Defense can;t plan for that. Now they can, with play tagging, but that means that Defenses/owners/game planners have to do another boatload of work to scout and plan something that actual football players just 'know'. They know what happens with personnel substitution and what is likely to come.

That is not correct. Defenses prepare for personal not only adjust on field.

The defenses need the power to shut down one dimensional builds (like rushing only QB who cannot pass, or a 110 speed TE with no blocking). Your suggestion will not solve that, and only generate more silliness. Players don't get a 5% boost to speed in a course of a game. When a defensive player get familiar with a play he will
(1) adjust his place on the field
(2) will be quicker identifying the play (easier vision check and less delays)
(3) Be more willing to commit (a DT recognizing a pass play will be in a pass rush mode more than a gap control mode).
That also mean that if he made a mistake the defensive player will be in a bad position to stop the play.

I do think that the tagging update has added much more work on both side of the field. OC will not abandon their one dimensional players, but rather will spent time how to exploit defenses that focus on them.
I believe it could work better than creating another set of DAI outputs etc based on tagging players. Making players react. The whole movement on the field could even be a player tactic called 'cheating' which doesn't mean breaking the rules, but means changing the players position in the formation based on a read. Nothing huge, maybe 2-3 yard circle where they may move more towards where they player/play would be expected to go.

As it is though, the DAI is being asked to expand greatly in size as you can have different calls for different tagged players. A _good_ defensive set up is going to have to accomodate different scenarios as well. Since oyou can have a Tagged QB, tagged HBm Tagged TE, etc. So, if running QB and screen HB + Run Blocking TE, or if Passing Qb + Pass Catching TE + Pass Catching HB.. etc.

The amount of complexity just grew HUGELY.

I think a better approach is giving the Sim itself more intelligence and maybe opening up AI routines at an individual player level so some of the work is offloaded to players/agents which also gives them significantly more to do instead of twiddle their thumbs and spend a few points every couple days (or weeks depending on their level)

If hurries are now going to affect the quality of throw (which they should), can the QB throw quality be improved when he's facing "no" pressure so it at least balances out? If a team wants to sit back & not pressure the QB, a good QB should pick them apart.
Originally posted by Enkidu98

Making players react. The whole movement on the field could even be a player tactic called 'cheating' which doesn't mean breaking the rules, but means changing the players position in the formation based on a read. Nothing huge, maybe 2-3 yard circle where they may move more towards where they player/play would be expected to go.


I am skeptical that this will be strong enough, but it is much better then having 50 times more inputs in the DAI.

Another partial solution is allow tagging into the DPC (and defensive packages). It will allow to address the complexity not in the DAI which will help a little bit.
I created a thread in the suggestions forum -

Slightly more refined than this first pass here, but still rough around the edges.

Still allowing players to define their own tactics on a down/score/field position/yards to go etc would likely make great improvements to how the SIM reacts because players start behaving more intelligently.

It puts the onus on player performance a bit more on the players/agents as well givign them more to do and making a good player/agent much more valuable while also maybe reducing the amount of work the Owner/Coordinators need to do since they don;t have to account for as much when they have good players.
Originally posted by Enkidu98
I created a thread in the suggestions forum -

Slightly more refined than this first pass here, but still rough around the edges.

Still allowing players to define their own tactics on a down/score/field position/yards to go etc would likely make great improvements to how the SIM reacts because players start behaving more intelligently.

It puts the onus on player performance a bit more on the players/agents as well givign them more to do and making a good player/agent much more valuable while also maybe reducing the amount of work the Owner/Coordinators need to do since they don;t have to account for as much when they have good players.

But now imagine the nightmare recruiting will be. You not only have to pick players that are well built and active, but have football intelligence. What about the new players that have no clue? Who would recruit them, if you know they are clueless?
Originally posted by Plankton
But now imagine the nightmare recruiting will be. You not only have to pick players that are well built and active, but have football intelligence. What about the new players that have no clue? Who would recruit them, if you know they are clueless?

I will.
New agents has a few players so they will actually be able to listen to my directions.
Plus, basic settings would be defaulted, just like the normal AI, so the players would still work like they do now or maybe slightly better than they do now. But an involved player will be even better.

And a new player will likely more amenable to hearing what you have to say where a vet may have their own ideas.
Joe Buck
Originally posted by PackMan97
Originally posted by PP

It'd be one thing if the screen blockers had any real blocking logic/pathing/ability to block before they hit their destination (the CB would have been lvled before even sniffing the HB). Without it, you just can't have this, IMO

Edit, I found it particularly amusing how the FB ran right past the CB that blew up the play...Now that's some funny shit right there.

I'm no rules guru, but since the CB is trying to cover the HB/catch the ball...there are limitations on what the FB can and can't do to block? Anyone know what the official rule on pass interference would be?

official rule as far as i know is that anybody 'behind the LOS' is fair game to be blocked or collided into. There is no pass interference behind the LOS. Defenders can tackle the back before the ball gets there, and blockers can block.

BUT IT ALL HAS TO BE BEHIND THE LOS. If the FB comes out to intercept the CB and is past the LOS then it's a penalty.
Originally posted by PackMan97
Originally posted by PP

It'd be one thing if the screen blockers had any real blocking logic/pathing/ability to block before they hit their destination (the CB would have been lvled before even sniffing the HB). Without it, you just can't have this, IMO

Edit, I found it particularly amusing how the FB ran right past the CB that blew up the play...Now that's some funny shit right there.

I'm no rules guru, but since the CB is trying to cover the HB/catch the ball...there are limitations on what the FB can and can't do to block? Anyone know what the official rule on pass interference would be?

There is no pass interference behind the line of scrimmage. You can blow up a halfback while the ball is in the air and it's not a penalty. - look at Note 4.

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