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Forum > Pee Wee Leagues > Pee Wee Gold League > HOW TO MAKE PEE WEE GOLD BETTER
Time Trial
Well the whole thing was that there needed to be a pyramid structure that was taller, but there was too much push back that it would take too long to get into G**d if there were four tiers. Personally I don't buy that argument, and honestly if you are a brand new team, you should be putting in two or three seasons to get to the top. Also I suggested that non-playoff teams should fall down a tier to keep the top level competitive, but even taking 12 out of 32 would be enough for me to ensure that new ideas were able to flourish in the Pee Wees.
I suppose. The only issue is that more people would sell their team from the stress and money they'd have to spend just to keep up the top and secure a berth but I suppose like everyone else said, this system will work its way out in a season or two.
Time Trial
Pee Wee Recreational - Flat League structure, 16 leagues of who gives a crap.
Pee Wee Srs - Hierarchy Structure with three Levels:

Pro - 1 League
UnPro - 4 Leagues
Really UnPro - 4 Leagues

Winners and Finalists move up, whiners and sell-offs move down.

After any season you can move into whatever who gives a crap league has room in it, or from any who gives a crap league into the bottom tier of Really UnPro.
Edited by Time Trial on Aug 18, 2009 15:27:00
So the recreational league is like Casual League teams in the Real GLB System? I agree with your structure, except 9 leagues is not enough, reason being that more than likely, anyone that fields a full team would like to be in the competitive structure and I know 4 leagues is not enough.
Time Trial
Originally posted by enasty19
So the recreational league is like Casual League teams in the Real GLB System? I agree with your structure, except 9 leagues is not enough, reason being that more than likely, anyone that fields a full team would like to be in the competitive structure and I know 4 leagues is not enough.

Do you honestly think that there are more than 288 teams that would want to compete for the Pro title every season? I sure don't. Look at the number of great teams in silver... there is barely enough there to make five solid leagues.

And no, recreational league would serve two purposes:

1) No advancement. You play the same teams every season.
2) You can request to be in a specific league, so maybe you might fill it up with friend's teams and it would be a good time.
3) You still have full tactics, but you can't bitch about the number of CPU teams or SSB teams.
Originally posted by Time Trial
Do you honestly think that there are more than 288 teams that would want to compete for the Pro title every season? I sure don't. Look at the number of great teams in silver... there is barely enough there to make five solid leagues.

And no, recreational league would serve two purposes:

1) No advancement. You play the same teams every season.
2) You can request to be in a specific league, so maybe you might fill it up with friend's teams and it would be a good time.
3) You still have full tactics, but you can't bitch about the number of CPU teams or SSB teams.

Yeah I suppose. I mean though, look at the number of teams with 45+ man rosters in just Copper that would probably be able to play in Silver. Sure, there is no "Elite" or Stand-out teams really, but I sure as hell think a good amount of owners could compete and make it solid with a season or two under their belt.
Originally posted by Time Trial

And no, recreational league would serve two purposes:

1) No advancement. You play the same teams every season.
2) You can request to be in a specific league, so maybe you might fill it up with friend's teams and it would be a good time.
3) You still have full tactics, but you can't bitch about the number of CPU teams or SSB teams.

the fact that everyone complains that there is cpu or ssb teams is rediculous. cpu teams are created so fill the spots needed for new upcoming owners. one day they will be filled and with this game all you have is time. be patient, and as of the SSB teams what can you do. the owner paid there own money to buy the team so no one should have the right to tell them they dont deserve to be in a certain league if they earn that spot in the previous season. forget your recreational league cuz it serves no purpose. cpu teams and ssb teams arent problems in the regular leagues becasue they are push overs. if you want them out because you cannot beat them than shame on you... if you just dont like wasting your time on a pointless game the quit playing because thats all this really is. "pointless time wasted while having fun"
This whinny crap thread won't make it to Bort imo.....shit it wouldn't even bust a spider-web

Wambulance Academy EMT's
Originally posted by conestump
the fact that everyone complains that there is cpu or ssb teams is rediculous. cpu teams are created so fill the spots needed for new upcoming owners. one day they will be filled and with this game all you have is time. be patient, and as of the SSB teams what can you do. the owner paid there own money to buy the team so no one should have the right to tell them they dont deserve to be in a certain league if they earn that spot in the previous season. forget your recreational league cuz it serves no purpose. cpu teams and ssb teams arent problems in the regular leagues becasue they are push overs. if you want them out because you cannot beat them than shame on you... if you just dont like wasting your time on a pointless game the quit playing because thats all this really is. "pointless time wasted while having fun"

point missed completely.
The system they have now is fine if everyone will let it do what it's designed to do. This is only the first season, it has not had a chance to start filtering teams yet.

Winning teams will either stay gold, or be competing in silver to get to (or back to) gold. Good teams will remain in silver to insure that the competition weeds out weaker teams. Those weaker teams will filter down to copper where they can play other teams of equal skill. And those that get better can start up the ladder to Gold. A simple effective system without user biased input. It only needs time to function.

K.I.S.S principle
Word V

Wambulance Academy EMT's

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