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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Super Vision SA- Always on? Just a boost to VIsion?
Originally posted by The Strategy Expert
Originally posted by LionsLover

Originally posted by TyrannyVaunt

This is why I think when you create a player you should have to specify their primary role. And then once you do that... SA's that don't work for that character should be disabled or hidden. Just my .02.

100 miles an hour switching lanes like 'WHOA!'.

I thought of something similar. Make branching trees where you need certain attributes/other SAs to unlock more options. that way you don't get players who build 1-2-3-5-10 SAs

You mean like an SA wormhole? I'm in!

Agreed. There was an RPG that I played that did this... Can't remember which one it was?? Maybe Never Winter Nights? I can't remember... It has been a long time since I last played that. But I have played games in the past that handled specialty trees like described above.

100 miles an hour switching lanes like 'WHOA!'.
Yeah I have played a couple of RPGs in the past that had very complex ways to build characters, and I know some of them boasted about the gigantic numbers of possible combinations and there were opportunities to have no 2 sets of characters exactly the same. I just watched the demo trailer for the new Batman Arkham Asylum game the other day, and they have a pretty neat coding they were talking about where the enemies move around in different ways that no 2 times you play it will you get the exact same outcome.

I always hoped that GLB would be a game that would innovate and come up with some creative crap to play with.

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