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Sal Basss
Originally posted by Sal Basss
thread has potential

Rescinding this comment. Apparently repeating the word "panda" over and over again doesn't get to him. Who knew? (insert roll eyes smiley)
can i get some of this action............PANDA
and "Chet"? grow up at the yacht and tennis club there buddy? wait, now i understand the PANDA
Edited by shawnb82 on Jun 2, 2009 08:23:04
Edited by shawnb82 on Jun 2, 2009 08:22:49
Originally posted by shawnb82
and "Chet"? grow up at the yacht and tennis club there buddy? wait, now i understand the PANDA

Originally posted by Chet Truong
ok ok... I understand why Etime would get so mad. If I owned a team and someone was making fun of some retard I was helping out, I might get mad too. I guess its understandable.

you really have too much time on your hands.. you started a whole new thread because you couldnt handle the ass raping in the other room.. you'll always be my honorary panda
i clicked on this thread simply because 'you're' was correctly spelled. seeing it done correctly on the internet is like being hugged by a blanket of happy. i dont even care what else is going on in this thread
Originally posted by Chet Truong
More wit from the See n Say. Can't call you a retard, that would be too mean and I wouldn't want to rile up etime more than I already have.

pandas are known to hide in corners when scared
Originally posted by monsterkill
i clicked on this thread simply because 'you're' was correctly spelled. seeing it done correctly on the internet is like being hugged by a blanket of happy. i dont even care what else is going on in this thread

Don't forget about the proper use of "an."
Originally posted by monsterkill
i clicked on this thread simply because 'you're' was correctly spelled. seeing it done correctly on the internet is like being hugged by a blanket of happy. i dont even care what else is going on in this thread

Chet Truong
Originally posted by shawnb82
and "Chet"? grow up at the yacht and tennis club there buddy?

I'm happy that you're willing to put forth more effort than Shady. That one made me smirk.
Originally posted by Chet Truong
Originally posted by shawnb82

and "Chet"? grow up at the yacht and tennis club there buddy?

I'm happy that you're willing to put forth more effort than Shady. That one made me smirk.

But you have a panda avatar.
Originally posted by monsterkill
i clicked on this thread simply because 'you're' was correctly spelled. seeing it done correctly on the internet is like being hugged by a blanket of happy. i dont even care what else is going on in this thread

i love irony.

the guy who posts about correct usage of contractions does not put an apostrophe in his post, lol. im not an english major, im a programmer so i always type in lowers and never add apostrophes and things, so im not calling anyone out here, i just found it humorous

look , no punctuation^^^^^^^^ lol
Edited by shawnb82 on Jun 2, 2009 20:31:27
Edited by shawnb82 on Jun 2, 2009 20:30:27
MVP Rodgers
Originally posted by shawnb82
Originally posted by monsterkill

i clicked on this thread simply because 'you're' was correctly spelled. seeing it done correctly on the internet is like being hugged by a blanket of happy. i dont even care what else is going on in this thread

i love irony.

the guy who posts about correct usage of contractions does not put an apostrophe in his post, lol. im not an english major, im a programmer so i always type in lowers and never add apostrophes and things, so im not calling anyone out here, i just found it humorous

look , no punctuation^^^^^^^^ lol

That's how you sons of bitches from the Warriors beat the Leapers. You damn program hackers break into the sim and screw us. It's all coming together now. I'm gonna give you sons of bitches a virus worse than cheezes mom gave the paper boy. Note the virus I talk about is not the same type of virus. Thought I'd mention that for some of the people who don't catch onto things very quickly.

Edited by 4favre on Jun 2, 2009 20:51:47
Originally posted by 4favre
Originally posted by shawnb82

Originally posted by monsterkill

i clicked on this thread simply because 'you're' was correctly spelled. seeing it done correctly on the internet is like being hugged by a blanket of happy. i dont even care what else is going on in this thread

i love irony.

the guy who posts about correct usage of contractions does not put an apostrophe in his post, lol. im not an english major, im a programmer so i always type in lowers and never add apostrophes and things, so im not calling anyone out here, i just found it humorous

look , no punctuation^^^^^^^^ lol

That's how you sons of bitches from the Warriors beat the Leapers. You damn program hackers break into the sim and screw us. It's all coming together now. I'm gonna give you sons of bitches a virus worse than cheezes mom gave the paper boy. Note the virus I talk about is not the same type of virus. Thought I'd mention that for some of the people who don't catch onto things very quickly.

Since this is the, "Shady, you're an Idiot" Thread, allow me to say, I don't get it.
my balls itch and shady you are an idiot!!!! what the fuck did you give that hooker...i should have known better than to get sloppy seconds!!!! you fucking prick!!!!

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