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  1 2 3 4 OT Total  
Mayan Warriors 14 14 0 0 0 28 Final
C-Town MF'n Hood 10 6 6 7 0 29  
Play by Play
1st Quarter
Mayan Warriors 15:00
15:00 Kickoff by MF'n Kicker, 78 yd, fielded by Devin Sayers, 0 yds (touchback) Replay
15:00 1st & 10 OWN 20 Johnny Marino-Elway pitch to Marshall Faulk to the right (3 yd gain) [diving tackle: MF'n HH HOOD Tackling MF'r] Replay
14:35 2nd & 7 OWN 23 Johnny Marino-Elway pitch to Cambell Earl to the right (1 yd loss) [tackle: MF'n HH HOOD Tackling MF'r] Replay
14:02 3rd & 8 OWN 22 Bobby Young-Vick rush [TD] to the right (78 yd gain) Replay
13:49 Extra point attempted by Tucker Groza, made [XP] Replay
C-Town MF'n Hood 13:49
13:49 Kickoff by Tucker Groza, 80.5 yds (touchback) Replay
13:49 1st & 10 OWN 20 MF'n HOOD Flamethrower screen pass to HOOD MF'n Scat Back to the left side, caught [missed diving tackle: Meaner Joe Greener (Spin)] (0.5 yd gain) [tackle: Lee Roy Watt] Replay
13:12 2nd & 9.5 OWN 20.5 [missed tackle: Junior Urlacher (Power Through)] [missed diving tackle: LeRoy Palamalu (Power Through)] [TD] to the left (79.5 yd gain) Replay
12:57 Extra point attempted by MF'n Kicker, made [XP] Replay
Mayan Warriors 12:57
12:57 Kickoff by MF'n Kicker, 70 yd, fielded by Devin Sayers (21.5 yd return) [diving tackle: HH MF'n HOOD Tackling MF'r] Replay
12:54 1st & 10 OWN 21.5 Johnny Marino-Elway pass to Marvin Rice over the middle, caught (7.5 yd gain) [tackle: HH KL MF'n MF'r] Replay
12:19 2nd & 2.5 OWN 28.5 Johnny Marino-Elway pass to Marvin Rice over the middle, caught (6.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: HH KL MF'n MF'r] Replay
11:43 1st & 10 OWN 35.5 Johnny Marino-Elway pass to Marvin Rice up the left side, caught [missed diving tackle: HH KL MF'n MF'r (Spin)], knocked loose by Decleating MF'n MF'r [deflected by Decleating MF'n MF'r] (incomplete) Replay
11:39 2nd & 10 OWN 35.5 Ironhead Hayward rush to the right (4.5 yd gain) [tackle: MF'n HH HOOD Tackling MF'r] Replay
10:59 3rd & 5.5 OWN 39.5 Bobby Young-Vick rush to the right (52.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: Hawking HOOD MF'r] Replay
10:11 1st & G OPP 7.5 Cam Newton-Fields pass to Larry Byers up the right side, caught (2.5 yd gain) [tackle: HH KL MF'n MF'r] Replay
9:47 2nd & G OPP 5.5 Johnny Marino-Elway pitch to Cambell Earl [missed tackle: MF'n HOOD Shutdown MF'r] [missed tackle: MF'n HOOD Shutdown MF'r] to the right (2 yd gain) [diving tackle: MF'n HOOD Stuffing MF'r] Replay
9:09 3rd & G OPP 3.5 Johnny Marino-Elway pass to Calvin Moss up the left side, caught (3.5 yd gain) [TD] Replay
9:06 Extra point attempted by Tucker Groza, made [XP] Replay
C-Town MF'n Hood 9:06
9:06 Kickoff by Tucker Groza, 75 yd, fielded by Returning MF'r (17 yd return) [Monster Hit tackle: Sherman Brown] Replay
9:04 1st & 10 OWN 12 MF'n HOOD Flamethrower screen pass to MF'n HOOD MF'r to the left side, caught [missed diving tackle: Lee Roy Watt] [missed tackle: Woodson Bailey] (25 yd gain) [diving tackle: Junior Urlacher] Replay
8:21 1st & 10 OWN 37 MF'n HOOD Flamethrower pitch to HOOD MF'n Scat Back to the left (0.5 yd gain) [tackle: Deacon White] Replay
7:42 2nd & 9.5 OWN 37.5 MF'n HOOD Flamethrower pass to MF'n Brute Force over the middle, caught (6.5 yd gain) [tackle: Junior Urlacher] Replay
7:14 3rd & 3 OWN 44 HOOD MF'n Scat Back rush up the middle (4 yd gain) [diving tackle: Warren Washington] Replay
6:48 1st & 10 OWN 48.5 MF'n HOOD Flamethrower screen pass to HOOD MF'n Scat Back to the left side, caught (12 yd gain) [Monster Hit tackle: Ed Atwater] Replay
6:11 1st & 10 OPP 39.5 MF'n HOOD Flamethrower pitch to HOOD MF'n Scat Back [missed tackle: Derrick Ham (Power Through)] to the left (2.5 yd gain) [tackle: Lee Roy Watt] Replay
5:42 2nd & 7.5 OPP 37 MF'n HOOD Flamethrower pass to MF'n Brute Force up the left side, caught (9.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: LeRoy Palamalu] Replay
5:09 1st & 10 OPP 27.5 MF'n HOOD MF'r rush [missed diving tackle: Warren Washington (Hurdle)] up the middle (2.5 yd gain) [Monster Hit tackle: Zach Mills] Replay
4:31 2nd & 7.5 OPP 25 MF'n HOOD Flamethrower pass to MF'n Brute Force over the middle, caught (3 yd gain) [tackle: Deion Lane] Replay
3:53 3rd & 4.5 OPP 22 MF'n HOOD Flamethrower pass to HOOD MF'n Scat Back over the middle, caught [missed diving tackle: Derrick Ham (Power Through)] (10 yd gain) [Monster Hit tackle: Reyna Bates] Replay
3:19 1st & 10 OPP 12.5 MF'n HOOD MF'r rush up the middle (1 yd gain) [tackle: Cortez Sapp] Replay
2:47 2nd & 9 OPP 11 HOOD MF'n Scat Back rush to the left (1.5 yd gain) [tackle: Junior Urlacher] Replay
2:12 3rd & 7 OPP 9.5 MF'n HOOD Flamethrower pass to MF'n Brute Force over the middle (incomplete) Replay
2:09 4th & 7 OPP 9.5 26.5 yd field goal attempted by MF'n Kicker, made [FG] Replay
Mayan Warriors 2:05
2:05 Kickoff by MF'n Kicker, 73 yd, fielded by Devin Sayers (16.5 yd return) [tackle: HOOD Hawking MF'r] Replay
2:03 1st & 10 OWN 13 Johnny Marino-Elway pass to Calvin Moss up the left side [deflected by HH KL MF'n MF'r] (incomplete) Replay
2:00 2nd & 10 OWN 13 Johnny Marino-Elway pass to Marvin Rice over the middle, caught (8 yd gain) [diving tackle: HH KL MF'n MF'r] Replay
1:32 3rd & 2 OWN 21 Ironhead Hayward rush to the right (1.5 yd gain) [diving tackle: MF'n HOOD Stuffing MF'r] Replay
1:07 4th & 0.5 OWN 22.5 Punt by Sammy Roby, 58 yd (out of bounds) Replay
C-Town MF'n Hood 1:01
1:01 1st & 10 OWN 19.5 MF'n HOOD Flamethrower pass to MF'n HOOD Receiver up the right side, caught (4 yd gain) [tackle: Junior Urlacher] Replay
0:28 2nd & 6 OWN 23.5 MF'n HOOD Flamethrower pass to MF'n HOOD Receiver up the right side, caught (6 yd gain) [diving tackle: Charles Champ] Replay

Replay Speed: 7/10