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Whats goin on with your team and all the #1 Level players....a big move in the worx?
we are blowing up the team bro...
we are under performing so i am cutting everyone and starting over...
LOL the sauce is weak

PIMPS UP nola down
Little did I realize that when I told onepeat that the Marauders were going to take his trophies, shine them up nice and pretty, then tip them sideways and stick them right up his candy ass, that he would take me seriously, or that we would be the loss that sent him into a tailspin.

I guess I'm kind of proud of that.

Originally posted by teamriots
LOL the sauce is weak

PIMPS UP nola down

In three seasons, our level 1's will be level 25+ and you'll still be here trying to hit .500. We will come back and kick your asses harder than we ever have as the Purples, and we'll do it with a 10 level disadvantage.

Edited for clarity.
Last edited Aug 29, 2008 13:36:30
Papa Bear
Originally posted by Fish.SR
We will come back and kick your asses harder than we ever have as the Purples, and we'll do it with a 10 level disadvantage.

I would actually pay real money to see that. Course I probably will with all the Flex I have to buy to support my player stable.
Last edited Aug 29, 2008 14:04:57
Originally posted by Papa Bear
I would actually pay real money to see that. Course I probably will with all the Flex I have to buy to support my player stable.

You'll probably be in AA by the time we hit our stride, but come back and check on us. If you don't think it's possible, check out the other team I'm on, the Queensland Flash. We started as mostly fresh level 1's last pre-season. We were level 4 by the start of the year. The entire league laughed at our roster. By the end of the season we were all level 15-16. We went 15-1 and won the league championship, despite being outleveled by 5-10 in all of our games. No one in AA4 laughed at us after that.

When we got to AAA and teams saw we were outleveled by 10+, people laughed again, and picked us to go winless. Now, those humble level 1's, just two seasons in are 22+ with a playoff berth locked up and fighting for the 5 seed.

The new Purples will be even better
Originally posted by PinTBC
Little did I realize that when I told onepeat that the Marauders were going to take his trophies, shine them up nice and pretty, then tip them sideways and stick them right up his candy ass, that he would take me seriously, or that we would be the loss that sent him into a tailspin.

I guess I'm kind of proud of that.


don't flatter yourself. this was hardly your doing and something that had been in the works long before you even got to this league. I tend to have a bit more vision than most...
Originally posted by Fish.SR
We started as mostly fresh level 1's last pre-season. We were level 4 by the start of the year. The entire league laughed at our roster. By the end of the season we were all level 15-16. We went 15-1 and won the league championship, despite being outleveled by 5-10 in all of our games. No one in AA4 laughed at us after that.

When we got to AAA and teams saw we were outleveled by 10+, people laughed again, and picked us to go winless. Now, those humble level 1's, just two seasons in are 22+ with a playoff berth locked up and fighting for the 5 seed.

The new Purples will be even better


Other than knowing how things worked, that is pretty much exactly how Crimson was formed. I tripped over this game on a google search for something, and created a few players during season 1. I had enough fun to go try to get a few friends involved, and got enough interest to buy the Marauders at the start of season 2.

Pretty much the entire team started at level 4 on Day 1 of season 2, and we've been pretty powerful in each season. If we were going to start all over, I think we could put together a couple better players, but we'd follow the same advancement dynamics.


Hey let me hang on to my little delusions of grandeur!


we look forward to meeting you guys down the road...
good luck!

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