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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #4 > Week Six Power Rankings
West Conference Week Six Power Rankings

1. Pewntenheimer "Mighty" Pewnts
Kicked around the Lesbian's and damn near kept them out of the end zone until they got off a great blocked run.

2. Twin City Wildcats
You guys play some ballsy football. "Yeah let's just pass the ball all the time, even on fourth, it's cool." We really got caught off guard on how risky of a game you guys play. We kept it close for a little while too :-(

2. Hammond Bayou Bengals
Raiders played you guys hard, and had the best game against you that any team has had so far this season. 5 long plays that ended in touchdowns between you both, quite a crazy game.

4. San Diego Bolts
Edged out the Squirrels in overtime. You were still the more dominant and consistent team the whole game, Fark just managed a punt return touchdown and a literally last second pass to tie it up at the end.

5. Tampa Bay Greyhounds
Exchanged the lead with Austin several times until you managed to take control and shut down their offense. Not often is a team stopped in the fourth when down. Didn't manage to win by the same margin as the LUEshis thoguh. *cough*

5. LUElinks LUEshis
Stupid Wildcats and their asskicking-ness.

7. Austin Alcoholics
Tough loss to the Greyhounds, they really contained your usually very strong pass.

8. Farkistan Squirrels
Hard loss in overtime to the Bolts. Lets be serious though, they controlled the game and you really only managed a last second comeback with a punt return touchdown and a risky drive at the end of the fourth.

9. Auckland Raiders
Painful loss to the Bengals, probably my favorite game this week though. Put up a hell of a fight, but those fumbles and interceptions really kill you.

10. Hattiesburg Hangovers
The Sidewinders broke out early against you 21-3, and you spent the rest of the game playing catch up. Took the lead in the third, only to lose it again at the start of the fourth. Answered back the very next drive with another touchdown and lead shift. Didn't give it back up.

11. Texas Bigga Bois
Finally got a break in your very tough schedule start with a win over the Bombers. Nothing worth bragging about, but it's good to grab a game.

12. Houston Cougars
Beat out the Crusaders in a very close game.

13. Laredo Lesbians
Stuffed by the Pewnts, but still managed 313.5 net yards and 10 points, your best showing against them by a large margin.

14. Kingston Sidewinders
Looked like you were really going to beat the Hangovers today, but your offense and defense stalled at the end of the game.

15. Gotham Crusaders
Were just barely beaten by the Cougars pass today. Took a while for your offense to get started but once it did, you guys looked solid.

16. Mudville Bombers
Actually kept the Bigga Bois to your smallest loss margin so far this season.

East Conference Week Six Power Rankings

1. Pittsburgh Steel
Shut down the Tupelo pass game, and without it they were pretty badly beaten.

2. The Fighting Farvas
Barely managed a win over the Grizzlies today, even though you managed 8 turnovers against them. Your pass was pretty reliable and your run was as well. All those crazy kick attempts nearly cost you the game

3. New York Grizzlies
Tough loss to the Farvas, those turnovers really murdered you.

4. Tupelo Kings
Got shut down by the Steel, they really seemed to have your number.

5. Niagara Rapids
Really cracked the shell of the Crabs with your pass game, and built a sand castle in front of their offense.

6. Frunkis Town Virus
Gave the Cobra team a cold and while they were blowing their noses you smashed their offense and scored all over them.

7. Baton Rouge Bayou Bengals
Managed a win over the Angerswords, who seem to be giving everyone in the East unexpected trouble with their expert planning and strategy. Obviously Master Sardu Tesch had a great game, and through him so did your beloved Devery Henderson. Keiland Williams LSU ended up with nearly your whole run game, a damn strong one.

*Waits for you to bitch about this still being too low*

8. Chicago Wolves
Incredible win over the Taints. Kept them to 185 net yards, half of what you put up. Looking like the playoff team you should be. I think excellent scouting and adjusting really won this one.

9. Beaver City Crabs
Shell shock today against the Rapids? They really seemed to have your number, shutting down your offense and passing all over your defense.

10. Murfreesboro Taints
Damn hard loss to the Wolves, they really seemed to know what you were going to do before you even did it.

11. KingsTalk Angerswords
Gave the Bengals a run for their money. Freddie Mitchel is freaking ridiculous.

12. West Virginia Mean Machines
I know you're probably thinking, "Really?" I think with their current showing against the Kickers today, they proved themselves to at least be on par with both the Cobras and Devils. I also personally love the irony of a team that started from scratch being better than 1/4 of the East in six games.

13. Twin City Cobras
The Virus got to you before you had a chance to strike at them. They really crippled both aspects of your offense and I think your defense stayed at home.

14. Jersey Devils
Whoo, you guys finally won a game! Though it's a 0-6 team, who put up more points against you than any other team all season. Hmm.

15. Clemson Gamecock Kickers
Edged out by the Mean Machines today, still managed an offensive showing, just couldn't get it into the end zone.

16. Thundertown Brawlers
Managed more points against the Devils today than any other team so far this season. Maybe in BBB you'll have an easier time recruiting players and A4 will get a chance to see you again since you seem to have pretty solid tactics.

Wow, East has turned into just as big a cluster**** as the West. Really making me work here

Anyways, my brother is getting married this weekend, so I wont be available to handle the Week Seven rankings, I'm leaving it in the hands of my teammate ziddy. I've left him with instructions, so if he doesn't get them up soon after the games, send him messages complaining until he does

You're being awful nice to us Raiders, we've dropped 3 in a row, and still in the top 10.
Angerswords don't bitch about power rankings!
Originally posted by DragoonNite
so if he doesn't get them up soon after the games, send him messages complaining until he does

That's two teams I am connected to that beat your connected teams in the last few days, hehe.

You do a great job doing this for our enjoyment and bickering, keep up the great work.

Go Wildcats!!
Lil DB
Originally posted by ziddy
Originally posted by DragoonNite

so if he doesn't get them up soon after the games, send him messages complaining until he does


Gotcha will spam him so baddly that he will remember me when he is 80
Good stuff...
Also Banned
we win a game and drop in ranking. lame
Originally posted by Iruleall15
we win a game and drop in ranking. lame

We lose 3 in a row and drop 2. Funny, huh?
Randal Kay
Nice work.
Originally posted by Iruleall15
we win a game and drop in ranking. lame

You also gave up 31 points to an offense with one active human...
The Commish
ill take #5...
Originally posted by DragoonNite

7. Baton Rouge Bayou Bengals
Managed a win over the Angerswords, who seem to be giving everyone in the East unexpected trouble with their expert planning and strategy. Obviously Master Sardu Tesch had a great game, and through him so did your beloved Devery Henderson. Keiland Williams LSU ended up with nearly your whole run game, a damn strong one.

*Waits for you to bitch about this still being too low*

Damn you actually gave props! i cant bitch now.. DAMMIT!
Originally posted by UclaBob
Angerswords don't bitch about power rankings!

LUElinks LUEshis = owned by Tampa Bay

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