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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Just curious about everyones argument not to promote
let me ask everyone here something if i remember right was not one of the arguments for not being promoted was everyone did not want to have to totally ditch the players they had on the team in the first place and rebuild, i mean i understand you have to make some upgrades and all but yet i look at alot of teams and im not saying names, but they have totally trashed their old teams for new high levels players, i mean just thinking but in a way i think hey should not have took our level caps off but yet just upped them so that it equals each league as you move up same as we have football her from high school to nfl. like i said ill probably get bashed but i mean its one thing if your players levels up with your team but to me it hurts the league having to ditch your players for new higher ones each year, plus it really causes their to be no rivalries or anything because hardly any of the same players are on each team.
Everyone has an opinion on this and regardless their is no right or wrong answer, so in a sense we're all right no matter what side of the fence we're on. As for those teams you won't mention, clearly the Phantoms are one of them. We made upgrade in just about each area. But with the cap lifted and things changing it was needed if you wanted to win. Look around, most teams upgraded. Very few if any haven;t upgraded at least 25% or more. As for promoting or not, it didn't matter too me either way, what I'm against are capped leagues. Especially those who get a half season. Not fair if you're the team to make it too the next level. I think GLB should do away with capped leagues, let everything free game. Owners pay for their team just like everyone else, why should some be limited to what levels they can obtain.
Yeah I never understood the anti-promotion folks argument either. I would have been perfectly happy to have the Hood promoted after last season as we took pretty much the same offseason actions as we would have if we had been promoted.
i wanted to get promoted. i like challenges
yea im not saying either way was better even though i agreed with promotion, but like willow creek i am probably more against the cap because it destroys teams ya know, i mean if there was no cap then more than likely most our teams would be the same as last season with a few upgrades instead of whole teams, and willow yall were not one of the team it was just a general observation ya know.
Thats ok. LOL, we KNOW we were one of the teams. I went out to the main glb forums and protested it. LOL.
Originally posted by Texasroughneck12
let me ask everyone here something if i remember right was not one of the arguments for not being promoted was everyone did not want to have to totally ditch the players they had on the team in the first place and rebuild, i mean i understand you have to make some upgrades and all but yet i look at alot of teams and im not saying names, but they have totally trashed their old teams for new high levels players, i mean just thinking but in a way i think hey should not have took our level caps off but yet just upped them so that it equals each league as you move up same as we have football her from high school to nfl. like i said ill probably get bashed but i mean its one thing if your players levels up with your team but to me it hurts the league having to ditch your players for new higher ones each year, plus it really causes their to be no rivalries or anything because hardly any of the same players are on each team.

I will have to disagree we have the same core but we did go out and get some talent it not our fault that you thought your team would be competitive with the lke of the phantom hood sharks and so on if you did not up grade I can't speek for the other teams but we as Sharks don't plan on stayin' here to see the little necks upgrade next year...but g/l maybe you might get it next season
Originally posted by herbdawg
Originally posted by Texasroughneck12

let me ask everyone here something if i remember right was not one of the arguments for not being promoted was everyone did not want to have to totally ditch the players they had on the team in the first place and rebuild, i mean i understand you have to make some upgrades and all but yet i look at alot of teams and im not saying names, but they have totally trashed their old teams for new high levels players, i mean just thinking but in a way i think hey should not have took our level caps off but yet just upped them so that it equals each league as you move up same as we have football her from high school to nfl. like i said ill probably get bashed but i mean its one thing if your players levels up with your team but to me it hurts the league having to ditch your players for new higher ones each year, plus it really causes their to be no rivalries or anything because hardly any of the same players are on each team.

I will have to disagree we have the same core but we did go out and get some talent it not our fault that you thought your team would be competitive with the lke of the phantom hood sharks and so on if you did not up grade I can't speek for the other teams but we as Sharks don't plan on stayin' here to see the little necks upgrade next year...but g/l maybe you might get it next season

And now let the water-works flow
I have to agree with the original poster, i was disappointed to learn the cap was removed rather than gradually increased. I tried to retain the same players as much as possible, to keep a team environment going which i think alot of people don't really care much about. Good builds & high levels are one thing, but there is something to be said about growing up with the same guys is a big plus to the game...
We have a very different team, but that has a lot to do with non boosters and people that didn't train properly. With the cap you had to take chances on a lot of new players and we got a lot of those that didn't know how to play the game. I'm sure next offseason will be different there won't be such a big turn around for most teams.
well no offense princess gold fish but just because you did demolish your team, hate to tell you this i can tell you 4 teams that will blow you out, and saying we might not be one, i wasnt trying to cause any trouble or call names it was just an observation about how the league was talking.anyway guys i was just saying i agree any league or type of football you play the point is to better yourself, being me though i hated to let some of the guys go that got us where we were last year, that was the whole point of the thread.
Copied from the other thread because I don't feel like retyping.
Yellowknife returned mostly our entire team except our QB who wanted to retire his player and one safety, lb, and DT, mostly because they lacked depth and/or were gm's players who wanted to bring them over but couldn't with the cap. I agree that I hated cutting any players or having to take away their playing time, it felt awefull. But then we as owners and teams have to decide if we want to win or just have fun. I was against promotion but I feel now that it would have been ok. Top teams in our league could hold our own in AA.
oh yea if the recruited like we all have, i mean i have checked and im not saying anyone would win a championship but they would win some
Originally posted by Texasroughneck12
well no offense princess gold fish but just because you did demolish your team, hate to tell you this i can tell you 4 teams that will blow you out, and saying we might not be one, i wasnt trying to cause any trouble or call names it was just an observation about how the league was talking.anyway guys i was just saying i agree any league or type of football you play the point is to better yourself, being me though i hated to let some of the guys go that got us where we were last year, that was the whole point of the thread.

I like this keep it up
Originally posted by Texasroughneck12
well no offense princess gold fish but just because you did demolish your team, hate to tell you this i can tell you 4 teams that will blow you out, and saying we might not be one, i wasnt trying to cause any trouble or call names it was just an observation about how the league was talking.anyway guys i was just saying i agree any league or type of football you play the point is to better yourself, being me though i hated to let some of the guys go that got us where we were last year, that was the whole point of the thread.

Oh yeah. There was some guys that it pissed me off to let them go. I have a couple of other teams where I am friends with the owners that were brand new teams this season. I sent our players that I wanted to keep, but couldn't, to those teams. And only if I knew they could get playing time. I tried my best to still be good to them.

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