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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #4 > Week Four Power Rankings
West Conference Week Four Power Rankings

1. Pewntenheimer "Mighty" Pewnts
Strong win against the Wildcats, despite the large level difference since you seem to be waiting until the playoffs this season. Went down early but came back very strong. Somewhat pathetic that you're still largely unchallenged even with the level difference.

2. Hammond Bayou Bengals
Denied the Lesbian's any form of a run game, but let them get away with 254.5 passing yards. Kept them out of the red the whole game but couldn't put up any passing touchdowns, your Quarterback also uncharacteristically threw two interceptions with only 145 yards.

2. Twin City Wildcats
Very tough loss to the Pewnts this week, your pass was somewhat contained and you just couldn't seem to get it done at all in the second half. You're still my conference favorite for the championship this season though :O

4. LUElinks LUEshis
Completely destroyed the Cougars, shut down any form of pass or rush in the first half, not until backups were subbed in due to large score difference did the other team manage to move the ball. Still held to less yards than the Pewnts.

5. San Diego Bolts
Pretty decisively defeated the Sidewinders, the two touchdowns you gave up were both fluke plays. Both your Quarterbacks put up impressive numbers and stats, with 75% completion rates or over.

6. Tampa Bay Greyhounds
Blew out the Bombers, sucks to be them :-/

7. Austin Alcoholics
Put up an insane rush game against the Crusaders and your QB had a crazy completion percentage of 84.2%. Looking very strong.

8. Farkistan Squirrels
Beat out the Raiders in a very close, hard fought game.

9. Auckland Raiders
Tough loss to the Squirrels, took a quick lead and didn't lose it until late in the game, just missed tying the game up and sending it into overtime.

10. Hattiesburg Hangovers
Won a very hard fought game against Texas in overtime. Texas led almost the entire game and you all spent your time playing catch up, until you finally got within kicking range on the first drive of overtime.

11. Texas Bigga Bois
Heartbreaking loss to the hangovers, one can't help but wonder if the ending would have been reverse had you gotten the first drive in overtime. Very powerful showing, led nearly the whole game, at no point were you losing. Finally looking like the team you use to be.

12. Houston Cougars
Didn't manage to get the ball moving until facing backups, heavy loss to the LUEshis, but still managed to look stronger than many other teams.

13. Laredo Lesbians
Managed a decent pass game against the Bengals, which not many can claim. Sadly you couldn't get into the end zone. Got deep many times but got killed by interceptions every time. Didn't really let the Bengals move the ball until the ending of the second quarter, which is quite impressive.

14. Kingston Sidewinders
Pretty strong showing against the Bolts, 302.5 net yards and 20 points which is more than either Texas or Laredo managed to put up against them.

15. Gotham Crusaders
Lots of penalties and drives that led to field goals or attempts instead of touchdowns really hurt you. At least you didn't put up any interceptions and didn't lose any fumbles against a very strong team.

16. Mudville Bombers
Tampa ran and passed all over the field against you, and wouldn't let you move the ball on the ground. Sadly your pass game wasn't enough to carry you.

East Conference Week Four Power Rankings

1. New York Grizzlies
Denied the Angerswords a run game and killed them with yours. Risky play late in the game got the KingsTalk two touchdowns against your backup defense. Your pass looked pretty weak with two interceptions and not a single touchdown. Still a solid team and a top seed contender.

2. Tupelo Kings
Murdered the Farvas with your pass. Johnny Black was un-freaking-stoppable with his 25/33 367.5 yards, 75.8% completion and more than a first down per attempt average. Finally looking like the team I've always said you were.

3. The Fighting Farvas
Got rocked hard by the incredible Tupelo pass game. Had a very hard time getting the ball in the end zone, and that is arguably what lost you the game. Tough break, but I'm sure you'll bounce back.

4. Beaver City Crabs
Obliterated the Kickers.

5. Pittsburgh Steel
Stomped on the Wolves with your powerful run game, but your pass game looked pretty pathetic at 63 yards and only 41.2% completion.

6. Niagara Rapids
Hit the Virus pretty hard with a ball moving pass game and touchdown claiming run. Defense kept the Virus out of the end zone all but once, and didn't give up very many yards considering the team.

7. Frunkis Town Virus
Tough loss to the Rapids, both your pass and rush were contained and your defense had trouble slowing down the other team.

8. Baton Rouge Bayou Bengals
Steamrolled the Devils with your pass and rush.

9. Murfreesboro Taints
Crushed the Cobras, not a lot to say.

10. Chicago Wolves
Got killed by the Steel rush game, and couldn't manage to get your offense jump started. What happened to that impressive team I played early this season?

11. KingsTalk Angerswords
This team proves that preparation and planning counts for just as much as great players. As so far managed to play two top teams in the conference within a single touchdown. Very impressive.

12. Twin City Cobras
Wrecked by the Taints but still managed to move the ball and put some points on the board.

13. Jersey Devils
Smacked silly by the Bengals and their entire offense, including their offensive line who walked away from the game with nicely padded stats. Your pass was actually pretty good, with a high completion rate, decent yards and even two passing touchdowns.

14. West Virginia Mean Machines
Finally got yourselves a win and some decent stats. It's well deserved, even if it is a gutted almost all CPU team.

15. Clemson Gamecock Kickers
Got kicked in the cock yourselves by the Crabs and their apparently angry rush game. They ran and stomped all over you.

16. Thundertown Brawlers
Quit being lazy and get your team some players >:[

Originally posted by DragoonNite

8. Baton Rouge Bayou Bengals
Steamrolled the Devils with your pass and rush.

you put us BEHIND two losing teams after we killed the devils (we didn't even punt the whole game)?!?

WTF.. no seriously WTF..
we have only lost ONE game and by ONE point and every week you move us down in the rankings.. we will be #15 by the end of the season (no matter how many wins we have) at this point

these are terrible.. seriously.. and i mean that with all due respect
thank god the game has better standings
Last edited Aug 10, 2008 07:02:11
I'll repost what I told you via message so everyone else knows as well:

I don't do a College level ranking where points are involved, I rank teams based on what teams would win against who. Even though the Virus lost this week I believe they would beat your team (the Bengals), and they have in both season two and season three. I personally believe your team improves every season, and this season you have a playoff team, but lets be fair, you've yet to play another playoff caliber team and win. Your next four games should give us a better look at how well the Bengals stack up against the East this season.
Deep breaths now.

Power rankings suck until the final few weeks.
I got your PM and I still disagree..
and your information is incorrect

and mag your right.. they suck!
Last edited Aug 10, 2008 07:20:00
You only think they suck because I'm not giving you an inflated ranking due to your so far easy schedule. I take a lot of factors into consideration for these rankings and it should be obvious since my team is currently the number one team in the West and we're only ranked fourth.
ITT: Waaaaaaaaah, I don't like where we're at so suck it Dragoon

ITT: Butthurt weeaboos
Good job. Why not just appreciate that he does the rankings. Don't agree, the prove him wrong on the field.
The rankings are somewhat subjective, but who cares? I just like the fact that someone is putting in all that work to do it.
Can't argue.

I will say, though, that part of the reason we had trouble getting it into the endzone was because during the second quarter, we kicked 2 field goals on second down.

Originally posted by geauxgirl
Originally posted by DragoonNite

8. Baton Rouge Bayou Bengals
Steamrolled the Devils with your pass and rush.

you put us BEHIND two losing teams after we killed the devils (we didn't even punt the whole game)?!?

WTF.. no seriously WTF..
we have only lost ONE game and by ONE point and every week you move us down in the rankings.. we will be #15 by the end of the season (no matter how many wins we have) at this point

these are terrible.. seriously.. and i mean that with all due respect
thank god the game has better standings

by your logic DN should have the LUEshis 2nd in the power rankings b/c we're undefeated

Also Banned
13th is still reasonable. i just hope we can win our next game
Against the Farvas? No chance.
Also Banned
Originally posted by Jericoholic
Against the Farvas? No chance.
i thought we had the Brawlers for some reason.

We (Wildcats) lose to the #1 team, and we lose a spot to a team we beat head-to-head? I think the system is flawed but if it was perfect we'd have nothing to talk about I guess.

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