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The Mutineers are looking for 1 or 2 DE's. Anyone willing to trade for cash contact me via PM. We are really hurting on the defense depth wise. Our DE's played 95 and 98 downs the last game as we only have 2 of them.
you should put your 2 back up DT's to also back up your DE' ease some pressure and energy off your DE's until you find some back ups. The penalty for out of position is very slight for d-line.
I have tried this and it worked a little but both of our DE's were still down in the upper 50's.
Then try altering your energy sub ins as well so that they rotate out more often with the backup DT coming in. ITs tough recruiting now a days and I dont think you will have much success getting trade offers from teams in the league who would potentially have to play against the former players they trade you.
I understand that people probably won't want to trade and I have adjusted the energy sub to 80. I just found out searching the depth chart they were on all of our special teams and everything too so I took them off of those. This team is in shambles right now do to lack of interest by many of the players and others. I'm just trying to right the ship as much as I can.
I know man, its tough when your in a situation like that, I have the same deal with a less than active owner in Montana on a terrible team that I volunteered to take over just to try and help. They had a 32 game losing streak and had nothing but inactives, cpu's and guys who just abandoned their players cause they wanted off the team. I couldnt recruit for shit for the most part, but we got our first win today and those guys are soo thankful it makes it all worth while. I would suggest offering a few CPU DE's contracts tonight. Just go after the highest level guys that are CPU and offer them in hopes that no one else does and you may get one or two for depth purposes until you can field actual human players, that will at least ease the energy effects on your starters while helping you still compete as well, plus they dont affect chemistry when you sign or release them so as soon as you get human players just dump them.
I may have found a temporary solution to my DE problem. Seems like the other team I have a player on is going to be getting gutted soon. I'm going to try and get 2 DE's and 1 DT from the team. Our team chemistry on that team is a whopping 10. lol. Lots of new CPU players too.
So how do I get some CPU players for my team? I have been shot down by every player I offered to this point and I have changed some things up. It's now time to go to the last resort for the time being. Anyone with knowledge of how to get a couple of CPU players please PM me and let me know the process.

Originally posted by ArmyVet80
So how do I get some CPU players for my team? I have been shot down by every player I offered to this point and I have changed some things up. It's now time to go to the last resort for the time being. Anyone with knowledge of how to get a couple of CPU players please PM me and let me know the process.


Do a Search, hit FA only, sort by level & select desired position. You will need to go to the 2nd or 3rd page before you will start seeing cpu guys. Currently I see a lvl 21 DE you can grab. Just click on his name and offer contract. Either they will accept or decline it at the turn of night tonight. You will have to offer it a decent salary and bonus so you dont get outbid by other teams doing the same as you. You dont have to give a cpu player no where near the money as a human though. Just remember there are a lot of teams out there so if you are trying to sign the highest lvl cpu there probably is maybe 5-10 others trying to sign the same guy. So you still have to out bid them to get him. Good luck !!!
Last edited Aug 11, 2008 11:30:49

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