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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > JB's Incredibly Wrong Predictions- Game 4 Zeta
Game 4-The grind through the regular season is in full effect, some teams are already road weary and sliding. Others are pumped and ready, others are quietly biding there time to make their strike. The season continues:

Dharma Initiative at Tasmanian Swarm:
I was saving this for Dharma vs Newcastle (syed) but i'll throw it out there now. Swarm eat em up.
Swarm by 17

Rancherito Mantas at Perth Pirates:
Pirates get to beat up on someone, with the Pirates luck even that isn't guaranteed.
Pirates by 14

Guadalcanal Gunners at WSP
We'll be kind and make it quick.
GG by 35

ASRW at Redcliffe Sharks:
Prepare to be a kangaroo's bitch.
ASRW by 42

Budapest Brawlers at Rockhampton Raiders:
The rowdy home crowd will be cheering on the home team to a second victory
Raiders by 17

Hamilton Falcons at Lexington Armada:
Everyone knows that there's relegation right? Someone pass the memo to Lexington.
Falcons by 35

------------------Games of the Week-------------------------
Newcastle Mountain Lions at Brisbane Troyfins:
As I see it there's 6 teams fighting for the top 4 spots and these are two of them. Lions need to act ferocious on Offense, Brisbane needs to find the holes in the D.
Lions by 6

Devonport Devils at Fiji Flying Foxes:
Devonport needs to prove it can play with the big boys. Their D is good but don't let those speedster on Fiji find the holes or it's bombs away. Fiji is coming home after a second to last second loss to Guadalcanal, folks they're good both on offense and defense and if Guadalcanal falters can easily step up the rankings.
Foxes by 28- Devils can't stop the bleeding.
Originally posted by johnbarber
ASRW at Redcliffe Sharks:
Prepare to be a kangaroo's bitch.
ASRW by 42

nice picture :S

wow, I hope the falcons can get a win like that.
Go Devils!

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