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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #3 > Piranhas - I just don't understand
Nats Kule
So, I'm scouting the Piranhas for our next game, and my DC points out that they don't have and QBs!

Don't know what the heck is going on, but they cut both of their QBs today, and are trading their second HB, WR and top CB. 2 of which are the owners. Don't know what is going on, maybe a prelude to a gutting.

This team did some weird stuff last year with their HB fighting with GMs and the owner and then the GM bashing the owner.

Guess there is one less team trying to get into the playoffs.
Man that sucks !!! Well I took care of the Devils if you see my other post.
Yea thats definately the precursor to gutting a team, perhaps the owner is selling it back or just gutting but either way, they cut 2 players per day since thats the maximum allowed now and then probably traded the 3 players to the same team which is also the max allowed per team every 20 days, I wish some of these damn teams were in the Alpha Conference lol. How many real games do you guys have to play over there in Zeta? 3..maybe 4? thats ridiculous
I would rather play a competitive game than get the easy win. It's a lot more fun game planning and watching a close game. The Devils had a pretty good team at the start of the season and the Piranhas had some great players. I hope no one else gives up this year. If the Piranhas gave up because they lost the 1st 2 games it is too bad. I just hope the rest of the teams keep trying. A lot of the teams are getting better.

Everyone wants a team right away and they want to win right away. I guess if that doesn't happen then they either quit or move to an easier league. Our team knows it is going to still be a few years before we can make a run for the top.
I agree that it is much much more fun to gameplan and win against a GREAT team, that's exactly what we've been doing the past 4 games...who I considered to be the top two teams in the Alpha conference and the top two teams (other than us) in the Zeta conference back to back to back to back...

It was gameplanning/testing central around the Tiger camp and it was a blast. I'm sad to see another team go from this means less fun for us. Personally, I don't like blowing out teams by 100 pts b/c my offense is left sucking wind and can't barely make it back into the 90s energy-wise for the next game. So, I've worked on ways to score LESS pts in games like this, and it normally doesn't work anyway lol.

I'm sad to see this as the beginning of the gutting, but I'm afraid that is exactly what it is.

And bob, you guys will be in the playoffs this year, hopefully turning some heads. I know one thing, Vanuatu is on my watch list and we are looking forward to our game with you guys later in the season

I hate when all the league leader stats go to crap because of gutted teams..........We have this same situation going on in the bbb#2.....200-0 games and HB's getting 14 TD's in one's going to mess everything up. Here's what the guys in bbb#2 posted for bort in the forums
Nats Kule
Their GMs are trading away their players. So it definitely looks like a gutting in progress.
21 pending trades for the Piranhas.. The owner has 4 guys that are moving into the Canadian AA league onto the team I have another player on. Looks like this team may be a team the Mutineers can beat. I won't hold my beath just yet though.
It wasn't a gutting. Mark, the owner, showed up on the forums late last week and announced that he'd be selling the team to spend more time with his new kid. He asked all the GMs if they wanted to take over, and no one did.

So he gave the GM's trading power and let everybody get out who wanted out. Everyone was traded for at least minimum cash, so the new owner won't be screwed.

Basically, the owner quit so the team dissolved.
that sucks because they were a good team =/
Originally posted by delrod7
that sucks because they were a good team =/

We were all pretty frustrated with how it turned out. Some of us put a lot of work into that team and we were looking forward to seeing how well they'd do.

At least we didn't get stuck.
Well, if you have any LB's, DB's, DE's, and so on then let me know. We have some cash to throw around and need all of the above players.
Originally posted by Kwill-bot
It wasn't a gutting. Mark, the owner, showed up on the forums late last week and announced that he'd be selling the team to spend more time with his new kid. He asked all the GMs if they wanted to take over, and no one did.

So he gave the GM's trading power and let everybody get out who wanted out. Everyone was traded for at least minimum cash, so the new owner won't be screwed.

Basically, the owner quit so the team dissolved.

Should have posted in these Oceania AA #3 forum to make our league stronger. Sorry we lost so many good players out of our league.

Yeah I don't understand it. Most of the gutted teams were good competition and now we have 3 or 4 teams that are going to be cpu players. I really don't like this. Makes it hard to really tell if my team has gotten better or if it is because we are playing computer players.
You guys beat a good Seal team yesterday, that counts for something. Your next 5 games should be a walk in the park, but you'll get tested on the 19th against a good Sydney team.

It looks as though you've improved a bit since last season.

Keep it up.


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