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West Conference Week Two Power Rankings.

1. Pewntenheimer "Mighty" Pewnts
20 points by the Crusaders, 17 points by the Cougars. Suddenly you guys are looking beatable, and with the Tampa and Wildcats games coming up, things could get very interesting.

2. Twin Cities Wildcats
The Wildcats did today what I've been expecting a team to do for awhile now. They beat the Bengals despite a completely shut down run game, and very limited pass game. For whatever reason, the Bengals regularly control the pace of their games, but still somehow allow the other team to keep the score close. Congrats to The Wildcats.

2. Hammond Bayou Bengals
You can blame your kicker all you want, but when it comes down to it, you're still the ones to hire a low level kicker with the strength to make very long field goals, but not the kicking accuracy. Add that too your obviously hole filled offensive and defensive AI and your high level players suddenly don't look so tough.

4. LUElinks LUEshis
LUEshis shut down the Austin rush and kept their pass out of the red zone the entire game. Moving the ball doesn't really count for much when you can't move it into the only place on the field that matters. Austin did prove that they're a deep passing force and that they have a good shot at making the playoffs. Good luck to them the rest of the season.

5. San Diego Bolts
Under lots of pressure you still managed to bring home the win. Texas really turned up the heat with 7 hurries and 2 sacks but you kept control the whole game with a solid run and pass game.

6. Tampa Bay Greyhounds
Shut out the Hangovers today with an impressive run game and a solid pass. Proving to be a serious threat to the league.

7. Farkistan Squirrels
Dominated the Sidewinders who actually are a pretty solid team this season. Any win where you put up over 400 yards and keep the other team under 150 is an impressive one.

8. Auckland Raiders
Nice win against the Lesbians, had a little trouble with their pass but kept control the whole game.

9. Austin Alcoholics
Strong loss against the LUEshis today, still managing to put up over 300 net yards. Great passing game, strong contender for a playoff spot.

10. Hattiesburg Hangovers
Shut out against the Greyhounds is a painful loss. Pass game looked solid despite receiver depth being thin. I also think their may be tactical issues, as you're still using the old wide receiver and corner back depth charts. Time to get on top of the ball guys, you're a damn strong team, don't let this season pass you by.

11. Texas Bigga Bois
Putting up strong numbers this season, maybe you guys are finally getting back on track. You're going to have a pretty tough season start though.

12. Laredo Lesbians
Put up points and almost 300 yards against the Raiders. Solid showing today, congrats guys.

13. Houston Cougars
17 points and 268.5 yards against the Pewnts is no joke! Way to start off the season with a bang.

14. Kingston Sidewinders
Tough loss to the Squirrels today. Solid team that just can't seem to get its game off the ground yet. Good thing it's still early in the season.

15. Gotham Crusaders
Nice win over the Bombers, hopefully you guys can pull out a couple more wins to stay in the league. Your team certainly has the tactics to do it.

16. Mudville Bombers
I'm on to you guys. A team like yours doesn't go 0-16 in AA unless it wants too. Your huge loss margins to Gotham and Austin only support this. You guys want to head to BBB, good luck there.

East Conference Week Two Power Rankings

1. The Fighting Farvas
Dominated the Wolves and keep their top spot, for now ;-)

2. New York Grizzlies
Explosive rush and pass against the Devils, defense kept them to two field goals.

3. Pittsburgh Steel
500 net yards and kept the opposing team to 117. 421.5 of those yards from rushing, one of the scariest run teams in the league. Can you make a run for the top spots?

4. Niagara Rapids
Nice win over the Kickers, still had a lot of dump off passes. Your line allows for too much pressure and collapses to even weak defenses, going to be a huge problem when matching up against strong defenses.

5. Frunkis Town Virus
Dominated the Taints the entire game (I actually watched all the games today, or at least looked through the play by plays so :-P). Strong pass game coupled with your great defense that kept the Taints out of field goal range more than a few times.

6. Beaver City Crabs
Got your free pass this week. Padded stats are always nice

7. Baton Rouge Bayou Bengals
The Bengals did work all up and down the field agianst the poor Mean Machines today. Any day you break 600 net yards is a damn fine day indeed.

8. Tupelo Kings
Quite unimpressive win over the Angerswords. You were able to keep them out of the end zone, but had trouble stopping them from moving the ball across the field. Also had trouble scoring yourselves, I expect much better than 181.5 yards from Johnny Black.

9. Murfreesboro Taints
Tough loss to the Virus today. You got robbed on a fourth and .5 that ended in a loss and turnover of downs, but then got a fluke rush touchdown where the runner had four missed tackles, so you can't really complain. You guys got beat, and you're going to have to prove that you're a playoff team now.

10. Chicago Wolves
No shame in losing to The Farvas, you guys just couldn't get your offense started today. Next week you get to play the gutted free win team, hopefully you can use it to bounce back and get into playoff contention.

11. Twin City Cobras
Brutal loss to the Steel with under 120 net yards. Next week will be a better matchup against the Kickers, I'm interested to see the outcome.

12. KingsTalk Angerswords
Giving the Kings a run for their money and racking up more net yards is very impressive. Next week against the Devils we'll see what you're really made of though.

13. Jersey Devils
Beaten pretty hard by the Grizzlies, you still managed to put up over 200 yards which is more than I'm sure most expected. Game against the Angerswords next week looks to be very interesting.

14. Clemson Gamecock Kickers
Just over 100 net yards in your painful loss to the Rapids today. Twin City next week, time to do or die :/

15. West Virginia Mean Machines
I'm really honestly pulling for you guys, but today was pretty nasty, and next week is looking to be even worse against The Farvas. On the plus side week four should be a pretty easily win. Here's hoping you pull out more than just that one :-(

16. Thundertown Brawlers
Go to BBB already plz.
Last edited Aug 8, 2008 10:25:44
Well done, things should start getting interesting soon
For now? You gotta beat the best to be the best. We're waiting for whoever wants to try us
If you follow the east closely three games you should look at are Farvas/Grizzlies, Grizzlies/Steel, Farvas/Steel. Best 3 teams in the East IMO
I agree, easily the top three, after them theres a drop in the competition, slightly.
Originally posted by DragoonNite
West Conference Week Two Power Rankings.

1. Pewntenheimer "Mighty" Pewnts
20 points by the Crusaders, 17 points by the Cougars. Suddenly you guys are looking beatable, and with the Tampa and Wildcats games coming up, things could get very interesting.

their 17 points came in the 4th quarter well after the game is over, Like I said, 1's and 0's determine this game... I've seen touchdowns scored from 3 yds out without crossing the goaline... nothing surprises me about this game anymore. I'd rather go 10-6 and win out in the playoffs than undefeated and lose again.

Last edited Aug 5, 2008 22:27:54
Fourth quarter or not, your team still gave up 17 points to a non-playoff contender. As for the sim, it's all math and done by numbers, the actual visuals aren't accurate they're just to give you an idea.
Hole filled defensive AI? I think not.
Wildcats would say otherwise.
Originally posted by DragoonNite
Fourth quarter or not, your team still gave up 17 points to a non-playoff contender. As for the sim, it's all math and done by numbers, the actual visuals aren't accurate they're just to give you an idea.

so the computer gave up 17 points whoopdy doo.... Now that that the rest of our GM's are back from out of town and vacation ,I guess we can set up our definsive AI so that doesn't happen again.
Last edited Aug 5, 2008 23:16:35
dude, no need in hurting peoples feelings, we are trying

Originally posted by DragoonNite
your team still gave up 17 points to a non-playoff contender.

My bad man, no meaning to insult you guys, but as it currently stands you aren't a playoff team.

As for the Pewnts, whoop de doo indeed, you're still the top team without question, what do you care if two teams put up 20 and 17 points against you as long as you put up double that.
Originally posted by malibu327
dude, no need in hurting peoples feelings, we are trying

Originally posted by DragoonNite

your team still gave up 17 points to a non-playoff contender.

He isnt as bad as cubsucks (Bearsrule)
I am not a fan of dropping a spot because we lost to a team that we should lose to but it is what it is.
You guys were 11 last ranking too O.o

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