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Forum > Position Talk > QB Club > Lvl 15 QB - Bit of Guidance
ok, guys. Looking for a couple of gurus to advise me. Gurus with lvl 20+ QB's tossing 3K +4K yards. I don't want to mess up what I do between lvl 16 and lvl 21, next season, when I get three boosts, plus natural leveling.

Gonna open the build up...really, what I want to ask, is if you think my plan is sound for the next few levels.

Strength: 37.53 Blocking: 7
Speed: 12.8 Tackling: 7
Agility: 16.68 Throwing: 62.9
Jumping: 12.8 Catching: 12.8
Stamina: 28.08 Carrying: 12.8
Vision: 47.54 Kicking: 8
Confidence: 30.65 Punting: 8

PP 33221
SA 00000

Throwing is soft capped and all eq is there.

What I know...
SA Points: Now, I saw the light at lvl 6 and stopped with the SA points and haven't put a point in there since.

Stamina: No need for stamina comments. I am a backup on a team that was outleveled. We're moving down next season. I never had energy under 95, until I got to start the last game of the season...even then, I only went down to 91.
So for the moment, unless I go somewhere I can start..stamina isn't an issue.

My will soft cap without me doing anything (daily training CON or AGI, depending...)

lvl 16: +4 EQ, keep it in throwing, bite the bullet and toss 5 into STR. (unless a starter, then maybe put 5 into stamina, but let's say I'm not).

lvl 17: +5 str (now, may as well be at soft cap in str, leave it alone, don't want to blow holes in my WR chests)

lvl 18: +5 Conf (CON around 35-37)

lvl 19 All SA Tree (PP, TS, FG..not sure which until I know what team i'm on)

lvl 20: +2 Conf, work SA Tree

lvl 21: +2 Conf, Work SA Tree

So, I can be at about 40 confidence, 48 Str, 48 Vis, 66 throwing. SA trees higher.

Guess my questions are...
1. at what point should I consider spending 2 for 1 points?
2. Should I soft cap Confidence?
3. At lvl 16, should I have put the +4 lvl 16 eq in vision to get over 50 or kept in throwing as I originally said to get that closer to the 70's?

man, this is a bit long, probably confusing, but I don't want to fuck this build up. When I got my vision (basically) to the soft cap, i started seeing needle threading like a son of a bitch...probably helped by tight spiral. I mean, look at this play...

If this isn't a classic needle thread, I don't know what is...

Last edited Jul 18, 2008 20:00:27
Originally posted by decaye

Guess my questions are...
1. at what point should I consider spending 2 for 1 points?
2. Should I soft cap Confidence?
3. At lvl 16, should I have put the +4 lvl 16 eq in vision to get over 50 or kept in throwing as I originally said to get that in the 70's?

1. lvl 22, since you've just softcapped everything but confidence
2. sure, use the leftover points from raising throwing, vision, or strength past 48
3. you'll probably see the most benefit from putting the equipment on vision, but there is a value argument to be made for putting it on throwing
Dravz, thanks. Well, by lvl 17, I can have three things softcapped, at least

Bud, you think this is an ok build for lvl 15?
Last edited Jul 18, 2008 19:44:47
Yeah looks fine, just stick to it.

Now get all your WR's and TE's to 48+ catching and speed, and watch the fireworks.

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