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I just wanted to say good game to the Titans. That was a close one, and a really good defensive battle. We new you guys were a GREAT team, and that we were in for a battle. We just came out on top is all. Can't wait to see you guys next year.

Last edited Jul 17, 2008 17:24:19
2nded. it was definitely a defensive game, which was a nail biter to watch cause i didn't think there was any way we'd keep the titans out of the endzone.

see you guys next year :salute:
Our hats come off to you. What a great battle. That was a Goddamn blood bath. You beat us at our own game...on D. Whoever your D-Coordinator is, he deserves a raise. Brilliant gameplan bro!!

We played our hearts out and the better team won. There is no shame in that.

I just have one favor to ask you. Win!!!

I have a lot of respect for the Caninites and I really like the guys on that team, but I always root for the underdogs at heart.

Great game UCanes! I couldn't think of 2 better teams to fight it out for Zeta than you and the Caninites.

Bring that Trophy Home!!
Last edited Jul 17, 2008 18:19:43
wombat killer
Great game Canes. Good luck.
Originally posted by killertoad
Our hats come off to you. What a great battle. That was a Goddamn blood bath. You beat us at our own game...on D. Whoever your D-Coordinator is, he deserves a raise. Brilliant gameplan bro!!

We played our hearts out and the better team won. There is no shame in that.

I just have one favor to ask you. Win!!!

I have a lot of respect for the Caninites and I really like the guys on that team, but I always root for the underdogs at heart.

Great game UCanes! I couldn't think of 2 better teams to fight it out for Zeta than you and the Caninites.

Thanks for the props. You guys really did play like an championship team and I am looking forward to seeing you guys again.
This thread is pretty much exactly why I'm rooting for Zeta to take the championship this year (no disrespect to Canberra, but it's hard to root a defending champ that's knocked you out of the playoffs two years in a row ), conference pride be damned.
Last edited Jul 18, 2008 14:03:47
Gotta go with the Canes on their next always a good game when they play us...i swear the point differential after all our played games is like 1....
Originally posted by Alex Wondertramp
Gotta go with the Canes on their next always a good game when they play us...i swear the point differential after all our played games is like 1....

yeah and you keep finding a way to come out on top
hey....just look at it as us getting you guys ready for your deep playoff push....some thanks are in order...
that loss put us in 7th place, thanks a bunch Gods

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